
describe the health problem HYPERTENSION

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Include a discussion of morbidity, mortality, epidemiology and pathophysiology related to this health problem

PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Describe the clinical practice guideline used for hypertension . Reflect on the questions included. Expand on your answer using support from evidence

·  Does the clinical practice guideline adequately address the health problem? Describe.

·  Is this practice guideline based on current evidence (within 5 years)? What is the strength of this evidence?

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·  Does this clinical practice guideline adequately direct the healthcare provider in the management of a patient with this problem?

·  How effective is this clinical guideline in the management of patients with this healthcare problem? Think about how you would assess the effectiveness of patient management.

ANALYSIS: Think about future healthcare needs of patients with this problem, changing demographics, and changes in healthcare policies. Address these questions.

·  Does this clinical practice guideline need revision(s)? Please explain your answer in detail.

·  If you were going to revise this clinical practice guideline, what would you change? What evidence would you use to base your changes on?

·  How might changes in US demographics and healthcare reform affect this clinical practice guideline?

·  What strategies would you use to increase the likelihood that a new or modified clinical practice guideline would be adopted and used in clinical practice?

EVALUATION How would you determine its effectiveness of this revised clinical practice guideline in directing care for patients with the identified health problem? 

Outline the steps you might employ.

LEARNING POINTS (3-5 bullet points outlining key learning in this case.)

REFERENCES (APA formatting, current within past 5 years.)


·  Length: 8 pages not including the title page, abstract, and reference pages

·  Format: APA formatted paper 

·  Research: APA formatting, current within past 5 years.

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