HSA 5300 Deliverable 1

 Please see what I have already done and see what can be done to get this to a passing grade. I don’t really want a complete new one as professor has already seen it. See attached for what has already been completed. 

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Deliverable 1 –

Community Needs Assessment


Examine disease management models and their effect on the health of populations and health economics .


Your local health system is planning to launch its new population health management (PHM) program for the community and population it serves. You are the Chief Population Officer for this system, and you were tasked by your system CEO to develop key performance indicators for this program.One of the key components of this program is to identify and establish key performance indicators in healthy populations. Establishing key performance indicators allows decision makers to design meaningful and efficient PHM programs that address population health needs. Check out this web site to read more about key performance indicators for population health programs.

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For this assessment, create a PowerPoint presentation, with detailed speaker notes in each content discussion slide. You should assess your local population healthcare needs and develop key performance indicators that measure these needs. Use your local or state health department, U.S. Census, and other relevant websites to learn more about unique characteristics of your local community healthcare needs.1. Describe your local healthcare profile (population number, socioeconomic determinants, health and medical resources available, in the community, competitive market, etc.).2. Assess your local population healthcare needs, programs, and resources needed to address these needs. You should conduct a high-level Community Needs Assessment to ensure that healthcare resources are maximized for population health improvement. A Community Needs Assessment describes the health and welfare of the priority population, identifies the major health risk factors, the top health problems, and helps to identify the next steps to address these factors. Please have a look at this Community Needs Assessment document from the CDC.3. Identify key performance indicators that your health system PHM program needs to implement to promote a healthy population.4. You should use five quality references to support your assessment and findings for this assessment.




has information for creating a PowerPoint presentation.

Grading Rubric

FFCBA01234Did not SubmitNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedAn inappropriate or inadequate description of the local healthcare profile (population number, socioeconomic determinants, health and medical resources available, in the community, competitive market, etc.)Describes the local healthcare profile (population number, socioeconomic determinants, health and medical resources available, in the community, competitive market, etc.) with appropriate reasoning.Describes the local healthcare profile (population number, socioeconomic determinants, health and medical resources available, in the community, competitive market, etc.) with specific examples and appropriate reasoning.Describes the local healthcare profile (population number, socioeconomic determinants, health and medical resources available, in the community, competitive market, etc.) with specific examples and with thorough and detailed reasoning.Not SubmittedAn inappropriate or inadequate assessment of local population healthcare needs, programs, and resources needed to address these needs.Assesses local population healthcare needs, programs, and resources needed to address these needs through the conduction of a high-level Community Needs Assessment; however, supporting information is weak.Assesses local population healthcare needs, programs, and resources needed to address these needs through the conduction of a high-level Community Needs Assessment; however, supporting information is underdeveloped.Assesses local population healthcare needs, programs, and resources needed to address these needs through the conduction of a high-level Community Needs Assessment with strong supporting information.Not SubmittedAn inappropriate or inadequate identification of key performance indicators that your health system PHM program needs to implement and promote a healthy population.An identification of key performance indicators that your health system PHM program needs to implement and promote a healthy population with appropriate reasoning.A thorough identification of key performance indicators that your health system PHM program needs to implement and promote a healthy population with specific examples and with appropriate reasoning.A thorough identification of key performance indicators that your health system PHM program needs to implement and promote a healthy population with specific examples and thorough and detailed reasoning.Not SubmittedIncorporates only 2 quality resources to support findings. The remaining resources are lacking in quality or missing.Incorporates only 3 quality resources to support findings. The remaining resources are lacking in quality or missing.Incorporates only 4 quality resources to support findings. The remaining resources are lacking in quality or missing.Incorporates at least 5 quality resources to support findings.Not SubmittedNo formal style in presentation, lacks significant information and detail. Missing the notes section.Formal style is apparent in some parts of the presentation but not maintained throughout. Minor issues with the development of the notes section.Formal style is reflected in the majority of the presentation with minor formatting or citation errors. Note section is developed throughout the presentation.Formal style in presentation throughout with in-depth and detailed slides, utilizes the notes sections to include details. Cites sources where appropriate. Notes section is professional throughout the presentation. 

Submitted by Elizabeth Staska

Student at Rasmussen College

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.



This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

West Metro – Lake Minnetonka Region Population
(Minnesota Bigger Cities (over 6000 Residents) –
Real Estate, Housing, Schools, Residents, Crime,

Pollution, Demographics and More, n.d.)

Deephaven Pop. 3,807
Excelsior Pop. 2,256
Greenwood Pop. 748

Minnetonka Pop. 53,085
Minnetonka Beach Pop. 563
Minnetrista Pop.7,739
Mound Pop. 9,517

Orono Pop. 8,147
Shorewood Pop. 7,978
Spring Park Pop. 1,799

Tonka Bay Pop. 1,561
Wayzata Pop. 4,586
Woodland Pop. 480
Victoria Pop. 9,305



Cities Pop Urban/Rural Male/Female Race

Persons living in

of those in poverty

Deephaven 3,807100% Urban 49.7%/50.3%
94.6% White, 1.6% Hispanic, 1.1% Two
or more races, .2% Black, .2% American

146,091 2.50%
2.3% white non-Hispanic, 100%

Excelsior 2,256100% Urban 49.1%/50.9%
83% White, 11.5%Hispanic, 1.7% two or
more races, 1.4% Black, .9% Asian, .1%
American Indian

62,889 10.40%
11.2% white non-Hispanic, 20%
Black, 6% Hispanic, 73.9 all other

Greenwood 748100% Urban 51.2%/48.8%
93.9% White, 2.0% Hispanic, 1.9%
Asian, 1.5% Two or more races, .6%
Black, .1% American Indian

96,950 1.10%no info

Minnetonka 53,085100% Urban 47.6%/52.4%
85.2% White, 4.6% Asian, 4% Black,
2.5% Two or more races, 2% Hispanic,
.3% Other race, .1% American Indian

100,943 4.70%
3.8% White Non Hispanic, 14.4%
Black, 6.6% Hispanic, 2.3% Other
races, 21.4% Two or more races


563100% Urban 50.3%/49.7%
98.7% white, .6% Hispanic, .4% Asian,
.4% Two or more races

140,891 0%no info

Minnetrista 7,739

94.8% White, 1.8% Hispanic, 1.5%
Asian, 1.1% Two or more races, .7%
Black, .09% American Indian

130,234 4.60%no info

(Minnesota Bigger Cities (over 6000 Residents) – Real Estate, Housing,
Schools, Residents, Crime, Pollution, Demographics and More, n.d.)

Cities Pop Urban/Rural Male/Female Race
Persons living in
of those in poverty

Mound 9,517100% Urban 52.1%/47.9%
89.6% White, 2.9% Hispanic, 2.4% Two or more
races, 2% Asian, .8% American Indian, .7% Black

87,517 7.20%7% White Non-Hispanic, 12.3% Hispanic

Orono 8,147

93.1% White, 2.0% Hispanic, .6% American
Indian, .6% Asian, .6% Other race, .6% Two or
more races, .5% Black

127,391 5.30%no info

Shorewood 7,978100% Urban 51.6%/48.4%
94.6% White, 1.7% Hispanic, 1.4% Asian, 1.2%
Two or more races, .7% Black, .2% American
Indian, .1% Other races, .05% Native Hawaiian

139,328 2.90%
2.9% White non-Hispanic, 3.2% Black, 4.7%
Hispanic, 6.8% two or more races

Spring Park 1,799100% Urban 46.8%/53.2%
91% White, 4.8% Black, 1.5% Asian, .3%
American Indian, .3% Hispanic, .2% Native
Hawaiian, .2% Two or more races

52,032 8.80%
6.9% White, 48.6% Black, 100% American

Tonka Bay 1,561100% Urban 50.8%/49.2%
96.8% White, .9% Hispanic, .8% Black, .7%
Asian, .7% two or more races

122,436 1.30%
4.2% White non-Hispanic, 2.8% Black,
14.9% Hispanic, 74.4% other races, 25.9%
two or more races.

Victoria 9,305
93% Urban, 7%

92.8% White, 2.5% Black, 1.8% Asian, 1.4% two
or more races, .06% Black, .05% American

134,078 2.40%
2.1% White non-Hispanic, 19.4% Hispanic,
100% American Indian

Wayzata 4,586100% Urban 46.9%/53.1%
90.8% White, 3.6% Hispanic, 2.7% Black, 1.3%
Asian, .9% Two or more races, .4% American
Indian, .2% Other races, .05% Native Hawaiian

94,963 6.30%
5.6% White non-Hispanic, 9.4% Black, 51%
two or more races

Woodland 480100% Urban 48.5%/51.5%
96% White, 2.3 Hispanic, .9 two or more races,
.5% Asian, .2 Black

146,492 2.10%no info

Click (Minnesota Bigger Cities (over 6000 Residents) – Real Estate, Housing, Schools, Residents, Crime, Pollution,
Demographics and More, n.d.)

Social determinants for the Lake
Minnetonka Region

The Social determinants for
the Lake Minnetonka Region
vary for the region.

This region has a
combined total of 111,571
people living there in
(Minnesota Bigger Cities (over
6000 Residents) – Real Estate,
Housing, Schools, Residents,
Crime, Pollution, Demographics
and More, n.d.).

Out of this population,
they live in 95.3%
Urban and 4.7% Rural

50.007% are Male and
49.993% are female.

The population consists
of 92.5% White, 2.4%
Hispanic, 1.19% Two or
more races, 1.5% Black,
.25% American Indian,
1.4% Asian, .9% Other
races, .05% Hawaiian or
Alaska Native.

4.3% in this region are
living in poverty.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.

In the Lake Minnetonka
Region, only a few smaller
cities have 1 clinic within the
area. The biggest city
Minnetonka has the most
primary care clinics and
urgent cares available. If a
resident for this region needs
a hospital, they will have to
travel a minimum of 10 miles
depending on where they
live (Healthcare Clinics in Lake
Minnetonka Area – Google
Zoeken, n.d.).



This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.

Health and Medical Resources Available

From the SHAPE survey, of the adults over 18 years old the participated, 42.7% of 382
were of excellent to very good health and 20.2% were fair to poor health (SHAPE 2018
Hennepin County Client Data Book, 2018). Out of 363 participants over the age 18, 20.1%
had frequent physical distress and out of 362 participants, 28.5% had frequent mental
health distress (SHAPE 2018 Hennepin County Client Data Book, 2018).

The Role of Service Quality in Patients (Customer) Satisfaction in Public Healthcare Institutions in Ghana


• This data from SHAPE shows that many children are health,
but there is still room for improvement in not only their physical
health but their mental health (SHAPE 2018 Hennepin County
Client Data Book, 2018)

• According to The Center for Rural Policy,
there has not been a big increase in
physicians in urban/rural areas (The Rural
Atlas, n.d.).

• The attached chart shows the biggest
increase in the entire urban area (The
Rural Atlas, n.d.).

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.



According to MN
Healthscores, Ridgeview –

Westonka Clinic has average
ratings for adult asthma and

vascular care that matches the
states average.

Drastic improvements can be made for Colorectal cancer
screening as they are below state average for this serious
health condition (Ridgeview Westonka Clinic | Minnesota

HealthScores, 2021).

• After reviewing all this data, it
shows that more healthcare services
are needs in urban/rural areas.

Many individuals young and old have
too high of health issues that could
be treated if they had better access
to healthcare.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.

Big Data, Analytics, and the Steady Rise of Precision Medicine


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC


• healthcare clinics in lake minnetonka area – Google zoeken. (n.d.). Google. https://www.google .com

/search?biw=1366 &bih=657&tbm=lcl&ei=6TAMYNbkBor GsQXib8o&q=health

care+clinics+in+lake+minnetonka+area&oq=health care+clinics +in+lake+minnetonka+ area&gs_l=psy-

ab.3.33i299k1l2.400468.405854.0.406 030.23. 6j3.19.0….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..4.19.2894…0i457i22

i30k1j0i22i30k 1j33i22i29i30k1j33i10 k1j33i160k1j33i10i160k1.0K4ruRsPs8-o#rlfi=hd:;si:,44.926862523171536,-93.741066



• Minnesota Bigger Cities (over 6000 residents) – Real Estate, Housing, Schools, Residents, Cri me, Pollution, Demographics
and More. (n.d.). City-Data. http://www.city-data.com/ city/Minnesota.html

• SHAPE 2018 Hennepin County Client Data Book. (2018). Hennepin County.https://www.hennepin.us/-
/media/hennepinus/ your-government/research-data/shape-2018/client-data-book-2018

• The Rural Atlas. (n.d.). Center for Rural Policy. https://center-for-rural-policy.shinyapps.io/At las_2020/

• Ridgeview Westonka Clinic | Minnesota HealthScores. (2021). MN Healthscores.




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