Human Resource Management Essay

Hi i have essay thats due in 10hours 

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Due Date: 28 August 2020 at 12 noon

Weighting/Value: 25%

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Details of Task: This is an individual assignment. You are required to critically respond to the

essay question below. You must use at least FOUR academic journal articles.

Please refer to the Q Manual Section 5.2 to ensure that you know how to write an academic essay. Please

refer to Section 3.2 of the Q Manual to ensure you reference your work correctly to avoid plagiarism. Any

incidents of plagiarism will be dealt with according to the Faculty



Essay Question: Remote work is a new normal after the post covid-19 pandemic. Drawing from three

perspectives (pluralist, unitarist, and ethical) that you have learned in the class, examine remote work using

each lens and relate the lenses to the effects on the individual and organizational outcomes.

Please note: You can use any JOURNAL ARTICLE sourced from Monash Databases. Journal articles for

weekly topics are available in the Moodle and they can be used too.

See the Essay Question Marking Rubric available on the MGW 2430 Moodle site for further guidance on how

to structure your response to the essay question.

Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%)

Presentation requirements: Times New Roman or similar font, 12pt; 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins.

Estimated return date: Four weeks from the submission date

Criteria for marking: Please see Individual Essay Marking Rubric on Moodle

Submission details: Online submission via Moodle on 28 August 2020 at 12 noon.

Penalties for late lodgement: For late submission, a penalty of 10% will be deducted for each day after the

submission date including the weekends. Thus, Saturday and Sunday constitute two full days. Please note

that after 10 days, the assignment will be graded as a zero. Any work that is not submitted thereafter will

be considered as a missed assignment.

Assessment coversheet: A copy of the assessment cover sheet is available on Moodle.

Copyright© Monash University 2020. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written

permission of the host Faculty and School/Department.


MGW2430 Assignment One Evaluation and Feedback Sheet

Name: ____________________________ Student ID No.:__________________________

This piece of essay consists of 25% of the total assessment in this unit.

Scoring Key High Distinction (HD) Distinction (D) Credit (C) Pass (P) Fail (N)

Introduction (15%)

Exceptionally clear
background is
introduced. Ability to
include: (a) the
definition of the main
concept(s) clearly with
proper academic
referencing; (b) state
the purpose of the
Assignment 1; and (c)
present an outline of
Assignment 1 structure.

Clear background is
introduced. Ability
to include most of
the following
details: (a) the
definition of the
main concept(s)
clearly with proper
referencing; (b)
state the purpose
of the Assignment
1; and (c) present
an outline of
Assignment 1

Fair background is
introduced. Ability to
include some of the
following details: (a)
the definition of the
main concept(s) clearly
with proper academic
referencing; (b) state
the purpose of the
Assignment 1; and (c)
present an outline of
Assignment 1

Some background is
introduced. Ability
to include few of the
following details: (a)
the definition of the
main concept(s)
clearly with proper
referencing; (b)
state the purpose of
the Assignment 1;
and (c) present an
outline of
Assignment 1

Very little to no
background is
introduced. Ability to
include very few of
the following details:
(a) the definition of
the main concept(s)
clearly with proper
referencing; (b) state
the purpose of the
Assignment 1; and (c)
present an outline of
Assignment 1

Body of Content (40%)
Ideas, evidence, and reasoning

Response demonstrates
exceptionally in-depth
analysis and thinking,
and connection to the
theories, concepts,
and/or information
presented in the course
materials to date.
Viewpoints and

demonstrates an in-
depth analysis and
thinking, and
connection to the
theories, concepts,
and/or information
presented in the
course materials to

demonstrates a
general analysis and
thinking, and
connection to the
theories, concepts,
and/or information
presented in the
course materials to

demonstrates a
minimal analysis and
thinking, and
connection to the
theories, concepts,
and/or information
presented in the
course materials to

demonstrates a lack
of analysis and
thinking, and
connection to the
theories, concepts,
and/or information
presented in the
course materials to

Copyright © Monash University 2020. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written
permission of the host Faculty and School/Department.


interpretations are very
insightful and fully
supported with
excellent connection to
journal articles. Very
clear, detailed examples
are provided with very
strong linkage to the
theories, concepts, and/
or information learned.

date. Viewpoints
and interpretations
are insightful and
well supported with
good connection to
journal articles.
Clear, detailed
examples are
provided with good
linkage to the
theories, concepts,
and/ or information

date. Viewpoints and
interpretations are
supported with some
connections to journal
articles. Appropriate
examples are provided
with certain linkage to
the theories, concepts,
and/ or information

date. Viewpoints
and interpretations
are unsupported or
supported with
flawed arguments
from journal
articles. Examples
are not provided or
are irrelevant to the

date. Viewpoints and
interpretations are
inappropriate, and/or
unsupported by the
journal articles.
Examples are not

Conclusion (15%) Response shows
conclusion to a very
high standard based on
the discussion in the
body of content. The
aim of the assignment 1
has been achieved.

Response shows
good conclusion
based on the
discussion in the
body of content.
The aim of the
assignment 1 has
been mostly

Response shows some
conclusion made
based on the
discussion in the body
of content. The aim of
the assignment 1 has
been moderately

Response shows
little conclusion
made based on the
discussion in the
body of content.
The aim of the
assignment 1 has
been achieved at a
minimal level.

Response shows
conclusion discussed
in the body of
content. The aim of
the assignment 1 is
not achieved.

Structure (15%)

Writing is very clear,
concise, and very
organized with excellent
construction. Thoughts
are expressed in an
exceptionally coherent
and logical manner.

Writing is clear,
concise, and well
organized with
Thoughts are
expressed in a
coherent and
logical manner.

Writing is mostly clear,
concise, and well
organized with good
construction. Thoughts
are expressed in a
coherent and logical

Writing is unclear
and/or disorganized.
Thoughts are not
expressed in a
logical manner.

Writing is unclear and
Thoughts ramble and
make little sense.

Copyright © Monash University 2020. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written
permission of the host Faculty and School/Department.


Referencing and Presentation

• In-text referencing
according to APA guidelines
(included page numbers in-

• Reference list according to
APA guidelines

• Appropriate academic
literature used. At least 4
different peer-reviewed
articles are used and
properly integrated into

• Expression, grammar,
spelling, wrote in third
person in assignment.

• Presentation and
assignment format
(adhered to style guidelines
– Times New Roman or
similar font, 12pt; 1.5 line
spacing, 2.5 cm margins,
and text fully justified.
Included proper descriptive
headings; used paragraphs;
include word count).

Response includes all
components exceeds all
requirements indicated
in the instructions. Each
question of the
assignment is addressed

Response includes
most components
meets most
indicated in the
instructions. Each
question of the
assignment is
addressed mostly.

Response includes half
of the components
meets the
indicated in the
instructions. Each
question of the
assignment is
somewhat addressed.

Response is missing
some components
and/or does not
fully meet the
indicated in the
instructions. Some
questions or parts of
the assignment are
not addressed.
Response is missing
some components
and/or does not
fully meet the
indicated in the
instructions. Some
questions of the
assignment are not

Response excludes
essential components
and/or does not
address the
indicated in the

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