HS3 u3 assigm….


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Systems thinking in public health looks at how different disciplines work together to create the public health system. When we examine the public health system as a whole, we can see several different parts; health education, health communication, the public health workforce, information technology, and even non-profit organizations concerned with population health help make the public health system work.

For the Unit 3 Discussion, you chose a public health problem and an organization that is part of the public health system (local, state, federal or global health organization, non-governmental organization, or other organization) that is addressing the health problem. Using the information, you drafted for the Unit 3 Discussion and the peer feedback you received, write a minimum 500-word expository essay that addresses the following:

  • Briefly describe the health problem and organization that you chose, and what they are doing to improve population health.
  • How does this organization fit into the overall public health system?
  • Using systems thinking, determine what other organizations inside or outside the discipline of public health would be important for your chosen organization to build relationships with to meet their goal of improving population health. Then, describe the linkages between the organizations that make them a part of the system that is needed to address the health problem.
  • You may include a diagram of the ‘system’ that shows how the organizations are linked.


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  • The paper should be at least 500 words in length.
  • There should be a minimum of three credible references used, including the source for your chosen organization, which should be presented in APA format.
  • Go to Academic Tools for assistance with writing and APA.

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