HRM 534 Employee and Labor Relations

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Expatriates and Repatriation

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Employee and Labor Relations 534

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October 18,



Expatriates and Repatriation

The way that I would address the repatriation of expatriate employees when they may not have a job opportunity from returning from an overseas assignment. I would help repatriation plan the employees’ transition in advance months before the employees are to re-enter the United States. The plan should provide for reintegration measures, such as a pre-repatriation trip for the repatriate to investigate schools and do networking. According to people within the organization there should be counseling for all of the family members upon repatriation. When it comes to the experience of re-entry and readjusting to the culture once an individual and his family returns to their home country. They may lose some of their familiar sign and symbols of social intercourse. Once the transferee returns with his/her family they will have to work to re-establish relationships with family and friends in their home country. It will be a readjusting period for the entire family because they will no longer have the benefits, they use to have during their assignment such as housing and schooling. Some of the struggles that many expatriates may have with learning a new job is not having clear job roles, minimal support from the receiving manager or difficulties the language and cultural barriers in the office.

An example and my rationale for my proposed approach to repatriation. An expatriate employee may have to learn how to make important decisions, meet department deadlines and communicate with others in the organization that are more hierarchical structure instead of the flatter, more independent structure she or he may have worked in previously assignments. By being a junior employee who is more indirect out of respect for senior management leaders may struggle to open up to a junior employee in a more direct way, egalitarian framework where speaking up is valued in the organization.


1. AperianGlobal. (2020, October 18). Developing cultural competency for international assignments: What we can learn from expatriate challenges. Retrieved from AperianGlobal website:

2. Culturalawareness. (2017, July 13). Repatriation challenges faced when coming home. Retrieved from Culturalawareness website:

3. SHRM. (2019, June 4). Helping expatriate employees deal with culture shock. Retrieved from SHRM website:


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