Human development class Discussion

Required: Read in Chapter 3, Section 3 (LO 3.12 & 3.13) about breastfeeding.  There are two videos in these sections.  One on “Breast-Feeding Practices Across Cultures” and one on “Breast-Feeding Benefits: Separating Correlation and Causation.”  You should watch these.  You MAY comment on them and cite them simply by title.  For example, you might write: “In the video “Breast-Feeding Practices Across Cultures” it was noted…).  Please be sure however, that if you do this, you also watch the video posted below.

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Required: Watch the video below on breastfeeding called “The Milky Way: Every Mother Has a Story” up through the end of the section on Breastfeeding in public.  This would be from the beginning up through about 20 minutes into the video.  If you would like to watch more and discuss that, that’s fine.  The first 20 minutes gives a good introduction and is most relevant to this discussion.  

For posting:

Think about what your opinion of breastfeeding has been and is now (after reading and watching the video).  [For example, you might imagine that you are out for coffee and see the woman next to you is breastfeeding her baby right there in public.  What would you think about this?  What are your thoughts on breastfeeding in general?  If you (or your partner) were to have a baby (or have had a baby!), think about if breastfeeding would be right for you and why or why not.  Has your opinion been influenced by culture in some way?  Have your ideas changed at all after reading about the research on breastfeeding?]  

Please post your thoughts on the discussion board for your initial posting.  Please be sure that your comments are ones that can stimulate discussion and are detailed in such a way that it reveals that you actually watched the video &/or did the reading.  It is great to add in plenty of personal comments, just don’t “leave out” the connections to the material.

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Citing Guidelines:

  • You need to cite the video in APA style.  Here’s how: 

    Fitzgerald, J. (Director). 2015. The Milky Way: Every Mother Has a Story [Motion Picture]. United States: FilmRise.

You write this at the VERY end of the last paragraph where you discuss the video.  You do not need to write it at the end of every paragraph or every sentence that comes from the video.  If you put it at the very end of the entire work you write, that will work, too.  

  • If you quote some exact words from the video, you should use quotation marks around these items.  Then, you still cite at the bottom (you don’t need to cite in text other than the quotes).  If you just summarize (i.e. no need to quote anything), you just put this reference once, right at the end.  
  • You do need to cite in APA style if you used any other information from the text or elsewhere (if you, for example, went online and looked up something).  If you did so, you would need to cite this using APA style (both in-text and at the end of your posting).  If you quote, be sure you use quotation marks.

Grading notes:

Students often loose the most points for not organizing and developing their ideas, not editing, and not being clear.  Please be sure you break your work into manageable paragraphs (not just one huge, on-going post).  (Remember that a topic sentence in a paragraph often acts like a promise about what else one will find in that paragraph.)  Please be sure you refer to the materials you watched and read to make it clear you used these.  Based on the demands of this first part of the assignment, the initial posting will be fairly long.  If you wrote two paragraphs, for example, you did not do the assignment well.

human development psychology

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