Human Resources

EDLD5345 Human Resource Management

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Week 5: Ethics


Talent Management

*All parts of the weekly assignment must be completed at or above a rubric level 2 (approaching) to receive a weekly grade

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All weekly assignments and discussion boards must be completed in order to receive a grade for the course.


The Week 5 assignments will focus on synthesizing the learning for the course and considering the role that ethics plays in human talent management. As a principal, you will be thrust into many different leadership roles and situations that will put all eyes on you. As a leader, it is essential to lead, teach, and model for the staff and students. Your words need to match your actions because that will affect the culture and climate of the campus. It is equally vital to be knowledgeable of best practices, instruction, and technology to ensure that every student is getting a quality education. When working through the assignments, consider all your new learning and how everything works together to improve instruction, achievement, and campus culture.


Use this rubric to guide the work on the Week 5 Assignment.


Level 1: Does not meet the minimum criteria

(Below 70%)

Level 2: Approaches minimum criteria


Level 3: Meets criteria


Level 4: Exceeds criteria


Week 5, Section A:

Ethical Practices: Case Study

The candidate did not complete the case study or did not demonstrate knowledge and skills, as indicated in the Texas Educator Code of Ethics. And/or did not respond to the questions related to the case study.

(0 points)

The candidate attempted to complete the assignment, but minimally demonstrated knowledge of the Texas Educator Code of Ethics in answering the questions related to the case study.

(14 points)

The candidate completed the assignment and demonstrated the required knowledge and skills regarding the case study.

(16 points)

The candidate provided an exemplary response to the assignment questions that demonstrated critical thinking and analysis regarding the case study.

(20 points)

Week 5 Section B: Comprehensive System for Human Talent Management

Opening and Paragraph 2

NELP Component 2.2 Ethical Advocacy


Domain VI Ethics, Equity, and Diversity 

Competency 011a Ethics and Advocacy 

SBEC Pillar #5 – Hiring, Selection, and Retention 


The candidate will use local and legal policies related to recruitment, hiring, and selection to develop a job description based on identified needs and develop a job posting related to the job description.

Candidate 1) created a job description that did not clarify the identified campus staffing needs, and 2) created a job posting that was not in alignment with local or legal policy.



The candidate had more than three errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.


(0 points)

The candidate 1) demonstrated the capacity to evaluate the local and legal policies for developing a job description aligned to campus staffing need but 2) lacked the alignment with the district’s established policies regarding ethical hiring practices evidenced by the job posting and

3) lacked evidence of the ability to communicate about and advocate for ethical and legal decisions, evidenced by the lack of alignment with local and legal policies.

The candidate had more than three errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.

(14 points)

The candidates demonstrated the capacity to 1) evaluate the ethical dimensions of issues by developing a job description that aligns to the campus staffing need

2) analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks evidenced by following local and legal policies related to job postings and

 3) communicated about and advocate for ethical and legal decisions through both the job description and job posting.

The candidate had 2-3 errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.


(16 points)

The candidate demonstrated the capacity to 1) evaluate the ethical dimensions of issues by developing a job description that aligns to the campus staffing need

2) analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks evidenced by following local and legal policies related to job postings. 

 3) communicated about and advocate for ethical and legal decisions through both the job description and job posting and           

4)  articulate their understanding and capacity to undertake and

implement this work within

a school setting.


No errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar & correctly formatted.

(20 points) Week 5 Section B: Comprehensive System for Human Talent Management

Paragraph 3

The candidate will provide a written response of the development of a

comprehensive plan

for human talent management, including a paragraph on how to create a

collaborative professional


to promote school

improvement, teacher

retention, the success of staff and students, and the development of an effective communication system.

Domain II: Competency 3, A Competency 4, A Competency 5, A & B Competency 6, A

NELP Component 7.2 Collaborative Professional Culture

SBEC Pillar #6 – Observation and Feedback

The candidate does not

articulate the importance of and

how to

engage staff in a

collaborative professional

culture designed

to promote school
improvement, teacher

retention, and the success and well-being of each

student and adult in the


The candidates cannot

explain how to:

1) develop a

comprehensive plan

for providing school

community members

with a healthy and

positive school building


2) design and cultivate

a collaborative

professional culture,


3) model and

foster effective


The candidate had more than three errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.

(0 points)

The candidate explains

how to engage staff in a collaborative professional

culture designed
to promote school
improvement, teacher
retention, and the success and well-being of each
student and adult in the school.

The candidate provided little description or information on how to:

1) develop a

Plan for providing school community members with a healthy and

positive school building

2) design a collaborative

professional culture,

3) develop a process

for modeling and

fostering effective

The candidate had more than three errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.

(14 points)

The candidate explains and provides examples

how to engage staff in a
collaborative professional
culture designed
to promote school

improvement, teacher retention, and the success

and well-being of each student and adult in the


The candidate can explain how to:

1) develop a

a comprehensive plan for providing school community members with a healthy and

positive school building environment,

2) design a collaborative

professional culture, and

3) develop a process
for modeling and
fostering effective
The candidate had 2-3 errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.
(16 points)

The candidate explains and provides action steps of how to

engage staff in a
collaborative professional
culture designed
to promote school
improvement, teacher retention, and the success
and well-being of each student and adult in the

The candidate explains and provides action steps of how to:

1) develop a
comprehensive plan
for providing school
community members
with a healthy and
positive school building environment,
2) design a collaborative
professional culture,

3) develop a process for modeling and

fostering effective

The candidate uses their skills, knowledge, and capacity to undertake and

implement this work within
a school setting.
No errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar & correctly formatted.

(20 points)

Week 5 Section B: Comprehensive System for Human Talent Management

Paragraph 4

The candidate will provide a written response of the development of an instructional coaching program that including a paragraph on engaging all staff members in

professional learning

, evaluation of staff,


responsiveness, identification of teacher leadership, distributed leadership, digital literacy, and summarizes the findings of the peer review of the plan.

NELP Component 7.3 Professional Learning

SBEC Pillar #6 – Observation and Feedback

The candidate does not explain how to engage in personally,

as well as collaboratively

engage school staff in,

professional learning

designed to promote


responsiveness, distributed

leadership and

digital literacy.

The candidate had more than three errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.

(0 points)

The candidate provides little description of

how to personally engage in,

as well as collaboratively

engage school staff in, professional learning designed to promote

cultural responsiveness,


leadership and digital literacy.

The candidate did not articulate the findings from the peer review.

The candidate had more than three errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.

(14 points)

The candidate explains, and a describes of

how to personally engage in,
as well as collaboratively
engage school staff in,
professional learning
designed to promote
responsiveness, distributed
leadership and digital literacy.

The candidate explains how to:

1) evaluate professional

staff capacity needs and

management practices,

2) identify leadership

capabilities of staff,

3) plan opportunities for

professional growth

that promotes

cultural responsiveness and

digital literacy.

4) plan opportunities

for engaging staff in

leadership roles, and

5) develop a plan

for utilizing digital

technology in ethical

and appropriate ways

to foster professional

learning for self and


(16 points)

The candidate describes and provides action steps of how to personally engage in,

as well as collaboratively
engage school staff in, professional learning designed to promote
responsiveness, distributed
leadership and digital literacy.

The candidates explain how to and provide specific examples of how to:

1) evaluate professional

staff capacity needs and management practices,

2) identify leadership
capabilities of staff,
3) plan opportunities for
professional growth that promotes

cultural responsiveness, and

digital literacy.
4) plan opportunities
for engaging staff in leadership roles, and
5) develop a plan
for utilizing digital
technology in ethical and appropriate ways
to foster professional
learning for self and others.
The candidate uses their skills, knowledge, and capacity to undertake and
implement this work within
a school setting.
No errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar & correctly formatted.

(20 points)

Week 5 Section B: Comprehensive System for Human Talent Management

Paragraphs 5 and 6

The candidate will provide a written response of the development of an instructional coaching program that includes a paragraph on evaluation, support and supervision,

district policies

, feedback, and use of instructional best practices to promote school

improvement and student


The candidate will create an instructional coaching plan based on the data provided in the case study and researched best practices in instruction.

NELP Component 7.4 Supervision, Support, and Evaluation

Domain III Human Capital

Competency 005 Coaching and Professional Development

SBEC Pillar #6 – Observation and Feedback

The candidate does not
explain how to:
1) evaluate professional
staff capacity needs and
management practices,
2) identify leadership
capabilities of staff,
3) plan opportunities for
professional growth

that promote reflection,

cultural responsiveness,

digital literacy, school

improvement, and

student success,

4) engage staff in

leadership roles, and

5) utilize digital

technology in ethical
and appropriate ways
to foster professional
learning for self and

The candidates do not explain how to:

1) observe teaching in a

variety of classrooms,

2) gather and review

district policies

on instructional



3) provide teaching

staff with


feedback to support

improvement, and

4) develop a system for

monitoring whether

supervision and

evaluation strategies

promote improvement.

No summary or detail of future professional impact.

Multiple APA, spelling, and grammar errors.

(0 points)

The candidate lacks specificity in the explanation of how to:

1) evaluate professional
staff capacity needs and management practices,
2) identify leadership
capabilities of staff,

3) plan opportunities for professional growth that promote reflection, cultural responsiveness,

digital literacy, school
improvement, and
student success,
4) engage staff in
leadership roles, and
5) utilize digital
technology in ethical
and appropriate ways
to foster professional
learning for self and

The candidates explain but lack specificity in how to:


observe teaching in a variety of classrooms,

2) does not provide

district policies
on instructional

3) How it will impact school

improvement and student

The closing paragraph summarized but did not detail future professional impact.

The candidate had more than three errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.
(14 points)

Candidate explains

how to evaluate, develop,

and implement systems

of supervision, support,

and evaluation designed

to promote school
improvement and student
The candidate explains how to:
1) observe teaching in a
variety of classrooms,
2) does not provide
district policies
on instructional


3) provide teaching
staff with
feedback to support
improvement, and
4) develop a system for
monitoring whether
supervision and
evaluation strategies
promote improvement.

Closing paragraph summarized and detailed future professional impact.

The student had 2-3 errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar.

(16 points)

The candidate explains and provides action steps of how to evaluate, develop,

and implement systems
of supervision, support,
and evaluation designed
to promote school
improvement and student

The candidates provide a specific plan for how to:

1) observe teaching in a variety of classrooms,

2) gather and analyze district policies on instructional

3) provide teaching

staff with actionable feedback to support

improvement, and

4) develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies

promote improvement.
The candidate uses their skills, knowledge, and capacity to undertake and
implement this work within
a school setting.
Closing paragraph summarized and detailed future professional impact.
No errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar & correctly formatted.

(20 points)

Week 5: Code of Ethics
(W5LO1, W5LO2, CLO2, and CLO3)

Use your experiences and the shared experiences of others (such as your mentor) to complete this week’s assignment.


Access the TAC Chapter 247 Educators’ Code of Ethics at the following link:

Week 5, Section A: Case Study
. (W5LO2, W5LO3, CLO2, and CLO 3)


1. Read the case study:

2. Carefully analyze the events in the case study as you read.

3. Answer the questions related to the case study.

Debra Pennington, principal of Weldon Elementary School, faced a tearful and distraught teacher. When second-grade teacher Nancy Musick told Ms Pennington last week that she would be out for several weeks, beginning a chemotherapy regime for breast cancer, Nancy had assumed that the conversation would be confidential. However, yesterday afternoon at the local Kroger Superstore, another Weldon Elementary School teacher, Paula Carter, shared her concerns about Nancy’s health and wished her a full recovery. Since Nancy had told only one person, her principal, about her medical condition, she knew that Debra had not kept their conversation private.

Indeed, Debra had discussed Nancy’s cancer diagnosis and treatment with two other second-grade teachers soon after Nancy left her office last Wednesday afternoon. They had considered plans for a substitute teacher to teach in Nancy’s absence and whether to tell the second graders about the seriousness of Nancy’s illness.

Now Nancy is distraught, charging Debra with betraying confidence. “If I had wanted the entire school to know, I would have told them myself. I trusted you to help me, and you let me down.”


1. Can you justify the actions of the principal in the case ? Why or why not?

Place your answer here.

2. How would you handle this conference if you were the principal?

Place your answer here.

3. Develop your personal code of ethics to use in professional situations. Make sure that they align with the Texas Code of Ethics for Educators. This may be bulleted but must be in complete sentences.

Place your answer here.

4. Would your professional code of ethics differ from your personal code of ethics for your personal life? If so, in what ways? If not, why?

Place your answer here.

Week 5 Section B: Create a comprehensive system for human talent management (W5LO1, W5LO2. W5LO3, CLO2, CLO3, and CLO 6)

In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to develop a comprehensive system of human talent management on a campus. This will include but is not limited to teacher contracts, ethical considerations, evaluation, coaching, professional development, support of staff, and documentation. In the space below type in paragraph form, how you would develop a comprehensive system of human talent management on your campus. Be sure to include best practice research in order to justify your decision and system components. You may provide artifacts to help support your writing, such as forms to be used, a timeline, a flow chart, and/or spreadsheets. Also, consider if the development of this system will be a collaborative process, who will be involved in helping you create this system, and what is their value added to the process. Be sure to review the rubric for specific details that must be included to reach maximum points for this assignment. This assignment is a synthesis of all your learning during this course. Review all your coursework for this course. You may use any of that information to complete this assignment. Follow the APA guidelines for citations. Double spacing is not necessary. Paste or type your comprehensive plan in the space below.

Opening paragraph- Talk about the process of creating this system and why you need a system.

Paragraph 2: You will be creating a job description and a job posting for this paragraph.


· Evaluate and your district’s local and legal policies regarding job postings and refer to week 1 to ensure that local and legal guidelines are met.

· Create a job description that will align with your local and legal policies.

· Create a job posting that follows local and legal guidelines.

· Reflect on your understanding of the importance of following local and legal guidelines in job descriptions and job postings.

Paragraph 3: Creating a collaborative professional culture to:

· Promote school improvement

· Action Steps- Collaborative School Culture, Modeling, and Fostering effective Communication

Paragraph 4: Collaboratively engage staff in professional learning designed to promote cultural responsiveness, Distributes leadership, and Digital Literacy.

The candidate explains how to and provides specific examples of how to

evaluate professional staff capacity needs and management practices,

identify the leadership capabilities of staff,

plan opportunities for professional growth that promote cultural responsiveness, and digital literacy.

4) plan opportunities for engaging staff in leadership roles, and 5) develop a plan for utilizing digital technology in ethical and appropriate ways to foster professional learning for self and others. Candidate uses their skills, knowledge, and capacity to undertake and implement this work within a school setting.

No errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar & correctly formatted.

Paragraph 5: The candidate explains and provides action steps of how to evaluate, develop, and implement systems of supervision, support, and evaluation designed to promote school improvement and student success. The candidate provides a specific plan for how to

observe teaching in a variety of classrooms,

gather and analyze district policies on instructional expectations,

provide teaching staff with actionable feedback to support improvement, and

develop a system for monitoring whether supervision and evaluation strategies promote improvement.

Candidate uses their skills, knowledge, and capacity to undertake and implement this work within a school setting. Closing paragraph summarized and detailed future professional impact. No errors in APA citations, spelling, or grammar & correctly format.

Paragraph 6: Closing. Summary of your system and a reflection of what you learned in course and how it will impact you as a future leader.

Place your Synthesis Paper `below.

2016 Lamar University version Jan2020 1 of 6

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