HR Consultant ProposalDue Apr 14, 3:59 PMNot SubmittedPOINTS 15 Signature AssignmentObjectives: FilesGradingPurpose of AssignmentThe purpose of this assignment is to give learners an opportunity to summarize lessons learned about Human Resources Management with emphasis on employee relations. Please refer to the resources below to assist with the assignment. Assignment StepsResources: Human Resource Management; Supplemental Resources. Imagine that you have been hired as an HR consultant for your chosen company. Use lessons you have learned throughout the term from your individual assignments and the feedback from your teams. Make a recommendation about ways to grow the company’s workforce inclusive of managerial roles, employment relationships, and implications for change in a global environment, with emphasis on HR’s role. Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft®  PowerPoint® presentation including the following:Explain the need to grow the company’s workforce based on organizational and personal values.Analyze current environment to include workforce diversity and needs analysis.Recommend ways to grow the company’s workforce that aligns with organizational values.Analyze how leader and manager skills will foster innovation and lead change.Analyze employee relationship problems and pertinent details.Evaluate strategies to resolve the problems; include a table format representation of pros and cons of labor unions.Summarize a potential employee relations training plan.Evaluate the implications of the changes on internal, external, and global environments. Create a 1,050-word summary report of your findings to the CEO of the organization including a cover letter.  Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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