HR management

Assignment Instructions: You are required to answer the following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. Make sure to include your name and student id number and the question as part of the Assignment response. For each assignment, you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words. Each assignment paper should be at least 400 words. 

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For your assignment, make sure to write in an essay format with complete sentences. The submission should be in paragraph form with clear topic sentences and all items from the questions addressed.


Read the LOGO Department Store Case Study. Then answer the following questions.

  1. What type of test did Logo Department Store develop to improve the success of the selection process? Explain what the test measured.
  2. Is the new test valid? (hint:include discussion of each of the different types of validity) Describe, in detail, how or how not. Is the new test reliable? Describe, in detail, how or how not.
  3. The case study mentions that the test has been validated for disparate (or adverse) impact. Explain how you would go about validating Logo’s new test for disparate impact. What would you be hoping to prove?

Things were getting ugly in the beauty department at Logo Department Stores and something
had to be done about it. Beauty advisors (also called cosmetic associates) in their 177 stores
were leaving their positions at a higher rate than sales associates in other departments during
the first few months on the job. This seemed odd to the manager as Beauty advisors received
more training than any other sales position and had higher income potential. Logo already had
an assessment in place that was supposed to determine if an applicant was a good fit, but it
clearly was not working for the beauty advisor position.

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Logo HR started asking some tough questions about what it takes to be successful in a beauty
sales position. Since cosmetic sales require getting up close and personal with customers, much
more so than other sales positions, they wondered if a beauty advisor needed to have different
personality traits than someone selling clothing or bedding. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
projected that demand for sales workers would grow at a faster rate than other professions,
Logo couldn’t afford to be constantly replacing sales workers, especially since they receive 30
hours of training in their first 60 days of employment. It was both time‐consuming and

Consultants interviewed hundreds of high‐performing beauty advisors and managers at Logo to
try and determine the traits essential for job success. The results were surprising. Prior to the
survey, managers assumed that friendly, customer‐service oriented people who loved fashion
and beauty were good candidates. Those factors were important, but cognitive and problem‐
solving ability were critical. Successful beauty advisors, they found, are intelligent problem
solvers as much as they are sales people, as they help customers with very personal skincare,
makeup, and fragrance needs.

As a result, 10 questions were developed for store managers to ask when interviewing
applicants. A new assessment was also developed and validated for adverse impact and other
discriminatory factors. All applicants for beauty advisor associate positions are now required to
take the 80‐question assessment test—it takes around 20 minutes to complete—and the
results have been encouraging. Beauty advisors now remain with Logo stores 12 percent longer
than they did before the assessment test was implemented and turnover is the lowest of any
sales group in the store. New associates also achieve 2.1 percent more total sales per hour than
associates hired before the assessment was developed.

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