
Question 1:Figures and beliefs of Greek mythology (including deities) can be identified in many types of Greek art. Cite important examples and explain their significance. Representations of humans in ancient Greek sculpture evolved from static, conventionalized forms to more naturalistic and expressionistic figures. How can we see this progression in examples from different periods? While it is true the Romans were great copiers of the art and architecture of Greek art, they were also inventive and innovative in a number of areas. Cite at least four examples of where the Romans displayed originality in art and architecture and explain specifically how this originality was shown. Discuss the areas in which, you feel, they displayed the most originality, and explain what factors were present in their culture to foster such originality.Question 2:Iconic and narrative images are significant types of early Christian representations. Identify examples of storytelling and symbolism in painted, carved, or mosaic Christian works. Byzantine conventions of representation differ significantly from Jewish and other Christian traditions. Identify contrasting examples that illustrate these differences for the presentation of human figures. What do those characteristic differences reflect for each faith practice?Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.Discussion question responses should be at least a one-half, double-spaced page in length

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