HW420: Creating Wellness: Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing

Unit 7: Mysterious SpiritualityIn a 2-page paper, describe three mystical moments (premonitions, insightful dreams, clairvoyant thoughts, synchronistic moments, etc…) and how they can contribute to mind-body-spirit health. Explain how you might overcome skepticism by those being served to help them understand the value of these types of experiences within their health and wellness routines. Be sure to include at least one outside source along with a references section per APA guidelines at the end of your paper to support your sentiments.Unit 8: Meditation For the SoulIn a 2-page paper, use the steps for meditation as outlined in Health of the Human Spirit to design a meditation plan for yourself. Be sure to include specific step-by-step instructions and explain why each step is important and necessary. Be sure to include at least one outside source along with a references section per APA guidelines at the end of your paper to support your sentiments.

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