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Read Ch. 2, Incident 2, “Illegal Hiring.”

Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the incident, “Illegal Hiring.” Include the following in preparing your response:

  • Identify what role HR should play as a strategic business partner in addressing this incident. (Consider HR principles and employment law points in your response).
  • Summarize what you recommend should have been done in response to learning about the facts in this incident. (avoid use of first person language)
  • Discuss what factors in this incident might influence a company to make less-than-ethical decisions.
  • Summarize a brief policy that would help an organization like the one in “Illegal Hiring” make sound and legal hiring decisions within the framework of the law and support a culture of diversity and inclusion.

Include a minimum of 3 sources to support your work comprised of the course text and 2 peer reviewed journal articles (see Announcements section for definition of a peer reviewed journal source). Government and professional organization websites are good sources but will be considered as additional sources to the 3 required.

Format the paper to APA standards. There is a template in the Announcements section to help with proper formatting of the cover page. There is another handout posted in the Announcements section that has the main general rules of APA.

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