i have end of the course papers 2 of them

I have end of the course papers 2 of them 

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Unit 8: Lessons Learned

Purchasing & Vendor Management


Discussions should be thoughtful contributions to the class and at least 1-2 paragraphs in length. Although discussions may be less formal than a research project, students should still present themselves in a professional manner that respects the opinions of classmates.

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Students should also reference materials they utilize to support their discussion posts using APA format. See the assignments and grading page in the course information module for the rubric.


What have you learned in this course? Purchasing & Vendor Management

What did you find most interesting? Purchasing & Vendor Management

How can you apply the material to your current and future endeavors? Purchasing & Vendor Management

Unit 8: Discussion

Cont” “Contract Management & Law”

ract Management & Law


1. What have you learned in this course? “Contract Management & Law” 

2. What did you find most interesting? “Contract Management & Law”

3. How can you apply the material to your current and future endeavors? “Contract Management & Law”

Discussions should be thoughtful contributions to the class and at least 1-2 paragraphs in length.  Although discussions may be less formal than a research project, students should still present themselves in a professional manner that respects the opinions of classmates.  Students should also reference materials they utilize to support their discussion posts using APA format.  See the assignments and grading page in the course information module for the rubric.

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