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Technology will always become more advance as the years go on. I feel they will try to make many more attempts at stopping the privacy invasion, but unfortunately I don’t think we’re ever going to be safe. There are so many loop holes especially when it comes to privacy and social media . In the article assignment it states that companies create extremely long user agreements most people don’t want to read. This strategy pushes people to agree to whatever is on the user agreement, allowing companies to get away with invading peoples privacy. When the companies are confronted they say “Well you signed and agreed to this, so you can’t be upset with us.” I don’t ever see that changing, businesses will do whatever they can to make more money.  I liked how the article also said that companies have been exposed for privacy breaches, but are only slapped on the wrist with little to no consequence. How would we fix this problem if we’re being manipulated by things such as user agreements? Would that mean we would have to read the entire user agreement that is obnoxiously long and if we did I’m sure there is going to be something on there we don’t agree with, but if we want to use the site or product we would be left with no choice but to sign our lives away. The whole system is so flawed that my answer is no, I don’t agree with Steve Wilson.

I post this in my first Post, that you did it for me.:

From my reading of the “Rethinking Privacy for the AI Era” file, I have understood that cyberspace users’ privacy has been engulfed with many issues in the past few years. Security has been lowered whereby malicious activities have been taking place majorly. Though some companies have raised to protect the consumers’ rights, some other companies are mining up consumers’ data by hacking up their social platforms.

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According to Bernhard Debatin, the most complicated issue is the protection of data since very many people are looking for it. Due to the increased growth of artificial intelligence, the complexity in the privacy of data is increasing on daily basis. Sometimes users permit by clicking “accept” without having a primary understanding that we are allowing some phishing to take place. Their information is summed up in a larger database base where it can be accessed for different purposes. The government of the United States Of America is developing a law to deal with the aforementioned issues.

I agree with Steve Wilson. This is because the implementations or the innovation of the technology is taking faster than the law. Therefore the companies that will fail to establish strong security measures to protect their data will at high risk.

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