Human resource management and information

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Florida National University

HSA-6342 Health Care Human Resources Management

Final Project

Final Project: Human Resource Management Plan

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For this assignment, you will create a Human Resource Management plan for a Community Health Center that you will be able to choose (Any Health Care Facility). The Human Resource Management Plan is designed to develop, and administer policies and programs designed to make expeditious use of an organization’s human resources. It is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise. You are encouraged to choose (Any Health Care Facility: Hospital, Doctor Office, Emergency Care Center, etc.). The paper will be 6-8 pages long. More information and due date will provide in the assignments link


Human resources management is an important part of the Software Upgrade Project. The human resources management plan is a tool which will aid in the management of this project’s human resource activities throughout the project until closure. The human resources management plan includes:

· Roles and responsibilities of team members throughout the project

· Project organization charts

· Staffing management plan to include:

a. How resources will be acquired

b. Timeline for resources/skill sets

c. Training required to develop skills

d. How performance reviews will be conducted

e. Recognition and rewards system

The purpose of the human resources management plan is to achieve project success by ensuring the appropriate human resources are acquired with the necessary skills, resources are trained if any gaps in skills are identified, team building strategies are clearly defines, and team activities are effectively managed.


Introduction (25%)
Offer an abstract that provide a brief outlook of the proposal and explaining in your own words what is meant by a good customer service through effective performance management and organization.

Your Organizational Management Proposal for Quality and Performance Plan (10 points 50%)

Presentation Page:









b. Introduction

This section explains the purpose and importance of having a human resources management plan. It should provide a general description of what the plan includes and explain how the project manager and project team can use the plan to help them manage the project effectively.

Human resources management is an important part of the Software Upgrade Project. The human resources management plan is a tool which will aid in the management of this project’s human resource activities throughout the project until closure. The human resources management plan includes:
· Roles and responsibilities of team members throughout the project
· Project organization charts
· Staffing management plan to include:
a. How resources will be acquired
b. Timeline for resources/skill sets
c. Training required to develop skills
d. How performance reviews will be conducted
e. Recognition and rewards system
The purpose of the human resources management plan is to achieve project success by ensuring the appropriate human resources are acquired with the necessary skills, resources are trained if any gaps in skills are identified, team building strategies are clearly defines, and team activities are effectively managed.

c. Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities of team members and stakeholders must be clearly defined in any project. Depending on the organizational structure, project team members may represent many different groups/departments and act in the interest of different functional managers. Additionally, team members may have varying degrees of authority and responsibility. When listing roles and responsibilities the following should be included:

· Role – description of the portion of the project for which the member is accountable

· Authority – the level at which the member may make decisions, apply project resources, or make approvals

· Responsibility – the work a team member must perform to complete assigned work activities

· Competency – the skill(s) required to complete assigned project activities

The roles and responsibilities for the Software Upgrade Project are essential to project success. All team members must clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in order to successfully perform their portion of the project. For the Software Upgrade Project the following project team roles and responsibilities have been established: Example:

Project Manager (PM), (1 position): responsible for the overall success of the Software Upgrade Project. The PM must authorize and approve all project expenditures. The PM is also responsible for approving that work activities meet established acceptability criteria and fall within acceptable variances. The PM will be responsible for reporting project status in accordance with the communications management plan. The PM will evaluate the performance of all project team members and communicate their performance to functional managers. The PM is also responsible for acquiring human resources for the project through coordination with functional managers. The PM must possess the following skills: leadership/management, budgeting, scheduling, and effective communication.

d. Project Organizational Charts

This section provides a graphic display of the project tasks and team members. The purpose of this is to illustrate the responsibilities of team members as they relate to the project tasks. Tools such as responsible, accountable, consult, inform (RACI) or responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) may be used to aid in communicating roles and responsibilities for the project team. Additionally, organizational or resource breakdown structures may be used to show how responsibilities are assigned by department or by type of resource respectively. It should be noted that the level of detail may vary depending on project complexity.

e. Staffing Management

This section contains information on several areas including: when and how human resource requirements will be acquired, the timeline for when resources are needed and may be released, training for any resources with identified gaps in skills required, how performance reviews will be performed, and the rewards and recognition system to be used. It is important to note that depending on the scope of the project there may be other items included in staffing management (government and/or regulatory compliance, organizational health and safety, etc). Example:

Staff Acquisition:

For the Software Upgrade Project the project staff will consist entirely of internal resources. There will be no outsourcing/contracting performed within the scope of this project. The Project Manager will negotiate with functional and department managers in order to identify and assign resources in accordance with the project organizational structure. All resources must be approved by the appropriate functional/department manager before the resource may begin any project work. The project team will not be co-located for this project and all resources will remain in their current workspace

Conclusion (15%)

Briefly recapitulate your thoughts & conclusion to you Human Resource Management Plan. How did this plan impact your thoughts on Health Care Administrator and Human Resource Department?

Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular:

a) The clarity with which you associate, relates, stablish and apply your knowledge to generate the Human Resource Management Plan;

b) The Complexity, depth, scope, Profundity and organization of your paper; and,

c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of the Human Resource Management Plan on any Health Care Setting.


The assignment is to be electronically posted in the Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Wednesday, December 16, 2020.


Assignments Guidelines

20 Points/ 10%


10 Points / 25%

Your Human Resource Management Plan

50 Points / 50%


20 Points / 15%


100 points / 100%



90% – 100%


85% – 89%


80% – 84%


75% – 79%


70% – 74%


60% – 69%


50% – 59% Or less.

Dr. Gisela LLamas


loridaNational University



-6197 Health Information System and Electronic Health Records Week 6

Financial Report in Medisoft Network Professional (MNP):


hapters 11 & 12

Objective: To critically reflect your understanding of the readings and your ability to apply them to your Health care Setting.






Financial Report in Medisoft Network Professional (MNP). For this assignment, you will critically evaluate, create and generated a Medisoft Report and apply a specific financial report available in MNP within a Health Care Setting, for a specific patient, describe and select data to be include in a MNP report, create a patient ledger report, and create a standard patient list report. You are invigorated to choose a specific Health Care Facility as a reference to do this assignment

You need to read the article (in the additional weekly reading resources localize in the Syllabus and also in the Lectures link) assigned for week 6 and develop a 4-6-page paper reflecting your understanding and ability to apply the readings to your Health Care Setting. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA 7th edition format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.






Provide a short-lived outline of the three types of financial reports available in MNP (not a description) of each Chapter and articles you read, in your own words.

Medisoft Financial Report (


): Create a Medisoft Report with the following information:

Select data to be include in a MNP.

Create three day Sheets: Patient Day Sheet, Procedures Day Sheet, and Payment Day Sheet.

Analysis Report







riefly summarize your thoughts & conclusion to your critique of the articles and Chapter you read. How did these articles and Chapters impact your thoughts on Financial and clinical reports. Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular:

a) The clarity with which you critique the articles;

b) The depth, scope, and organization of your paper; and,

c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of these articles and Chapters on any Health Care Setting.


The assignment is to be electronically posted in the Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Sunday, December 2, 2020.


Assignments Guidelines

10 Points


25 Points


Your Critique

50 Points


15 Points



100 points




90% – 100%


85% – 89%


80% – 84%


75% – 79%


70% – 74%


60% – 69%


50% – 59% Or less.

Dr. Gisela LLamas

Florida National University

HSA-6197 Health Information System And Electronic Health Record

Final Project

Final Project: Implementation Assessment of Electronic Health Record.


For this assignment, you will create the


to implement the new HER in a Health care setting. The assessment phase is foundational to all other EHR implementation steps, and involves determining if the practice is ready to make the change from paper records to electronic (EHRs), or to upgrade their current system to a new certified version. You will be encourage to choose a Community Health Center or a Doctor’s Office. The Assessment is designed because our world has been radically transformed by digital technology – smart phones, tablets, and web-enabled devices have transformed our daily lives and the way we communicate. Medicine is an information-rich enterprise. A greater and more seamless flow of information within a digital health care infrastructure, created by electronic health records (EHRs), encompasses and leverages digital progress and can transform the way care is delivered and compensated. With EHRs, information is available whenever and wherever it is needed.

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, a component of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, represents the Nation’s first substantial commitment of Federal resources to support the widespread adoption of EHRs. As of August 2012, 54 percent of the Medicare- and Medicaid-eligible professionals had registered for the 

meaningful use

incentive program


The paper will be 8-10 pages long. More information and due date will provide in the assignments link.


The assessment should look at the current state of the practice:

· Are administrative processes organized, efficient, and well documented?

· Are clinical workflows efficient, clearly mapped out, and understood by all staff?

· Are data collection and reporting processes well established and documented?

· Are staff members computer literate and comfortable with information technology?

· Does the practice have access to

high-speed internet connectivity


· Does the practice have access to the financial capital required to purchase new or additional hardware?

· Are there clinical priorities or needs that should be addressed?

· Does the practice have specialty specific requirements?

Through the Regional Extension Centers (RECs), we’ve learned that these questions and assessment tools provide a good understanding of the current state of the practice and can help identify key goals for improvement. Often, these goals relate to patient quality, patient satisfaction, practice productivity and efficiency, improved quality of work environment, and most important to the overall goal – improved health care.


Introduction (25%)
Offer an abstract that provide a brief outlook of the proposal and explaining in your own words what is meant by a Electronic Health Record for a Health care Facility.

Your Implementation Assessment of Electronic Health Record. Plan (50%)

Presentation Page:









b. Envision the Future

The next EHR implementation step is to envision the future state of the practice. What would the practice leadership like to see different in the future? More specifically:

· What will be different for the patients?

· What will be different for the providers?

· What will be different for the staff?

c. Set


Goals and needs should be documented to help guide decision-making throughout the implementation process. And they may need to be re-assessed throughout the EHR implementation steps to ensure a smooth transition for the practice and all staff.

We recommend that you set goals in areas that are important and meaningful to your practice. These may be clinical goals, revenue goals, or goals around work environment. Goals in all three areas will help assure balanced processes after the implementation. Goals that are important to you will help you and your staff through the change process. We recommend you follow the “SMART” goals process. This process includes setting objectives and goals that meet the following criteria:

· Specific – Achieving the goal would make a difference for our patients and our practice

· Measureable – We can quantify the current level and the target goal

· Attainable – Although the goal may be a stretch, we can achieve it

· Relevant – This is worth the effort

· Time bound – There are deadlines and opportunities to celebrate success!

These goals become the guide posts for an EHR implementation project, and achieving these goals will motivate providers and practice staff to make necessary changes and attain new skills.

d. Plan Your Approach

Clarify and Prioritize

Building an EHR implementation plan becomes critical for identifying the right tasks to perform, the order of those tasks, and clear communication of tasks to the entire


involved with the change process. One effective first step in the planning process is for the

team to segment tasks into three categories:

· What new work tasks/process are we going to start doing?

· What work tasks/process are we going to stop doing?

· What work tasks/process are we going to sustain?

The start/stop/sustain exercise helps clarify what the new work environment will be like after the change and help the team prioritize tasks in the overall EHR implementation plan.

Steps in the Planning Phase

Here are some tactical steps that typically occur during the

EHR implementation planning phase

. You may collaborate and use tools provided by your Regional Extension Center (REC), IT vendor, and/or EHR vendor (if you already have an existing EHR product) to complete these activities.

1. Analyze and map out the practice’s current workflow and processes of how the practice currently gets work done (the current state).

2. Map out how EHRs will enable desired workflows and processes,

creating new workflow patterns

to improve inefficiency or duplicative processes (the future state).

3. Create a contingency plan – or back-up plan – to combat issues that may arise throughout the implementation process.

4. Create a project plan for transitioning from paper to EHRs, and appoint someone to manage the project plan.

5. Establish a

chart abstraction

plan, a means to convert or transform, information from paper charts to electronic charts. Identify specific data elements that will need to be entered into the new EHR and if there are items that will be scanned.

6. Understand what data elements may be migrated from your old system to your new one, such as patient demographics or provider schedule information. Sometimes, being selective with which data or how much data you want to migrate can influence the ease of transition.

7. Identify concerns and obstacles regarding privacy and security and create a plan to address them. It is essential to emphasize the importance of privacy and security when transitioning to EHRs.

e. Achieve Meaningful Use


Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs

provide a financial incentive for achieving “meaningful use”, which is the use of certified EHR technology to achieve health and efficiency goals. This section provides an overview of the

Stage 1


Stage 2

EHR meaningful use core and menu objectives for eligible professionals (EPs) as outlined by CMS – which are intended to set a baseline for electronic data capture and information sharing.

The meaningful use objectives are grouped into five patient-driven domains that relate to health outcomes policy priorities. As depicted in the dashboards below, each core and menu objective is aligned to one of the following domains:

· Improve Quality, Safety, Efficiency

· Engage Patients & Families

· Improve Care Coordination

· Improve Public and Population Health

· Ensure Privacy and Security for Personal Health Information

Conclusion ( 15%)

Briefly recapitulate your thoughts & conclusion to Your Implementation Assessment of Electronic Health Record. Plan. How did this plan impact your thoughts on Health Care Administrator and Health Information System?
Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular:
a) The clarity with which you associate, relates, stablish and apply your knowledge to generate the Implementation Assessment of Electronic Health Record Plan.
b) The Complexity, depth, scope, Profundity and organization of your paper; and,
c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of the Electronic Health Record on any Health Care Setting.


The assignment is to be electronically posted in the Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Wednesday December 16, 2020.


Assignments Guidelines

2 Points/ 10%


5 Points / 25%

Your Marketing

10 Points / 50%


3 Points / 15%


20 points / 100%



90% – 100%


85% – 89%


80% – 84%


75% – 79%


70% – 74%


60% – 69%


50% – 59% Or less.

Dr. Gisela LLamas

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