HRMN 467 Global Human Resource Management

I need part two (highlighted yellow) of this assignment by September 20th.

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Fit 4 Life is a fitness chain throughout the United States. They recently decided to open up four new gyms in London, with the objective of growing the organization globally and establishing an international presence.

The premise of Fit 4 Life’s strategy is that clients use gyms as a social event. They promote clubs, small groups and large events throughout the month to encourage clients to come together socially as well as to work out. Each club has a general manager and 3-5 fitness instructors who provide support for the clients and the events.

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The organization has decided to use this expansion as a pilot project and if all goes well, they will consider spreading out across Europe and South America. This is a strategic endeavor, so it is important that the organization finds an effective formula to operate successfully in the global arena.

The organization has hired you to provide consultation on how they should proceed.



(Due at the end of Week 3)

This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of the course outcomes 3 and 4:

· Identify the key challenges and trends in the changing globalized workforce in order to implement effective human resource practices

· Analyze and assess global human resource policies, practices, and functions in order to meet an organization’s goals and objectives while maintaining the values and traditions of the local culture

You are part of the HR department. You supervisor asks you to write a memo to management that explains recruiting, selecting and staffing employees for the new clubs. Some of the questions they would like to see addressed are:

1. What are the different sources of staffing and which one would be recommended for these new clubs? (Both the general manager and the instructors)

2. How should recruiting be carried out?

3. What kind of selection process should be used?

Respond to the management with a memo. Respond to each question and give a suggestion on how the club should proceed.

Be sure to support your suggestions with both the literature and current facts or statistics that you research for this task, as well as information from the course. You should use at least three sources from the class materials.

Part 2 (Due at the end of Week 5)

This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes 2 and 4:

· Distinguish national and global culture and the impact they have on the globalized workforce in order to contribute to human resource practices across countries and cultures

· Analyze and assess global human resource policies, practices, and functions in order to meet an organization’s goals and objectives while maintaining the values and traditions of the local culture

The management team has now hired 4 managers, who are PCNs (parent country nationals). Now they need to figure out how to develop a compensation plan that is aligned with the company’s compensation but also takes into consideration the host country’s financial situation. You are asked to:

a. Put together a compensation plan along with a balanced scorecard. Assume that the base salary of a manager in the U.S. is $5500 a month. You may need to do some additional research to find out what taxes are in London, what is a typical housing allowance, and cost of living.

b. List the top three benefits that should be offered to the expatriate. Explain why you chose these as the most important.

Review the Balance Sheet Approach to Compensation in the course file “Global Compensation” in week 5.

Use at least three course resources for this assignment.

Part 3 (Due at the end of Week 7)

This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of the course outcomes 1 and 4:

· Demonstrate the inter-cultural competencies of an effective citizen

· Analyze and assess global human resource policies, practices, and functions in order to meet an organization’s goals and objectives while maintaining the values and traditions of the local culture

The organization has hired four general managers. The success of these managers is vital to ensure the success of the expansion into the international market. You are asked to propose the content and format of a 5 day training program for the new managers. Typically, this will consist of some pre-departure training, as well as some in country training upon arrival.

Your task is to put together a proposal for the training program. Your proposal should include three sections:

a. Importance of Training. Explain why training is such a critical factor in expatriate success. Present an argument for this, using literature and statistics. See: “Learn to support your arguments” in week 7 readings.

b. Importance of Intercultural Competency. Describe intercultural competency and why it is important for these managers. How are you going to assess intercultural competency?

How are you going to include this in the training?

c. Proposal for 5 day training. Create an agenda for three days of training. Include topics to be addressed and rationale. See example:





Introduction to Fit 4 Life

Managers need to know background and history of organization in order to create organizational culture in the new clubs (Shumer, 2019).

Use at least three course resources for this assignment.

Avoid These Global Compensation and Bene�ts
Plan Obstacles

By Donald C. Dowling, Jr.

April 22, 2014

Business imperatives push multinationals to expand at least some of their pay, bonus and bene�ts o�erings internationally. This is why in recent years we have seen

multinationals globalize many compensation and bene�ts plans that, back in the old days, would have remained completely local. Indeed, as multinational human resources

marches toward greater and greater international integration, compensation and bene�ts lead the charge. Global “rewards strategies” have emerged as multinationals’ most vital

integration tool for motivating workforces across borders and for internationally aligning human resources.

Multinationals now serve up a smorgasbord of regionally and globally aligned compensation, bonus and bene�ts o�erings. Examples include: regional sales commission plans,

global pro�t-sharing plans, international sales incentive plans, cross-border variable compensation/pay-for-performance plans, multijurisdictional executive retention bonuses,

international severance pay plans, cross-border equity/stock plans, global tuition reimbursement programs, expatriate medical plans—even international employee assistance

programs and global adoption expense reimbursement plans. Sometimes it seems that multinational headquarters looks at each compensation and bene�ts o�ering it makes

available to its local headquarters sta� and asks: Shouldn’t we expand this and o�er it to our teams worldwide? After all, our business case—the reason we launched this program

in the �rst place—is just as pressing across our operations abroad.

While the business case for globally expanding a bonus or bene�t may indeed be global, the mechanics here can get complex. Each of the world’s countries, in its own particular

way, locally regulates many aspects of employee pay and bene�ts. Every time a multinational headquarters launches, expands or improves some border-crossing bonus or

bene�ts scheme—and certainly every time headquarters internationally amends, reduces or discontinues one—the employer needs to �ush out and then overcome all the legal

obstacles in each a�ected jurisdiction.

Consider Payor Entity Carefully

The �rst question when launching any cross-border compensation or bene�ts o�ering should always be: Which corporate entity within our multinational conglomerate will fund

this plan? Even more importantly: Which entity in our group will directly tender plan payments or bene�ts to employee participants in each jurisdiction?

Headquarters funding—and particularly headquarters payment tendering—of an international pay/bene�ts plan opens a Pandora’s box of legal issues as to: payroll withholdings/

contributions/reporting; corporate and employee-participant tax/social security; currency regulation/reporting/foreign exchange; “permanent establishment” (unlicensed

transacting business abroad); and, as to stock/equity plans, securities law.

Separately, whenever a headquarters entity directly tenders money (sometimes even when it tenders stock options or shares) to employees of its own overseas a�liates,

headquarters risks becoming a co-/dual-/joint employer jointly liable, along with the local in-country employer a�liate, for local employment claims. A local employee only need

argue to a local labor court something to the e�ect of: I’m being paid by two bosses, so obviously I’m working simultaneously for both of them. One solution here is for

headquarters to have each of its local a�liates tender the bonus or bene�t to its own sta�, even if behind the scenes headquarters funds the grant and reimburses its local

a�liates. But this solution can be cumbersome in administering equity/stock plans. And in countries like India and Singapore, having headquarters directly tender the

consideration actually o�ers certain advantages regarding enforceability of clawbacks and choice-of-headquarters-country-law clauses.

Ripple E�ects

Total compensation includes base pay, bonuses and often the value of some fringe bene�ts. Accordingly, many countries roll bonuses and even bene�ts into their de�nition of

total compensation for calculating local mandatory extras like vacation pay, overtime pay, social security contributions, “thirteenth-month pay,” pension contributions and

severance pay. This can make a global bonus/bene�ts plan much more expensive than bargained for. Multinationals sometimes try to solve this problem by inserting into an

international plan a clause that purports to exclude plan pay-outs from these other calculations. But not surprisingly, local law in many places ignores these clauses. Be sure to

account for ripple e�ects when granting pay or bene�ts in a foreign country.

De�nitions Matter

Any global pay, bonus or bene�ts plan should clearly de�ne all key terms—even terms with meanings that seem obvious back at headquarters. For example, an American

multinational’s global plan might link eligibility to “regular” “full-time” status, or to being a “salaried” “exempt” employee, or to being neither “retired” nor dismissed for “good



cause” during a plan year. These terms mean di�erent things abroad. Be sure to de�ne them in the international plan document.

Also, be precise in characterizing what plan payments are for—characterize payments in a way that works as intended in every relevant jurisdiction. This can be a big-ticket issue.

For example, if a plan sponsor wants payouts under a global separation pay plan to count as down payments toward employer severance pay or notice pay obligations under

local dismissal law, then make the plan terms explicit. In December 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada refused to let an employer characterize pension payments to a laid-o�

employee as severance/notice pay because neither the employment contract nor the plan terms characterized the payments as severance.

Cross-Border Alignment

We mentioned that a multinational’s headquarters human resources team sometimes looks at its headquarters compensation and bene�ts o�erings and decides that fairness,

good HR and a strong business case militate for extending some o�erings internationally. For example, American headquarters employees might get employer-provided medical

insurance, dental insurance, an employee assistance program, an adoption-reimbursement plan, even a company severance pay plan. Meanwhile, headquarters executives at a

multinational based in France might get a pro�t-sharing plan and company cars. Headquarters will inevitably wonder: Isn’t it only fair to extend these o�erings to our teams across

our overseas o�ces?

Maybe, maybe not. When considering whether to internationalize some local compensation term or bene�t, �rst verify that the underlying business case really does reach abroad.

For example, American employers o�er medical insurance and employee assistance programs because the United States has no broad-based socialized government medical

care system—Obamacare notwithstanding. And some U.S. employers o�er severance pay plans because U.S. employment-at-will does not require severance pay. The

environment is very di�erent abroad, making the need, overseas, for these particular o�erings far less urgent. Meanwhile, Continental European multinationals give their

headquarters executives company cars because cars are expected and sometimes tax-advantaged in Europe. Of course, while sta� everywhere appreciates a free car, in markets

like the United States, benchmarking and tax analysis usually militate against a bene�t so expensive. In short, when expanding a bene�t beyond its indigenous market, be sure to

align with overseas environments. Does expanding it justify the cost?

Eligibility and Local Pay Laws

Be sure the eligibility criteria for a cross-border pay/bonus/bene�ts plan select participants in the target jurisdictions in a way that is legal and consistent with foreign pay

discrimination laws. For example, pay discrimination laws in Europe and elsewhere can actually force an employer giving a bene�t to one class of workers to o�er that same

bene�t to all equivalent-or-higher employee groups.

Further, laws in Europe bar the common U.S. practice of limiting a bene�t (medical insurance, for example) to full-time sta�. Laws in the Middle East prohibit compensating

foreigners, including even inbound expatriates, more than locals. And equal protection laws in Germany and South Africa may e�ectively impose an “objectively reasonable” rule

for selecting bonus and bene�ts plan participants.

In addition, bonus and compensation plans that pay a signi�cant percentage of employee compensation can trigger quirky local pay laws. Always check whether each a�ected

jurisdiction imposes any local pay regulations that reach the proposed global o�ering. The poster boy example is the �nancial services industry bonus cap across Europe.

Labor Consultation

In many countries, to propose a new bonus or bene�ts plan (even one limited to management) amounts to a mandatory subject of consultation or bargaining with local worker

representatives—works councils or trade union committees. Be sure to involve local worker representatives, as required, in any decision to launch or expand—and particularly in

any decision to reduce or discontinue—a bonus or bene�t. That said, there are some exceptions. Austria, for example, empowers works councils with broad consultation rights

but excludes “competence” over pay and bene�ts o�erings.

Employees and their representatives usually welcome new compensation and bene�ts programs, so worker reps rarely object when their employer rolls out a new plan. But they

sometimes push for tweaks or start horse-trading for di�erent bene�ts. And again, collective consultation becomes a huge issue when a multinational wants to amend, cut or

discontinue some element of compensation or bene�ts.

Vested/Acquired Rights

We have been discussing formally installed, ongoing compensation and bene�ts plans. But sometimes a multinational o�ers a special or ad hoc one-o� cross-border bonus or

bene�t—say, a one-time broad-based stock grant that the employer may re-grant again the next year and maybe even yet again the following year. In many jurisdictions

employees might be able to claim they acquire a vested right to receive these o�erings forever. So any international one-time-only grant or �xed-term pay plan with an end date

needs to declare its temporary status loudly and clearly.

Ideally, have employees or their representatives acknowledge that they accept the one-o� award knowing they may never get another. That said, as time goes by, this

acknowledgement may not prove enforceable. Consider the rami�cations of vested rights.



As mentioned, cross-border compensation and bene�ts grants often include participant acknowledgments consenting to plan terms for each bene�ciary to sign. Sometimes the

plan terms being consented to even pepper in substantive changes to employment terms unrelated to plan administration—for example, stock option or equity plan grants

sometimes add in a noncompete provision.

While employee consents can prove vital, a consent is worth little when the law will not enforce it. Employee consents outside the pay and bene�ts plan context (particularly in

Northern Europe and parts of Latin America) can be susceptible to being held invalid as inherently coerced—the theory is that when a manager asks a subordinate to sign a

consent, the subordinate has little choice. The good news is that even in jurisdictions skeptical of employee consents, a consent should be fully enforceable where it links to an

extra bonus or bene�t the employee was free to reject. That is, most jurisdictions should enforce an employee acknowledgement where the employer can show the employee

was free to withhold consent at absolutely no detriment other than nonparticipation in the plan.

Rescission of Prior Plans

Often an updated version of a pay/bonus/bene�ts plan replaces an earlier arrangement. This is particularly common, for example, among employers that launch annual

commission plans and annual variable pay plans across regions. Trading in an old international pay or bene�t plan for this year’s model raises a number of issues including the

need to rescind the old plan completely.

Launching the new plan alone is never enough: What if overseas sta� later point to the old plan and argue that it remains in force alongside the new one? Take the steps

necessary under local law formally to revoke the earlier plan—notice, board resolution, employee consents, worker representative consultations and the like.


Clawback clauses are common in bonus and bene�ts plans because they disincentivize undesired employee behaviors. Think, for example, of retention bonuses that require

employees who quit early or get �red for cause to pay back part of the bonus. Or sales commission plans that let the employer claw back paid but unearned commissions. Or

tuition reimbursement programs that let the employer claw back tuition from a participant who �unks or drops out of the course early, or who quits his job upon graduation.

But actually enforcing employee clawbacks can be particularly tough in many countries, including Denmark, France, Japan, Korea, Sweden and much of Latin America. An even

bigger challenge is enforcing a clawback provision that purports to let an employer deduct clawback-owed funds from paychecks or severance payouts. Before drafting clawback

and pay-deduction clauses, understand the enforceability challenges under applicable law.

Choice-of-Law and Dispute Resolution

In most countries, choice-of-foreign-law clauses in employment agreements tend not to be enforceable. But choice-of-headquarters-country law clauses can sometimes actually

be enforceable in cross-border bonus and compensation plans, at least as to plan administration topics that do not touch on fundamental employee rights. For example, a choice-

of-headquarters-country law clause is obviously a vital term in an international equity or stock plan administered under the law of the jurisdiction that issues and trades the stock

shares. Still, countries like Argentina and Chile may hold even these choice-of-law clauses void if a dispute over the plan arises locally and lands in a local labor court.

Separately, dispute resolution provisions in compensation and bene�ts plans will likely be held void in most jurisdictions outside the United States, because local labor courts

usually enjoy mandatory jurisdiction over employment disputes, including even compensation and bene�ts disputes. In the compensation and bene�ts context, an employer will

usually be able to enforce a choice-of-foreign forum clause only by convincing a local court that the dispute is over a plan that is separate from employment. So think carefully

before including a choice-of-foreign-forum clause in international employee pay or bene�ts plans.


Laws in Chile, Belgium, France, Quebec, Poland, Portugal, Turkey and elsewhere require that most all employee communications—including written compensation and bene�ts

plans—be communicated locally in the local language. For a multinational to have declared “English is our o�cial company language” is no excuse to �out those laws. Be sure to

translate cross-border plan documents and communications at least in those jurisdictions that require translations.

Cross-Border Data Transfers

Administering a global compensation plan, particularly an employee equity/stock plan, can require transmitting local participant data back upstream to headquarters, so

headquarters can administer the plan and track employee grants. But in Argentina, Canada, Europe, Israel, Hong Kong, Mexico, the Philippines, Uruguay and a growing pool of

other jurisdictions, “exports” of plan participant data require special legal channels—like (in Europe) model contractual clauses, safe harbor and binding corporate rules.

Otherwise, have plan participants sign data processing consents as part of the enrollment process.



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Equity Plans

Cross-border employee equity plans— stock options, restricted stock, phantom stock, stock purchase plans—raise their own additional list of equity-speci�c legal issues in both

the headquarters jurisdiction that issues the stock shares and in local plan participants’ home countries. These issues include securities law, insider trading, foreign exchange, the

social security e�ect of grants, and the tax treatment of grants both for the grantor employer and for plan participants. When launching or updating any global employee equity

plan, be sure to cover equity-plan-speci�c topics.

Donald C. Dowling is a partner in the New York o�ce of White & Case.

Republished with permission. © 2014 White & Case. All rights reserved.

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International Compensation Practices • 4



Human Resource Management, Spring 2002, Vol. 41, No. 1, Pp. 45–



© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This article published online in Wiley InterScience (www.
DOI: 10.1002/hrm.1001


Kevin B. Lowe, John Milliman, Helen De Cieri,
and Peter J. Dowling

This article presents a comparative study of compensation, by exploring nine items which mea-
sure pay and benefits practices in ten locations (nine countries and one region). First, similarities
and differences in employee compensation are examined. Second, emerging issues for interna-
tional compensation are identified. Third, gaps are identified between current practice and
employee preferences for future compensation. Overall, the results of this study provide some
support for previous research, although a number of counterintuitive findings are identified with
respect to the ways in which culture might be expected to impact employee preferences for cross-
cultural compensation practices. The research suggests several challenges for compensation practice
and directions for future research. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


The escalating pace of globalization is increas-
ing the need for organizations to develop ef-
fective international compensation programs.
Though globalization is not a new phenom-
enon, it is the rapid pace of escalation that
has focused attention on international issues
in both the business press and the executive
suite. In these turbulent and increasingly glo-
bal competitive markets, no function is under
greater scrutiny than the human resource
function (Bowker, 1996). Despite the need to
attract, motivate, and retain an effective
workforce in a variety of foreign locations, the
international compensation literature has fo-
cused primarily on a small percentage of the
international workforce: the expatriate man-
ager. It is important that international com-
pensation scholars begin to extend this focus
beyond the expatriate to inform organizations

regarding the cross-cultural use and motiva-
tional utility of various compensation practices
on the larger workforce.

The Purpose of This Article

The purpose of this article is to explore the
role of pay and benefits in international com-
pensation from an empirical perspective. This
ten-country/region study is exploratory in na-
ture and has three primary objectives. First,
to determine what “is now” the current state
of practice for a variety of compensation prac-
tices (what are the similarities and differences
evident in employee compensation in differ-
ent countries?). Second, to determine to what
extent managers feel these compensation prac-
tices “should be” utilized in these countries
(what constitutes the current ideal in com-
pensation practice?). Third, to identify the gap
between what “is now” the state of practice


and employee preferences for what “should
be” the state of practice for varying compen-
sation forms across these ten countries and
regions (how distant is practice from employ-
ees’ wants and expectations?). Observations
taken from this exploratory comparative study
may enhance our understanding of the cur-
rent state of practice (“is now”) in these ten
countries as well as provide guidance as to
the cross-cultural appropriateness of various
compensation practices (“should be”). In ad-
dition, understanding the gap between cur-
rent practice and employee preferences for
practices is likely a much needed first step
toward designing compensation systems that
maximize employee motivation to engage in
behavior consistent with organizational goals
and direction (Milliman, Nason, Von Glinow,
Huo, Lowe, & Kim, 1995). Prior to present-
ing these results, we will briefly review the
literature to highlight the importance of ef-
fective international compensation practices
and the relative dearth of empirical evidence
on the topic.

The Importance of International HRM
and Compensation

Three factors make effective human re-
source management critical in the quest for
global competitiveness. First, increased em-
phasis on multinational trade and the growth
of foreign subsidiaries has heightened the
need for managers in foreign countries. Sec-
ond, expansion of the international work
force brings increased capabilities and of-
ten lower costs to multinationals but only if
line employees in these locales can be prop-
erly motivated. Third, the traditional factors
of production (capital, technology, raw ma-
terials, and information) are increasingly
fungible, with employee quality the only
sustainable source of competitive advantage
to developed country multinationals.

Globalizing the work force in search of
increased competitiveness and profits brings
with it an attendant set of HR problems. Per-
haps none of these problems is more vexing
than the international compensation plan.
Compensation, as Geringer and Frayne
(1990) have defined it, “includes those re-
wards—monetary and non-monetary, direct

and indirect,—that an organization ex-
changes for the contributions of its employ-
ees, both job performance and personal
contributions” (p. 114). Several authors (cf.
Bonache & Fernández, 1997; Reynolds,
1997) have suggested that international
compensation management is the most time-
consuming and strategically important HRM
activity in multinational enterprises. Fur-
ther, from the perspective of employees,
compensation is one of the most visible as-
pects of Strategic International Human Re-
source Management (Reynolds, 1997).
Market data suggest an increasing apprecia-
tion for the role of international compensa-
tion with a recent survey showing an 18%
year-over-year compensation increase for
managers who can plan and administer in-
ternational compensation and benefits
(Lissy & Morgenstern, 1995).

To successfully manage international com-
pensation and benefits requires a knowledge
of the mechanics of compensation such as
employment and taxation law, customs, envi-
ronment, employment practices, familiarity
with currency fluctuations, and the effect of
inflation on compensation—all within the
context of shifting political, economic, and
social conditions (Dowling, Welch, & Schuler,
1999). Yet, with all of these differences, the
three primary objectives of international com-
pensation plan are no different than a domes-
tic-only plan—to attract, retain, and motivate
employees to achieve competitive advantage
(Crandall & Phelps, 1991).

In an effort to maximize work force ef-
fectiveness, international compensation pro-
grams must move beyond an appreciation
for the admittedly complex cross-cultural
mechanics of adopting a domestic plan to
an overseas locale. A preferred approach
might be to first identify pay and benefit
practices that are desired by employees in
the respective nations and cultures. Once
employee needs and desires are appropri-
ately identified, then the mechanics of se-
lectively adopting existing programs to a
variety of operations might be addressed and
the need to develop new programs identi-
fied. Laabs (1996) suggests that HR man-
a g e r s f i r s t t a k e l o c a l p r a c t i c e s i n t o
consideration, and then investigate what is

Globalizing the
work force in
search of
and profits brings
with it an
attendant set of
HR problems.

International Compensation Practices • 47

possible and practical from the host-coun-
try perspective.

Expatriate Myopia and the Need for
Comparative Compensation Research

For this manuscript we searched the litera-
ture using terms such as “international com-
pensation,” “international pay,” and
“international benefits.” We found that most
of what has been written on international
compensation is focused exclusively on com-
pensating the expatriate. Further, it is gener-
ally assumed that these expatriates are
headquarters-country nationals. While there
is little question that the selection, motiva-
tion, and retention of a few individuals in key
leadership positions is important to interna-
tional unit effectiveness, it is equally likely
that other employee groups are as important
or more important. Recent research by Roth
and O’Donnell (1996) suggests that it is par-
ticularly important to look beyond expatriates
when examining the area of compensation.
Their study of foreign subsidiary managers
found that variance in compensation prac-
tices increased with “distance” from head-
quarters. In other words, compensation
designed for more senior managers (typically
expatriates) will be closer to compensation
design at headquarters. Further, Roth and
O’Donnell (1996) found that nationality was
the strongest predictor of compensation de-
sign. Tilghman and Knight (1998) note that
it may be short-sighted to focus on expatri-
ate compensation over compensation of lo-
cal nationals who possess language and
cultural skills that make them more valuable
to the organization in the long term than
headquarters-country nationals. Understand-
ing the preferences and needs of these locals
may be increasingly important as high costs
encourage many firms to take a second look
at the use of expatriates (Esquenazi-Shaio,
1996). Locals may have different preferences
for pay and benefit practices due to cultural
and other country environmental variables
such as government laws and tax policies.
Organizations need to know what these dif-
ferent preferences are. Addressing these dif-
ferent preferences with cross-cultural
adaptation and innovation is responsive and

systematic HR when viewed within the con-
text of business objectives (Townsend, Scott,
& Markham, 1990).

Yet, the academic and practitioner litera-
ture is largely silent on this issue with authors
using terms such as “dearth,” “nil,” “anec-
dotal,” and “needed” to describe the theory
and empirical research on international and
cross-national compensation (Adler, 1983;
Black, Gregerson, & Mendenhall, 1992;
Gomez-Mejia & Welbourne, 1991; Harvey,
1993a, 1993b; Hodgetts & Luthans, 1993;
Milliman, Von Glinow, & Nathan, 1991;
Milliman & Von Glinow, 1990). While the
quantity and quality of information on pay
practices varies across countries, little system-
atic empirical research comparing pay prac-
tices or preferences for pay practices across
countries has been conducted (Hansen, 1998;
Milliman et al., 1995; Von Glinow, 1993).
Dowling (1989) further suggests that in-depth
academic research is needed in salary and
benefit practices to improve on the largely
anecdotal (Harvey, 1993b) and general guide-
lines (Luthans, Marsnik, & Luthans, 1997)
regarding what “should be” included in an in-
ternational compensation package.

This scarcity of cross-national compara-
tive research may be attributed to a number
of reasons including: (1) the large quantity of
effort, skills, and resources required to de-
velop, translate, and back-translate surveys
while achieving functional item equivalence;
(2) the challenge of acquiring multiple-data
collection sites in multiple nations; (3) the
high-touch approach required to obtain data
sites in many countries reduces sample com-
parability which contributes to an inability to
publish research in the “best” journals; (4) the
issue of expatriate compensation is in debate
and has overshadowed issues of the larger
workforce; (5) ethnocentrism has resulted in
the exportation of compensation programs
(Hyer, 1993); (6) multinationals find it con-
venient to assume that duplicating local prac-
tice will maximally motivate workers (Abdullah
& Gallagher, 1995).


The literature clearly identifies that an effec-
tive international compensation plan is an

While there is
little question
that the
motivation, and
retention of a
few individuals
in key leadership
positions is
important to
effectiveness, it is
equally likely
that other
employee groups
are as important
or more


important component of organizational effec-
tiveness in a global business environment. Yet
comparative empirical studies investigating the
current state of practice (“is now”), a desired
future state (“should be”), and implications
of the corresponding gap are virtually nonex-
istent. A clear need exists for cross-cultural
comparative compensation research. This
study represents an early and exploratory ap-
proach toward developing this literature.

Research Methods

A brief overview of the sample and survey are
provided below. Geringer, Frayne, and Milliman
(2002—this issue) provide a more extensive de-
scription of measurement development, survey
construction, data sampling strategy, and result-
ing sample demographics and characteristics.


The sample is comprised of primarily manag-
ers and engineers in ten different locations
(nine countries and one region) responding to
functionally equivalent survey items. The nine
countries and their respective sample sizes are
Australia (n = 435), Canada (n = 124), Peoples
Republic of China (PRC) (n = 190),


(n = 241), Japan (n = 271), Republic of


(n = 237), Mexico (n = 179), Taiwan (n = 241),
and the United States (U.S.) (n = 144). The
region of Central and South America is referred
to as “Latin America” in this article and is com-
posed of Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Nica-
ragua, and Venezuela (n = 143). Surveys were
distributed to both managers/engineers in all
ten countries and to nonmanagers in some of
these countries. In an effort to improve sample
comparability, only the manager data are in-
cluded in this analysis. Samples were varied in
terms of the depth and breadth of industries
surveyed in each country. Though differences
in sample comparability with respect to type of
industry are common to comparative interna-
tional research, caution remains prudent in in-
terpreting the results (Milliman et al., 1995).


This study is part of a larger research program
designed to study a range of HRM practices

and organizational/contextual factors. The
survey was originally developed in the United
States by a number of content experts famil-
iar with cross-cultural issues in HR practice
and rigorous steps were taken to assure func-
tional item equivalence. Nine compensation
items taken from Balkin and Gomez-Mejia
(1990) and three compensation outcome
items were answered with a five-point Likert
type scale with the anchors 1 = not at all, 2 =
to a small extent, 3 = to a moderate extent, 4
= to a large extent, 5 = to a very great extent.

Compensation items in survey order que-
ried the extent to which: (1) pay incentives
are important to compensation strategy; (2)
benefits are an important part of total pay;
(3) pay is contingent on group or organiza-
tional performance; (4) long-term perfor-
mance is emphasized over short term; (5)
seniority influences pay decisions1; (6) pay
incentives are a significant amount of total
earnings; (7) benefits are generous; (8) pay
system has a future orientation; (9) pay raises
are determined by job performance. Respon-
dents were asked two types of questions with
respect to each compensation practice: first,
to indicate the current state of practice in
their organization (“is now”) and second to
indicate the desired future state (“should be”).
Thus a total of 18 responses were made to
the nine items, nine “is now” assessments and
nine “should be” assessments.

Three compensation-effectiveness items
queried the extent to which compensation
practices: (1) help our company to have high
performing employees; (2) help our company
to have employees who are satisfied with their
jobs; and (3) make a positive contribution to
the overall effectiveness of the organization.
Only the current state (“is now”) was assessed
for compensation effectiveness. The compen-
sation practice and effectiveness items includ-
ing the associated instructions can be found
in Table I (see Results).


The study design was to maximize the breadth
of practices considered, rather than to explore
in great depth only one or at most two prac-
tices. Consequently, the compensation prac-
tice items were not selected with a priori intent

A clear need
exists for

International Compensation Practices • 49

to constitute a set of scales or to mimic a set
of scales previously established within the
academic community as being both valid and
reliable. While we recognize the inherent limi-
tations associated with single-item measures,
we would also argue that our broad approach
is appropriate given that comparative research
on international compensation is in its infancy.
Our intent in this manuscript is to explore the
data and establish a preliminary foundation
for more rigorous research on whether there
are differential or “best” international com-
pensation practices.

Thus, as we explore between country “is
now” differences, between country “should be”
differences, and within country differences in
what “is now” and “should be,” the analysis is
confined to the item level. We have grouped
these nine compensation items into four broad
practices to facilitate results interpretation and
discussion flow. These four groups are: (1)
incentive-related items: importance of pay
(items 1 and 6), pay based on group/organiza-
tion goals (item 3), and pay based on job per-
formance (item 9); (2) benefits (items 2 and
7); (3) long-term focus on pay (items 4 and 8)
and seniority (item 5).

Analyzing data at the item level in a ten-
country study results in a large number of
potential mean comparisons. There are 45 (9
+ 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) possible
country combinations for each of the com-
pensation items. Thus with nine items there
are 405 (45 � 9) potential between-country
comparisons for the “is now” item means, 405
potential between-country comparisons for
the “should be” item means. There are also
90 (ten countries � nine items) within-coun-
try comparisons between “is now” and “should
be” item means. However, several authors cau-
tion that direct comparisons of mean differ-
ences across countries may be difficult to
evaluate since respondents from different cul-
tures may incorporate different frames of ref-
erence in assessing their work (Cox, Lobel, &
McLeod, 1991; Meindel, Hunt, & Lee, 1989).
For this reason we do not incorporate t-tests
of the differences across countries into our
discussion of the results, but instead make
more general observations about overall trends
in the data. Since within-country differences
do share a common frame of reference, t-tests

were performed for differences in within-coun-
try “is now” and “should be” scores.

To facilitate our discussion, we have or-
ganized our discussion of the results around
the threefold purpose of the study. First we
report on “is now” means to better understand
how practices currently vary across cultures.
We use the following categorization in our
discussion of “is now” means: less than 2.5 =
“low” current emphasis, 2.5 to 3.0 = “moder-
ate” current emphasis, and 3.0 or higher = a
“relatively high” current emphasis. Second we
report on what managers feel the state of
practices “should be.” “Should be” scores
serve as a useful tool for benchmarking cur-
rent practice against employee preferences
for practice. It is useful to look at the “should
be” means by themselves because a country
could have a large gap between “is now” and
“should be” but still have a comparatively low
“should be” mean. Thus, “should be” mean
scores “should be” considered on their own
as well compared to the “is now” score. We
use the following categorization to discuss the
“should be” means: 3.0 to 3.5 indicates a
“moderate” desired emphasis, 3.5 to 4.0 in-
dicates a “moderately high” desired empha-
sis, and 4.0 or higher indicates a “high”
emphasis. We “raised the bar” to 4.0 or higher
for a “high” “should be” categorization (com-
pared to a 3.0 for a “high” “is now” categori-
zation) because respondents typically score
these items higher since the question is ask-
ing for ideal practice.

Third, we discuss the within-country
change score between the “is now” and “should
be” means to identify what we will refer to as
the ideological gap between compensation
practice and the level of usage desired by its
employees. Since within-country reports of “is
now” and “should be” scores do not share the
frame of reference concern, it is appropriate
to conduct within country t-tests to determine
if the ideological gap is statistically significant.
However, statistical significance is a function
of both sample size and sample standard de-
viation. Given the exploratory nature of this
research, we were interested in differences that
were not only statistically significant but were
also practically significant. Since all sample
combinations with mean differences of 1.0 or
greater were statistically significant, and we

Since within-
differences do
share a common
frame of
reference, t-tests
were performed
for differences in
within country
“is now” and
“should be”


believe that differences of this magnitude are
also practically different, we chose a mean
difference of 1.0 as an indication of both large
statistical and practical differences.2 As with
the categorization methods described above
for “is now” and “should be” means, our at-
tempt is to make more general observations
and sense out of this large group of data. We
refer to mean differences of 1.0 or greater as
“large,” differences of .99 to .90 as “moder-
ate,” and differences of .90 or less as “small.”
Readers concerned only with statistical sig-
nificance are referred to the Appendix.


The mean of country responses as to the cur-
rent state (“is now”) and desired state (“should
be”) of the nine compensation practice items
are discussed below. The results are organized
in a manner consistent with the threefold pur-
pose of the study. First, we report what the
current state of practice is for the compensa-
tion item. Second, we report what current
practice “should be” from the perspective of
managers. Third, we report the ideological gap
between “is now” and “should be” scores. The
results are organized into four groups to fa-
cilitate the reporting of results: (1) pay incen-
tives (items 1, 3, 6, 9); (2) benefits (items 2,
7); (3) long-term focus in pay (items 4, 8);
and (4) seniority (item 5).

Pay Incentives

Pay Incentives Are Important (Item #1). The
current state of practice related to pay in-
centives seems relatively low. Only three
countries (PRC, Japan, and Taiwan) had “is
now” mean scores above 3.0 (high). The re-
cent growth in performance-related pay in
PRC, for example, has been detailed in other
research (Zhu, De Cieri, & Dowling, 1998).
Australia in particular had a very low mean
score (2.39). This is quite surprising, given
other studies suggesting a trend toward use
of performance-based pay in


(O’Neill, 1995). It is also surprising that the
U.S. was so relatively low (moderate at 2.77,
tied for second lowest), given the pay-for-
performance ethic in the U.S. (Milliman, et
al., 1998).

For the “should be” means, four countries,
U.S., Taiwan, Mexico, and Latin America, in-
dicated that they should ideally have a high
(means greater than 4.0) emphasis on pay in-
centives. The other countries indicated a mod-
erately high (3.5 to 3.99) emphasis on pay
incentives. For all countries, the “should be”
scores were greater than the “is now” scores
identifying that the ideological gap was in the
direction of a greater need for pay incentives
than is currently in place. These differences
were large: (mean difference greater than 1.0)
for Mexico (1.64), Latin America (1.49),

Figure 1. Pay Incentives Are Important

International Compensation Practices • 5


United States (1.49), Australia (1.13),


(1.10), and Taiwan (1.03). The mean differ-
ence for Korea (.96) was moderate.

Pay Is Contingent on Group/Organizational
Performance (Item #3). The current state of
practice (“is now”) is relatively low with all
mean scores below 3.0, except Taiwan (3.22)
and the PRC (3.47). Interestingly, the mean
scores were low for both individualistic coun-
tries such as the U.S., Canada, and Australia
(2.23 to 2.52) as well as a number of the col-
lectivistic countries such as Japan, Korea,
Latin America, Mexico, and Indonesia (2.31
to 2.87). Individualistic cultures typically
emphasize individual orientation, achieve-
ment, and identity. In contrast, collectivistic
cultures emphasize groups and place a high
value on maintaining harmony and close in-
terpersonal relationships among the group
members. For this item, we would have ex-
pected the lowest scores to be in the individu-
alistic countries and the highest scores in the
collectivistic countries. Our expectation was
based on previous research that has shown a
relationship between individualistic cultures
and individual incentive compensation prac-
tices (Schuler & Rogovsky, 1998).

For “should be” scores, only four coun-
tries had relatively high means (4.0 or above):
the U.S. (4.00), Taiwan (4.00), Mexico (4.12),
and Latin America (4.27). Again, these results
are surprising, as the result patterns are in-
consistent with the respective individualistic/
collectivistic orientations. Instead, there were

individualistic and collectivistic countries hav-
ing both low and high mean scores. Australia
(3.40) and Japan (3.12) were again among the
countries with the lowest “should be” mean
scores. The “should be” means were higher
than the “is now” means for all countries and
these differences were large for six of the coun-
tries: Latin America (1.79), Mexico (1.59),
U.S. (1.54), Korea (1.18), Australia (1.17), and
Canada (1.14). The smallest observed differ-
ence was in the PRC (.40). These results sug-
gest that this is a complex issue. For the PRC,
Zhu, De Cieri, and Dowling (1998) found that
emphasis on “group performance” varied
across enterprises with different ownership
types. Perhaps future within-country studies
will add to our understanding of this issue in
other countries and regions.

Incentives Are a Significant Amount of Pay
(Item #6). The “is now” scores again indicate
that few organizations are currently highly
emphasizing pay incentives. Only one coun-
try (Korea: 3.26) had a mean score above 3.0.
In particular, the following countries had low
“is now” means: Australia (1.8), Canada
(2.15), and the U.S. (2.20). It is interesting
that the three countries with the higher indi-
vidualistic orientations, which allegedly es-
pouse a pay-for-performance work ethic
(Milliman et al., 1998), have the lowest cur-
rent emphasis on incentives as a significant
amount of total pay. The difference shown
between these “Anglo” countries supports pre-
vious research that indicates that Australian

Figure 2. Pay Is Contingent on Group Performance


employees and executives typically have a
lower variable component of total compensa-
tion than do employees in North


(O’Neill, 1995).

For the “should be” scores, no countries
placed a high emphasis (mean above 4.0) on
pay incentives as a significant amount of an
employee’s total pay. These data suggest that
to some degree it may be a worldwide phe-
nomenon that employees don’t want to have a
large portion of their pay at risk (e.g., based
on incentives, rather than base pay). The
“should be” means were in a relatively narrow
range from a low of 3.24 (Taiwan) to a high of
3.76 (Korea) with the exception of two low
scores for Australia (2.78) and Japan (2.83).

For all countries the “should be” means
were higher than the “is now” means. The
ideological gap was large in the three NAFTA
countries, Mexico (1.42), U.S. (1.35), and
Canada (1.15), and moderate in Australia (.98)
and Latin America (.96).

Job Performance Is the Basis for Pay Raises (Item
#9). Taiwan (3.14) had the highest “is now”
mean and again was the only country with a
mean score above 3.0. Most of the countries
had moderate mean scores between 2.55 and
2.93. The exceptions to this were the U.S.
(2.42), Mexico (2.31), and the exceptionally
low Korea (1.83). For the “should be” means,
a moderate score for Korea (3.27) was the low-
est mean. All of the other countries scored 3.58
or higher and one-half of the countries had

“should be” mean scores above 4.0:


(4.03), Latin America (4.36), Mexico (4.19),
Taiwan (4.21), and the U.S. (4.22). For all
countries the “should be” means were higher
than the “is now” means. These differences
were large for nine countries: Mexico (1.88),
Latin America (1.77), U.S. (1.80), Korea
(1.44), Canada (1.28), Australia (1.21), PRC
(1.10), Taiwan (1.07), and Indonesia (1.04).
Japan (.86) was the only country that did not
have a large ideological gap on this item. The
ideological gaps from “is now” to “should be”
were much larger for this item on perfor-
mance-based pay than for pay contingent on
group/organization performance. It would ap-
pear that employees in general want their pay
based more on individual-level job perfor-
mance (however defined) rather than on some
type of group or organizational performance.
Perhaps this is because employees do want
incentive-based pay but not to the extent it is
a significant amount of total pay. This phe-
nomenon should prove to be an interesting
point to investigate in future research.


Benefits Are Important (Item #2). The current
state of practice with regard to the importance
of benefits is relatively high. Six of the coun-
tries had high “is now” means (above 3.0). The
highest mean scores were in the U.S. (3.72)
and Canada (3.78). Japan’s moderate (2.57)
was the lowest “is now” mean followed by

Figure 3. Incentives Are a Significant Amount of Pay

International Compensation Practices • 5


Australia (2.77). With the exception of Tai-
wan (3.04) and Indonesia (3.09), the Asian
countries had “is now” means below 3.0. In
contrast, the countries in Latin and North
America all had mean scores above 3.0. For
the “should be” means, the countries in Latin
and North America continued to have high
scores on this item, with “should be” means
of 3.97 (Canada) to 4.41 (Mexico). With the
exception of Japan (3.21), the countries in Asia
had mean scores in a relatively narrow and
moderately high range from 3.55 to 3.91.
These data indicate that benefits (at least as
they are defined in the eyes of the respondents)
are valued (or at least desired) to a larger de-
gree in Latin and North America than they

are in Asia. For all countries, “should be”
means were higher than “is now” means but
only Mexico (1.24) had a large difference.
Canada (.19) had a markedly smaller differ-
ence than the other countries for the ideo-
logical gap between what “is now” and what
“should be” for benefits.

Benefits Are Considered to Be Generous (Item
#7). Four of the countries had high “is now”
means (above 3.0) on this item ranging from
3.16 to 3.36 (U.S., Canada, Latin America,
and Taiwan). The other countries were clus-
tered in the moderate range from 2.56 to 2.68,
with the exception of Australia (2.35) and In-
donesia (2.32). For “should be” means, three

Figure 4. Job Performance Is the Basis for Pay Raises

Figure 5. Benefits Are Important


countries had means above 4.0: Taiwan (4.16),
Mexico (4.15), and Latin America (4.04).
Moderately high “should be” means were
found in Korea (3.71), U.S. (3.58),


(3.51), and the PRC (3.51). Canada, Indone-
sia, and Australia had moderate “should be”
means with scores of 3.38, 3.05, and 3.05 re-
spectively. Most of the remaining countries
had moderately high means clustered in a rela-
tively narrow band from 3.38 to 3.71, with
the exception of the PRC (3.05). Overall, the
“is now” and “should be” scores indicate that
the highest current and projected interest in
generous benefits appears to be in Latin
America, Mexico, Korea, and the PRC. For
all countries the “should be” means were
higher than the “is now” means. These ideo-
logical differences were large in Mexico (1.54)
and Korea (1.15).

Long-Term Emphasis in Pay

Pay Based on Long-Term Results (Item #4). The
three individualistic countries, namely the
U.S. (2.01), Australia (2.23), and Canada
(2.41), had the lowest “is now” mean scores.
Latin America (2.43) and Mexico (2.53) also
had relatively low means. With the exception
of Korea (2.39), all of the countries in the
collectivistic portion of Asia (2.81 to 3.47) had
higher “is now” mean scores than the coun-
tries in the American continents and Austra-
lia. The “should be” scores were in a relatively
high and narrow range from 3.46 in Japan to

4.12 in Latin America. For the ideological gap,
large differences were found in Australia
(1.38) and the American continent countries:
U.S. (1.99), Latin America (1.69),


(1.37), and Canada (1.19). In contrast, these
differences were generally smaller for the
Asian countries with the exception of a large
gap in Korea (1.25) and the moderate gap for
Indonesia (.91).

Futuristic Pay Orientation (Item #8). “Is now”
mean scores for this item were among the
lowest of the nine compensation items. The
highest means, which were in the moderate
range, were in Taiwan (2.87) and the PRC
(2.82). The lowest means by far were in the
U.S. (1.74), Australia (1.76), and Canada
(2.02). In contrast to the lower “is now”
scores, the “should be” scores were in a nar-
row range of 3.34 to 3.95 for nine of the
ten countries, with a relatively high mean
of 4.11 for Taiwan. The low “is now” scores
in comparison to the moderately high
“should be” scores produced a large ideo-
logical gap in eight of the ten countries:
United States (2.12), Latin America (1.74),
Australia (1.58), Mexico (1.56), Korea
(1.57), Canada (1.39), Taiwan (1.24), and
Indonesia (1.08). A moderate ideological dif-
ference was found for Japan (.98). The ideo-
logical gap in the PRC (.88) approached our
criterion for a moderate difference and was
statistically significant. The clear pattern
across all ten countries is that managers feel

Figure 6. Benefits Are Considered to Be Generous

International Compensation Practices • 55

compensation systems should have a more
futuristic orientation.


Seniority Enters into Pay Decisions (Item #5).
Collectivistic cultures have been hypoth-
esized to focus much more on the use of se-
niority in HRM policies than individualistic
cultures (Milliman et al., 1998). In this
sample only three countries with “is now”
means above 3.0 (high) are generally consid-
ered collectivistic: Taiwan (3.56), Japan
(3.32), and Indonesia (3.01). However, be-
yond these three countries there was a mix
of “is now” scores (high and low) across the

individualistic and collectivistic countries.
For example, individualistic countries such
as Australia (2.52) and Canada (2.61) had
low scores on this item. In contrast, the U.S.
(2.96) had a relatively high “is now” score,
which is surprising not only because of its
individualistic cultural orientation, but also
because it has a lower portion of unionized
employees (which traditionally value senior-
ity) than Australia or Canada. Furthermore,
some of the other collectivistic countries had
low means scores here: the PRC (2.82), Latin
America (2.78), and Mexico (2.66).

The pattern of results on the “should be”
means is more consistent with what we would
have anticipated in the individualistic coun-

Figure 7. Pay Based on Long-Term Results

Figure 8. Futuristic Pay Orientation


tries. The three individualistic countries (U.S.,
Australia, and Canada) all had “should be”
means below 2.46 and these means were all
lower than the “is now” means. Where “is
now” means were higher than “should be”
means, not one country had a positive ideo-
logical gap above 1.0. The greatest differences
were found in Mexico (.95), Korea (.58), and
the PRC (.56). The other countries had small
ideological gaps. The absence of any large
positive ideological gaps and a negative ideo-
logical gap for seven of the ten countries
stands in sharp relief against the other eight
compensation items where ideological gaps
were positive for all countries. Overall, these
data suggest that regardless of cultural orien-
tation, pay based on seniority is not viewed as
being highly valuable, and “should be” de-

Compensation Practices Are Related to Orga-
nizational Outcomes. Manager perceptions of
the extent to which compensation practices
were related to having high performing em-
ployees, satisfied employees, and an effec-
tive organization overall had a remarkably
consistent set of means and patterns across
the ten countries. Means for the impact of
compensation practices on “having high per-
forming employees” ranged from a moderate
2.51 in Korea to a high 3.20 in Taiwan. For
“having satisfied employees” means ranged
from a moderate 2.65 in Korea to a high 3.30
in the PRC. A similar pattern was found for

“having effective organizations” with means
ranging from a moderate 2.70 in the U.S. and
to a high 3.23 in Indonesia. Korean, U.S.,
and Mexican managers were generally the
most pessimistic about the potential for com-
pensation practices to impact effectiveness
whereas Taiwan, Indonesia, and PRC man-
agers were the most optimistic. Collectively
these findings suggest that there is a high
degree of cross-cultural consistency in the
perceived utility of compensation plans as a
method for achieving organizational effective-
ness. However, the mix of appropriate com-
pensation practices is likely to vary across
these same countries.

The variety of findings for the nine com-
pensation practices and three compensation
outcomes should overcome any concerns that
our findings can be explained by country-spe-
cific response patterns. No one country con-
sistently had the lowest or highest means on
the “is now” items. Similarly, no country con-
sistently had the lowest or lowest mean on the
“should be” items. Finally, the greater variabil-
ity in responses to compensation practice
items as compared to those measuring the
perceived role of compensation in achieving
organizational outcomes suggest that respon-
dents gave thoughtful responses to items
rather than exhibiting within-country scale-
anchor preferences. To sum, in each country,
managers felt that the nine compensation
practices investigated here “should be” used
more than “is now” with the exception of se-

Figure 9. Seniority Is Important

International Compensation Practices • 57

niority as a basis for pay. Seniority as a basis
for pay provides a sharp contrast with seven
of the ten countries reporting “is now” means
greater than “should be” means. A summary
of large and moderate differences in “is now”

and “should be” means is provided in Table I.
The empirical results of our analyses provide
both supporting and contradictory findings
with respect to how culture might be expected
to impact employee preferences for HRM

Figure 10. Compensation Policies Are Important to High-Performance Employees

Figure 11. Compensation Policies Contribute to Employee Satisfaction


practices. Though our discussion includes
observations regarding these supporting/con-
flicting findings, it is important to note that
we reference no rigorous theory of interna-
tional compensation management. Rather, our
comments are broad extensions of the more
general IHRM literature to a specific interna-
tional practice, herein compensation. We have
organized our discussion around the compen-
sation themes identified: pay incentives, pay
based on the long term, benefits, and senior-
ity. We review what managers report the cur-
rent state of practice to be, what managers
believe the state the state of practice “should
be,” and then discuss the ideological gap (dif-
ference) between the two.

Pay Incentives

There were four items that related in some
manner to pay incentives: the degree that in-
centives “should be” an important part of the
overall pay (#1 and #6), the degree that in-
centives “should be” based on group or orga-
nizational performance (#3), and the extent
that pay “should be” based on job performance
(#9). The data indicate that many countries
are not currently using pay incentives to a large

degree. Out of the 40 mean scores here (four
questions � ten countries) there are only seven
“is now” mean scores above 3.0 (moderate)
and none of these were above 3.47. The only
countries with multiple scores above 3.0 (mod-
erate) on these four items were Taiwan (3)
and the PRC (2).

There were some additional interesting
findings here. First, it is surprising that the
U.S. had a low means on these items given
that it has frequently espoused a strong pay-
for-performance work ethic (Kerr, 1975,
1988; Von Glinow & Chung, 1989). Based
on our sample, it appears that there is a gap
between “is now” and the prevailing wisdom
regarding the U.S. Furthermore, the other
two countries in our sample that are associ-
ated with an individualistic cultural orienta-
tion (Australia and Canada) also had low “is
now” mean scores along with the U.S. In
general, we would have thought that the in-
dividualistic countries would place a higher
emphasis on incentive pay as a way to differ-
entiate employees from one another, while
collectivistic cultures would tend to
deemphasize pay differences in order to pre-
serve group harmony (Milliman et al., 1998;
Schuler & Rogovsky, 1998).

Figure 12. Compensation Policies Make Positive Contribution to Effectiveness

International Compensation Practices • 59

Second, it was interesting to find that in
general the lowest “should be” scores were
for item #6—incentives are a significant
amount of pay. This was the only item out of
the four pay-incentive items in which there
were no “should be” means greater than 4.0
(high) among the ten countries in our sample
(the other three questions each had at least
four “should be” means above 4.0). The low
scores may be in part due to the stronger
wording in this item (incentives are a “sig-
nificant” amount). Nevertheless, the highly
consistent results suggest there is nearly uni-
versal agreement in our sample that while

incentives are important they should not
comprise too much of an employee’s total pay.
Perhaps this is because most employees are
risk averse, with cultural differences explain-
ing degrees of risk aversion.

Third, we would have expected the col-
lectivistic countries to have much higher “is
now” mean scores on item #3—pay is contin-
gent on group or organizational performance—
than the individualistic countries. This is
because collectivistic cultures have a strong
belief in interdependence among people and
thus are more likely to emphasize group or
team-based achievement than individualistic

TABLE I Ideological Gap Between Is Now and Should Be Means.

✕ Denotes mean difference of 1.0 or larger between “is now” and “should be” item means.
� Denotes mean difference of .90 to .99 between “is now” and “should be” item means.

Survey Instructions and Items

How accurately do the following statements describe the purposes of your company’s pay practices? For each statement
provide two responses.
First, use the left column to indicate the extent to which the statements below describe the way Pay Practices are
currently conducted (“IS NOW”).
Second, use the right column to indicate to what extent the statements below describe the way Pay Practices ought to be
conducted to promote organizational effectiveness (“SHOULD BE”).
Item 1: Pay incentives such as bonus or profit sharing are an important part of the compensation strategy in this
Item 2: The benefits are an important part of the total pay package.
Item 3: In this organization a portion of an employee’s earnings is contingent on group or organization performance goals
being achieved.
Item 4: Our pay policies recognize that long-term results are more important than short-term results.
Item 5: An employee’s seniority does enter into pay decisions.
Item 6: Pay incentives are designed to provide a significant amount of an employee’s total earnings in this organization.
Item 7: The employee benefits package is very generous compared to what it could be.
Item 8: The pay system in this organization is a futuristic orientation. It focuses employee’s attention on long-term (2 or
more years) goals.
Item 9: In this organization pay raises are determined mainly by an employee’s job performance.



















cultures (Abdullah & Gallagher, 1995). To our
surprise, the mean “is now” scores for many
of the collectivistic countries were only slightly
higher. Furthermore, it was the countries in
the Americas (regardless of individualistic or
collectivistic orientation) which had the high-
est “should be” mean scores on this item.
Again, we would have anticipated that the
countries in Asia, which are more associated
with teams and an organizational wide empha-
sis (e.g., Japan, Korea), would have had higher
“should be” scores.

It is also interesting that the “should be”
mean scores for the ten countries were gener-
ally higher on item #9—pay raises are deter-
mined by job performance—than on item
#3—pay is contingent upon group or organi-
zational performance. These data indicate that
there is some agreement among employees
across the diverse countries in our sample that
there “should be” a larger emphasis placed on
job-performance goals (however that is de-
fined) than specifically on group or organiza-
tional measures. This may also reflect risk
aversion to some extent given that most em-
ployees see individual performance as more
controllable than group performance.


The item for seniority—seniority influences
pay decisions (#5)—might be viewed as a
form of pay incentives in many cultures. If
seniority enters into pay decisions, then it is
an incentive to continue employment with
that organization. However, we maintain the
seniority item as distinct from pay incentives
here because it is consistent with the design
of Balkin and Gomez-Meija (1990) and be-
cause the other pay-incentive items relate
more to either individual or collective per-
formance rather than time in rank. Because
of their strong respect for elders and the need
to maintain harmony and cohesion among all
employees, collectivistic cultures are gener-
ally thought to emphasize seniority in human
resource decisions to a much larger degree
than individualistic cultures (Milliman et al.,
1998). For this reason we would have ex-
pected that the countries with a collectivis-
tic culture in our sample would have the
highest means on this item. However, the

results were mixed with about one-half of the
collectivistic countries having higher “is now”
means and the other one-half similar “is now”
means as the three countries with an indi-
vidualistic orientation (Australia, Canada,
and the U.S.). Further, only three of the
countries with a collectivistic background
(Mexico, Korea, and the PRC) indicated that
seniority “should be” emphasized more in the
future (e.g., had “should be” means higher
than “is now” means). These findings may
suggest social changes including a reduced
emphasis on seniority in societies that tradi-
tionally have honored their elders (Stening
& Ngan, 1997; Zhu, De Cieri, & Dowling,
1998). Overall, these data indicate that there
may not be as many differences in how coun-
tries emphasize seniority in making pay de-
cisions as we would have anticipated.


There were two items that related to benefits:
benefits are an important part of total pay (#2)
and benefits are generous (#7). For item #2,
“is now” and “should be” means were gener-
ally higher for the American continents coun-
tries than the countries in Asia. However, there
were fewer differences between these two geo-
graphic areas on the second item. Thus, it is
difficult to derive many conclusions from an
examination of these two items based on geo-
graphic locations or other anticipated patterns.
Overall, the mean scores on both “is now” and
“should be” questions were higher for the item
“benefits are important” than the item “ben-
efits are generous.” It may be that the word-
ing of the latter item is stronger (generous
versus important) and this is why the pattern
of scores was only marginally different be-
tween the two items.

Long-Term Focus in Pay

There were two items that dealt with having
a longer-term perspective on pay: Long-term
performance is emphasized over short-term
results (#4) and pay system has a futuristic
orientation (#8). Australia, Canada, and the
U.S had the lowest “is now” mean scores on
both of these long-term pay items. This find-
ing is consistent with the literature on the

Because of their
strong respect for
elders and the
need to maintain
harmony and
cohesion among
all employees,
cultures are
generally thought
to emphasize
seniority in
human resource
decisions to a
much larger
degree than

International Compensation Practices • 61

cultural dimensions of orientation to time
(Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961). This litera-
ture suggests that countries that share a heri-
tage with Europe or North America tend to
emphasize short-term results (Laurent,
1983). In contrast, countries in Asia tend to
place a stronger emphasis on the past and
have a more a holistic view of time, which
places a lesser focus on short-term, quantifi-
able goals (Milliman et al.; 1998; Stening &
Ngan, 1997).

While the current emphasis in Australia,
Canada, and the U.S. is low on a long-term
pay orientation, some different results
emerged in the “should be” items. Specifically,
there was a large increase in “should be” means
over “is now” means in all three countries. For
example, the U.S. “should be” mean scores
were higher by 1.99 and 2.12 than the “is now”
means on these two items. These data indi-
cate that employees in all three countries be-
lieve that a greater emphasis “should be”
placed on tying pay to longer-term results in
the future. Further, the “should be” means of
these three countries were similar to the
means of the countries in Asia and Latin
America, indicating that a similar level of
emphasis “should be” placed on relating pay
to longer term results for all of the countries
in our sample.

When we collected the data we assumed
that there would be some rather large differ-
ences in pay practices between a number of
the countries in our sample. For example, the
literature indicates that the dominant view of
pay systems in the U.S. is an individualistic
orientation toward pay for performance with
a focus on short-term goals (Abdullah &
Gallagher, 1995; Milliman et al., 1998; Von
Glinow & Chung, 1989). In contrast, the lit-
erature indicates that Japan is more collectiv-
istic and thus more oriented toward pay based
on seniority and longer-term goals (Von
Glinow, 1993; Von Glinow & Chung, 1989).
However, the data indicate that the U.S. (and
other individualistic countries such as Canada
and Australia) emphasizes pay incentives less
than we would have anticipated. Furthermore,
the countries in Asia which tend to share a
collectivistic background have only a slight to
moderately higher emphasis than the three in-
dividualistic countries on seniority-based pay,

pay based on group or organizational perfor-
mance, and pay based on future results. Thus,
though the pay systems between these vari-
ous countries do have a number of important
differences, they seem to share more similari-
ties than we had anticipated.

Ideological Difference Analysis

Clearly the “is now” and “should be” means
are important sources of information for both
benchmarking of current practices and gain-
ing an absolute sense of employee compensa-
tion preferences. However, from a motivational
standpoint, the greatest opportunities for im-
provement may be found where the largest gaps
exist. It is important to consider the implica-
tions of a large difference between “is now”
and “should be” scores for the motivating po-
tential. Tailoring compensation plans to nar-
row the gap may be one way to increase
employee performance and satisfaction. Over-
all, the countries in the Americas had the larg-
est gap between current practice and desired
future practice on pay policies. In particular,
Mexico had mean score differences of 1.0 or
greater (large) on eight of the nine pay items.
In addition, the U.S. and Canada had large
differences on six of the pay items, with five
large differences for Australia, Korea, and Latin
America. The Asian countries had only one to
three large difference scores. It is interesting
to speculate on why these ideological gaps were
greater in the Westernized countries than in
the Asian countries. One possible explanation
for these differences is Kluckhohn and
Strodtbeck’s (1961) cultural dimension of ori-
entation toward time. It is generally assumed
that most countries in Asia tend to share a past
time cultural orientation which tends to em-
phasize the status quo, stability, and slow
change. In contrast, countries such as the U.S.
tend to have a future time orientation that
tends to emphasize being flexible and making
changes as soon as they are deemed positive
from past practices (Milliman et al., 1998). It
will be interesting for future research to inves-
tigate whether changing pay systems rapidly
versus slowly is linked to profitability further
since many scholars (cf. Bishko, 1990;
Milkovich & Bloom, 1998; Milliman, Von
Glinow, & Nathan, 1991) argue that rapid

It is generally
assumed that
most countries in
Asia tend to
share a past time
which tends to
emphasize the
status quo,
stability, and slow


change and flexibility is important for all or-
ganizations to compete successfully.

Study Limitations

As with all empirical investigations, several
design variables in this study constrain the
generalizability of the findings and thus war-
rant caution in interpreting results. First,
though great care was taken to try to achieve
survey item functional equivalence across
cultures, the samples receiving the surveys
were not equivalent across the countries.
Thus across-country differences in industry
characteristics and sample depth and
breadth may account for some of the varia-
tion observed herein. Second, we chose not
to compare means directly due to differences
in rater frame of reference across countries.
Thus, given the exploratory nature of this
study, results interpretation relies more on
author interpretation of trends than on a
dogmatic reliance on statistical tests. Third,
we did not control for firm size, industry, or
strategic positioning, which some authors
(Festing, 1997; Milkovich & Bloom, 1998)
have suggested are required before the ap-
propriateness of organizational practices can
meaningfully scrutinized.

Best Practice and Research Implications

Due to the limitations discussed above, it is
difficult to draw many final conclusions about

best practices in compensation systems. None-
theless, the observations made here may use-
fully inform practices in at least four ways.
First, the data do allow us to make some ob-
servations about what might work best in some
countries in the future. We have summarized
the pay items that have received “should be”
mean scores higher than 4.0 in Table II. These
data reflect which practices the respondents
in each country believe ideally ought to be
emphasized to a high extent. Examining the
summary results in Table II along with the sig-
nificant “is now” to “should be” means in Table
I provide a number of insights into how com-
pensation practices “should be” designed in
the future for both individual countries as well
as patterns across countries in our sample.

Second, they may challenge ethnocentric
exportation of compensation practices by en-
hancing understanding of “best practices” in
other countries. Third, they may challenge the
notion that “adopting the status quo” in a given
locale is being locally responsive. Fourth, they
may challenge organizations to place more
emphasis on understanding what employees
want (“should be”), rather than what they have
(“is now”) in a compensation policy. Thus,
adopting a lens focused on what employees in
a given culture want from a compensation sys-
tem rather than replicating current cultural
norms may help motivate employees to engage
in high-performance behaviors that are con-
sistent with business direction and goals
(Lawton, 1997). Answering each of these chal-

TABLE II “High” Should Be Means.


Australia Canada PRC


Indonesia Japan Korea






“High” “should be” means are those equal to or greater than 4.0.

International Compensation Practices • 63

lenges may aid MNCs in their quest to strike
a global integration-local responsiveness bal-
ance, and to manage an increasingly diverse
domestic work force (Von Glinow, 1993).

The observations here also provide fruit-
ful directions for future researchers. The
counterintuitive findings here warrant rep-
lication studies to determine if these find-
ings are unique to this sample or an addition
t o o u r c u m u l a t i v e k n o w l e d g e . T h e s e
counterintuitive findings also highlight the
need for a comprehensive theory of inter-
national compensation (see Milkovich &
Bloom, 1998; Milliman et al., 1998 for gen-
eral notions). It may be that a rigorous theo-
retical treatment would predict the findings
that we have observed here but we are cur-
rently “working without a net” in extending
general theories of culture’s consequences
to a specific set of HRM practices. The role
of industry and firm strategy on compensa-
tion practices was not investigated here and

is a fruitful area for international compen-
sation research. Finally, we have indirectly
proposed an empirical question by suggest-
ing that closing what we have labeled the
ideological gap could be expected to increase
motivation around business goals and direc-
tion. Future research might seek to validate
or refute this argument and suggest at what
point diminishing returns to closing the gap
occur. Future research might also explore
the impact of not only meeting employee
“should be” expectations for compensation
practices but also exceeding those expecta-

Clearly, there are considerable opportu-
nities for scholars to develop better theoreti-
cal and empirical foundations for international
compensation research. The utility of such
research to inform practice is likely to con-
tinue increasing as the growth of MNCs and
more general globalization of business prac-
tice continues for the foreseeable future.


































Within-Country t-Values for “Is Now” and “Should Be” Mean Comparisons.APPENDIX I



Abdullah, A., & Gallagher, E. (1995). Managing with
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Kevin B. Lowe is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration
at the University of North Carolina—Greensboro. Dr. Lowe obtained a B.S. in Finance
from the University of Louisville, an MBA from Stetson University, and a Ph.D. from
Florida International University. Professor Lowe worked for several years in finance and
strategic planning for Baxter International and Florida Power and Light prior to pursu-
ing an academic career. His primary research interests are leadership and international
human research management. He is currently serving a second term as an Associate
Editor of The Leadership Quarterly.

John Milliman is an Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Man-
agement at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Dr. Milliman obtained a
B.A. in Business Economics at the University of California at Santa Barbara, an M.S. at
U.C.L.A., and a Ph.D. at the University of Southern California. Dr. Milliman worked in
management in the health care industry for eight years and has taught at the University
of Colorado since 1992. He has worked with organizations and published articles in the
area of performance management, international human resource management, envi-
ronmental management, and spirituality at work.

Helen De Cieri (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management,
Monash University (Australia). Her academic experience includes appointments in Aus-
tralia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the United States. Helen is the Editor of the
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, the leading regional journal in the HRM field.
Her current research interests include strategic HRM in multinational enterprises, and
HRM issues in international interorganizational networks.

Peter J. Dowling (Ph.D, The Flinders University of South Australia) is Foundation
Professor of Management, Head of the School of Management and Director of the
Graduate School of Management at the University of Tasmania. His current research
interests are international human resource management and strategic management.
Professor Dowling has co-authored four books and over 60 journal articles and book
chapters. Professor Dowling serves on the editorial boards of Asia Pacific Journal of
Human Resources, Human Resource Planning, International Journal of Human Resource
Management, Journal of International Management, Journal of World Business, Manage-
ment International Review, and Thunderbird International Business Review.

International Compensation Practices • 65

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pensation and Benefits Review, 25, 57–62.

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35, 3–15.

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637). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press

Von Glinow, M.A., & Chung, B.J. (1989). Compara-
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1. Item #5 was reversed scored from the original
Balkin and Gomez-Mejia (1990) measure. We felt
the item “should be” positively worded (rather
than the original negative wording) so as not to
confuse employees in other countries and because
the use of seniority as a basis for compensation is
so prevalent in non-U.S. HRM systems.
2. Mean differences of less than 1.0 are statisti-
cally significant for most comparisons as a func-
tion of sample size and sample standard devia-
tion. Given the exploratory nature of this research,
we have chosen the mean difference of 1.0 crite-
ria as an indication of both large statistical and
practical differences. For readers interested in only
statistical significance, t-values are provided in
Appendix 1. Sample standard deviations may be
obtained by contacting the first author.

Balance Sheet Approach to Compensation





Home Country

Host Country

Base salary


Housing allowance


18,000 (housing is more expensive in host country)

Health insurance




(insurance is cheaper in host country)

Contribution to 401 K


Vehicle allowance


14,000 (vehicle is more expensive in host country)

School tuition for children



Yearly return to home country


Income taxes

30% = 42,000

40% = 56,000

Overseas premium

15% = 21,000

Total cost of employee



Compensation and Rewards

There are a few options when choosing compensation for a global business. The first option is to

maintain companywide pay scales and policies, so for example, all sales staff are paid the same no

matter what country they are in. This can reduce inequalities and simplify recording keeping, but it

does not address some key issues. First, this compensation policy does not address that it can be much

more expensive to live in one place versus another. A salesperson working in Japan has much higher

living expenses than a salesperson working in Peru, for example. As a result, the majority of

organizations thus choose to use a pay banding system based on regions, such as South America,

Europe, and North America. This is called a localized compensation strategy. Microsoft and Kraft Foods

both use this approach. This method provides the best balance of cost-of-living considerations.

However, regional pay banding is not necessarily the ideal solution if the goal is to motivate expatriates

to move. For example, if the employee has been asked to move from Japan to Peru and the salary is

different, by half, for example, there is little motivation for that employee to want to take an assignment

in Peru, thus limiting the potential benefits of mobility for employees and for the company.

One possible option is to pay a similar base salary companywide or regionwide and offer expatriates an

allowance based on specific market conditions in each country.

This is called the balance sheet

approach. With this compensation approach, the idea is that the expatriate should have the same

standard of living that he or she would have had at home. Four groups of expenses are looked at in this


1. Income taxes

2. Housing

3. Goods and services

4. Base salary

5. Overseas premium

The HR professional would estimate these expenses within the home country and costs for the same items in

the host country. The employer then pays differences. In addition, the base salary will normally be in the same

range as the home-country salary, and an overseas premium might be paid owing to the challenge of an

overseas assignment. An overseas premium is an additional bonus for agreeing to take an overseas assignment.

The Balance Sheet Approach to Compensation

Chicago, IL Tokyo Allowance

Tax rate 30% 35% 5% or

Housing $1250 $1800 $550

Base salary $5400 $5,750 $350

Overseas premium 15% $810

Total allowance $1998

Total salary and

$5400 $7748

Other compensation issues, which will vary greatly from country to country, might include the

1. The cost of benefits in another country. Many countries offer universal health care (offset by higher

taxes), and therefore the employee would have health benefits covered while working and paying taxes

in that country. Canada, Finland, and Japan are examples of countries that have this type of coverage. In

countries such as Singapore, all residents receive a catastrophic policy from the government, but they

need to purchase additional insurance for routine care. A number of organizations offer health care for

expatriates relocating to another country in which health care is not already provided.

2. Legally mandated (or culturally accepted) amount of vacation days. For example, in Australia twenty

paid vacation days are required, ten in Canada, thirty in Finland, and five in the Philippines. The average

number of US worker vacation days is fifteen, although the number of days is not federally mandated by

the government, as with the other examples.

3. Legal requirements of profit sharing. For example, in France, the government heavily regulates

profit sharing programs.

4. Pay system that works with the country culture, such as pay systems based on seniority. For

example, Chinese culture focuses heavily on seniority, and pay scales should be developed

according to seniority.

5. Thirteenth month (bonus) structures and expected (sometimes mandated) annual lump-sum

payments. Compensation issues are a major consideration in motivating overseas employees.

A systematic system should be in place to ensure fairness in compensation for all expatriates.

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