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Develop Essay Evaluation Title: 


Develop: Essay

Evaluation Title: Analyze and Infer

Watch: Hold On (Negro Spiritual)

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As you watch and listen to the video, consider the following:

  • The unit 5 learning map material discusses a number of key musical elements. Which can you identify?
  • Of the musical genres discussed in the learning map material, which does this piece belong to? Can you explain why you feel as you do?
  • The learning map material says the work of the humanities involves “looking at the impact and meaning the work of art has upon the human experience.”

    As you listen to the song, compare and contrast the impact and meaning of it for you with those that originally sang it in the 19th century.
    How does the meaning of this song differ for you versus those that originally sang it? Alternately, how is its meaning the same?

  • “Hold On” (Negro Spiritual):
  • After listening to the video, please write a response composed of two parts. In the first part, identify key musical elements you can detect in the song, and then explain what genre you feel it belongs to. In the second part, provide a substantive analysis of the similarities and differences between the culture this song was originally a reflection of to the world that you now live in. In your response, please refer to specific aspects of the song. You may also draw from personal experience as well as from stories you have heard from your family members or others in your community.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

(as sung by the trio “DEM” in their YouTube video, March 11, 2012).
Noah, Noah let me come in.
Doors all fastened and the windows pinned.
Keep your hand on that plow. Hold on.
Noah said: “You done lost your track. Can’t plow straight and keep a-lookin back”.
Keep your hand on that plow and hold on.
Hold on.
(Hold on.)
Hold on.
(Hold on.)
Keep your hand on that plow and hold on.
Hold on.
(Hold on.)
Ho-o-o-old on.
(Hold on.)
Keep your hand on that plow and hold on.

Mary had a golden chain, every link spelt with Jesus name.
Keep your hand on that plow and hold on.
All that chain had never been tied, every round goes higher and higher.
Keep your hand on that plow and hold on.
woo woo
If you wanna get to Heaven, now I’ll tell you how.
Keep your hand on the Gospel plow.
Keep your hand on that plow. Just hold on.
All that chain had never tied. Every round goes higher and higher.
Keep your hand on that plow and hold on.
Hold on.
(Hold on.)
Hold on.
(Hold on.)
Keep your hand on that plow . Just hold on.
Hold on.
(Hold On.)
Ho-o-o-old on.
(Hold on.)
Keep your hand on that plow.
Keep your hand on that plow.
Keep your hand on that plow.
And hold on.

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