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Assignment Details:

Unit 1: The Human Resource Investment

Analyze real-world issues, and develop proficiency in solving human resource problems through case studies and simulations.

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Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.

Unit 2: The Human Resource Environment

Describe issues in human resource management, including globalization and diversity.

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.

Explain the legal environment of human resources, and assess its impact on human resource strategy.

Predict situations that present potential legal and ethical issues, and develop solutions for those issues.

Unit 3: Strategy Formulation and Planning

Analyze real-world issues, and develop proficiency in solving human resource problems through case studies and simulations.

Construct a human resource strategy for a given situation.

Interpret the opportunities provided by technology for businesses.

Predict situations that present potential legal and ethical issues, and develop solutions for those issues.
Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.

Appropriately use effective communication techniques.

Unit 4: Strategy Implementation

Describe issues in human resource management, including globalization and diversity.
Predict situations that present potential legal and ethical issues, and develop solutions for those issues.
Analyze real-world issues, and develop proficiency in solving human resource problems through case studies and simulations.
Explain the legal environment of human resources, and assess its impact on human resource strategy.

Unit 5: HR Plan Performance and Evaluation

Analyze real-world issues, and develop proficiency in solving human resource problems through case studies and simulations.
Describe issues in human resource management, including globalization and diversity.

This assignment has 3 parts.

1. What questions do you have about these assignments in Units 1-4?

2. What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment?

3. What are your initial thoughts about how you will approach the Unit 5 assignment? Explain.

Deliverable Length:   250 words (minimum)

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