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BSBCMM401 – Make a presentation



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Training Package:

Marketing and Communication

Due Date:

Assessment Type:

Assessment Guidelines

Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.


The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Make a presentation.

2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please inform your assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to complete this assessment.

3. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the assessment submission on Moodle.

4. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal the grading through filling out an appeals form which will then be handle by the Academic Manager.

5. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-assessment. Re-assessments must be submitted by an agreed date with your assessor.

6. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the assessor to issue a satisfactory (pass) result. A repeat NYS outcome could lead to an administration fee for further reassessment.

7. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and

By adding my name to this document, I hereby declare the work is my own and has not been copied from any other source.

Student NAME: Date:

Make a presentation
Learner Assessments

Summative Assessments

The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after finishing the Learner Guide. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.

Knowledge, skills and performance may be termed as:

· Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence

· Skills Performance

· skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills

· evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.

Section A: Knowledge Activity

The Knowledge Activity is a series of activities to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.

Section B: Skills Performance Activity

The Skills Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed based on the information you have obtained in Section A. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor, as applicable to the situation.

If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of competency when submitting this work.

Marking guidance

You will undertake two Summative Assessments as your own work but communicating with others. To satisfactorily pass this unit, you need to ensure that each component of the Summative Assessment (Sections A & B) is completed, submitted and marked Satisfactory.


See the Unit Outline and listen to your trainer for the due date for this assessment.

You will be supplied with the assessment materials via the Moodle course for this unit.

It is acceptable to prepare and capture parts of your project using word processing, scanned document or other forms of technology (eg audio recordings). When you do this, you MUST name the files correctly and upload them to the Moodle course for this unit.

Make sure that you complete and submit the cover page each time you submit your work for a Summative Assessment.

Feedback and results

You will receive supportive feedback about your work for your Summative Assessments.

See the International Student Handbook for the College’s policies on resubmissions and appeals.

You can always talk to your trainer about the feedback and your progress.

Section A: Knowledge Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

The completion of the following activity will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

· Identifying information collection methods that will support review and feedback of presentations

· Identifying regulatory and organisational obligations and requirements relevant to presentations

· Describing the principles of effective communication

· Describing the range of presentation aids and materials available to support presentations.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.


You are employed by JJ Marketing and Metrics (JJs), a marketing communications company based in the Sydney CBD, as a junior marketing assistant.

Your supervisor was so impressed with your presentation to the regional development and business enterprise centre people in BSBMKG418 Develop and apply knowledge of marketing communication industry – Section B: Skills Performance Activity, that they have asked you do a similar presentation for a Regional Development Australia meeting, however, this time you will need to prepare presentation slides and any other materials you may find appropriate to enhance your presentation.

To ensure you do a really good job, your supervisor asks you to complete the following tasks:


Describe three ways you can get feedback from others following your presentation to review how your presentation went (40-70 words)

2. Complete the table below to demonstrate your understanding of the regulatory and organisational obligations and requirements related to making a presentation

Regulatory or organisational obligations or requirements

Describe how each regulatory or organisational obligations or requirements relates to making a presentation (30-60 words)


Using the organisation’s Powerpoint template

3. Complete the table below to demonstrate your understanding of the principles of effective communication when making a presentation

Principles for effective communication when making a presentation

Describe how each principle supports effective communication when making a presentation (20-70 words each)

Understanding the presentation topic

Preparation for the presentation

Planning the right delivery approach

Communicating the content to the participants

Inspiring participants into action

4. Complete the table below to demonstrate your understanding of a range of presentation aids and materials that you can use when making a presentation

Presentation aid / material

Describe how the aid / material can be used when making a presentation (20-30 words each)

Video, audio, photos, graphs and drawings

Printed material eg brochures, handouts, notes and/or posters

Laptop and data projector

Presentation slides

Flip charts


Samples, models or examples

Section B: Skills Performance Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills for this unit.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following elements and performance criteria:

1. Prepare a presentation

1.1 Plan and document presentation approach and intended outcomes

1.2 Choose presentation strategies, format and delivery methods that match the characteristics of the target audience, location, resources and personnel needed

1.3 Select presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and purpose of the presentation, and will enhance audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

1.4 Brief others involved in the presentation on their roles/responsibilities within the presentation

1.5 Select techniques to evaluate presentation effectiveness

2. Deliver a presentation

2.1 Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience

2.2 Use presentation aids, materials and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

2.3 Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes

2.4 Use persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest

2.5 Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences

2.6 Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding

3. Review the presentation

3.1 Implement techniques to review the effectiveness of the presentation

3.2 Seek and discuss reactions to the presentation from participants or from key personnel involved in the presentation

3.3 Utilise feedback from the audience or from key personnel involved in the presentation to make changes to central ideas presented

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:

· Prepare and deliver presentations related to occupation or area of interest which demonstrate the use of:

· effective presentation strategies and communication principles

· aids and materials to support the presentation

· Select and implement methods to review the effectiveness of own presentation and document any changes which would improve future presentations.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following foundation skills:

· Reading

· Reviews and analyses documents to identify information relevant to a specific presentation

· Writing

· Develops material to convey ideas and information to target audience in an engaging way

· Oral Communication

· Presents information using words and non-verbal features appropriate to the audience and context

· Uses listening and questioning techniques to gather information required to develop or modify presentations

· Interprets audience reactions and changes words or non-verbal features accordingly

· Interact with others

· Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols to encourage interaction or to present information

· Demonstrates sophisticated control over oral, visual and written formats, drawing on a range of communication practices to achieve goals

· Recognises the need to alter personal communication style in response to the needs or expectations of others

· Get the work done

· Takes responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks and own workload to achieve outcomes

· Uses feedback from others, analytical and lateral thinking to review current practices and develop new ideas

· Uses the main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

Assessment information

Use the information provided, together with the information that you researched and wrote about for Section A: Knowledge Activity in this Assessment workbook, as well as your own research, to complete this assessment.

For this assessment you will plan, deliver and review your presentation to the Regional Development Australia meeting.

Remember that this presentation should cover the following information that you presented in in BSBMKG418 Develop and apply knowledge of marketing communication industry – Section B: Skills Performance Activity, however, this time you will need to update presentation slides and any other materials you may find appropriate to enhance your presentation.

Presentation topics should cover:

· The marketing communications industry eg:

· The structure and operation of the marketing communications industry, and its role in society

· The structure and operation of regional Australia’s marketing communications businesses

· Principles of marketing communications and media strategies

· Marketing communications business employment opportunities and obligations

· Changes and future trends in the marketing communications industry eg new and alternative technologies, and digital communication technologies

· Current issues affecting the marketing communications industry

· Your findings from your Stakeholder Analysis

· Ways of staying abreast of the marketing communications industry eg: Where new marketing communications business owners can access information about their industry

This assessment you will need to interact with others as follows:

a. Planning your presentation:

· You will need to work with another BSBCMM411 Make a presentation student who will act as your supervisor at JJ’s by providing you support in planning for your presentation – this student will need to

· complete Section A of this Learner Assessment document before participating in this meeting so they understand the requirements for planning a presentation

· have read your presentation plan that you will write as part of this assessment

b. Delivering your presentation:

· a minimum of 3 other BSBCMM411 Make a presentation students who will act as:

· 2 Regional Development Australia meeting participants

· your supervisor at JJs

c. Reviewing your presentation:

· You will need to work with another BSBCMM411 Make a presentation student who will act as your supervisor at JJ’s by providing you with feedback about your presentation as well as helping you analyse the feedback about your presentation from Regional Development Australia meeting participants – this student will need to complete Section A of this Learner Assessment document before participating in this meeting so they understand the requirements for reviewing a presentation

Your trainer will provide information about when you will undertake these meetings.

1. Planning your presentation:

a. Your presentation plan:

· Your supervisor has asked you to document your presentation plan in a briefing document. Ensure you review the information you used in your BSBMGK418 presentation is still relevant, and ensure you include the following:

· Describe the intended outcomes of the presentation (10-30 words)

· Outline your presentation strategies you plan to use (ensure you include some visuals eg image, graph etc) and describe how this will meet the needs of the participants – (20-50 words)

· List the presentation aids, materials and examples you plan to use and describe how this will enhance the participants’ understanding of the presentation (50-120 words)

· Discuss the evaluation method(s) you plan to use and why you have selected the method(s) (40-70 words)

· Save this document as BSBCMM401 Presentation Plan

b. Briefing meeting with your supervisor:

· Your supervisor has read your presentation plan and has asked to meet with you to discuss this plan. As your supervisor has asked you to do this presentation, you would like them to introduce you at the start of the presentation.

· Make a time with another BSBCMM411 Make a presentation student who will act as your supervisor at JJ’s at this meeting (3-5 mins).

· At the meeting you will discuss:

· What is in your presentation plan and ask for your supervisor’s input about how you might change or improve what you plan to do

· Ask the supervisor if:

· they can introduce you at the start of the presentation

· there is anything else you should consider when preparing for the presentation

· Close the meeting appropriately

c. Prepare your presentation slides and any other materials you may be using to enhance your presentation as per your presentation plan and any suggestions from your supervisor from the above meeting

2. Delivering your presentation:

a. Make a time to meet with 3 other BSBCMM411 Make a presentation students to do your presentation (10-15 mins). These students who will act as:

· 2 Regional Development Australia meeting participants
· your supervisor at JJs

b. At this presentation you will include:

· Explaining and discussing the desired outcomes of the presentation

· Covering the key topics of the presentation using appropriate

· presentation aids, materials and examples

· verbal and non-verbal communication techniques

to maintain the participants’ interest in the presentation

· Monitoring participants’ verbal and non-verbal communication to ensure participants understand the content

· Providing participants with opportunities to ask questions or make comments about the presentation

· Adjusting the presentation information or strategies after asking questions to ensure the presentation meets the participants’ needs

· Summarising key topics at appropriate points throughout the presentation to ensure the participants’ understanding of the presentation content

· Closing the presentation appropriately by asking the 2 Regional Development Australia meeting participants to provide you with feedback via your evaluation method(s) outlined in your project plan

c. Reviewing your presentation:

a. Following the meeting:

· Reflect on your own performance and determine if you could have improved your presentation in any way

· Review the feedback provided participants

· Request a meeting with your supervisor to discuss the feedback you received

b. Make a time to meet with another BSBCMM411 Make a presentation student who will act as your supervisor and who will help you review your presentation (5-10 mins). At this you will discuss:

· How well you and your supervisor felt the presentation went

· The feedback provided by the participants

· Ways the presentation could be improved

c. Following this meeting, your supervisor has been asked by the Regional Development Australia participants if they could have a video recording of the presentation (5-10 mins) you gave to them so that they could use it to brief people about the possibilities of opening marketing communications businesses in their region. Your supervisor then asks you to update your presentation slides based on the feedback you have received and your own suggested improvements, and then make a video recording of yourself delivering the updated presentation.

d. Save this video as BSBCMM401 Presentation Video

Summative Assessments: Sections A & B checklist

This will used by the trainer to document the learner’s knowledge, skills and performance as relevant to the summative assessments: Sections A & B. The table indicates if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Summative Assessment – Sections A & B


BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

Student Name:

Student ID:

Trainer Name:

Checklist for unit

The candidate must submit:


Not yet complete

Not applicable

Section A: Knowledge Activity – Questions 1-4

Section B: Skills Performance Activity
1. Planning your presentation
a. BSBCMM401 Presentation Plan containing information regarding:

· intended outcomes of the presentation

· presentation strategies the student plans to use (including some visuals eg image, graph) and how these strategies will meet the needs of the participants

· presentation aids and materials the student plans to use and how these will enhance the participants’ understanding of the presentation

· evaluation method(s) the student plans to use and why they have selected the method(s)

b. Briefing meeting with supervisor with another BSBCMM411 Make a presentation student who acted as the supervisor (3-5 mins) included:

· Discussing the student’s presentation plan and gaining input from the supervisor

· Asking the supervisor to introduce the student at the start of the presentation

· Discussing whether there was anything else the student should consider when preparing for the presentation

· Using
· verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
· listening and asking questions

· Closing the meeting appropriately

2. Delivering your presentation
a. Presentation (5-10 mins) involving 3 other BSBCMM411 Make a presentation students who acted as:
· 2 Regional Development Australia meeting participants
· your supervisor at JJs

· Explaining and discussing the desired outcomes of the presentation

· Explaining the key topics of the presentation using appropriate
· presentation aids, materials and examples
· verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
to maintain the participants’ interest in the presentation

· Monitoring participants’ verbal and non-verbal communication to ensure participants understand the content

· Providing participants with opportunities to ask questions or make comments about the presentation

· Adjusting the presentation information or strategies after asking questions to ensure the presentation meets the participants’ needs

· Summarising key topics at appropriate points throughout the presentation to ensure the participants’ understanding of the presentation content

· Closing the presentation appropriately by asking the 2 Regional Development Australia meeting participants to provide feedback via the evaluation method(s) outlined in the student’s project plan

3. Reviewing your presentation
a. Meeting with supervisor with another BSBCMM411 Make a presentation student who acted as the supervisor (3-5 mins) included discussing:

· How well the student and your supervisor felt the presentation went

· The feedback provided by the participants

· Ways the presentation could be improved

· Using:
· verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
· listening and asking questions

b. Presentation video (5-10 mins) included:

· Using updated presentation strategy(ies)/materials based on feedback received about their previous presentation

· Explaining the desired outcomes of the presentation

· Explaining the key topics of the presentation using appropriate
· presentation aids, materials and examples
· verbal and non-verbal communication techniques

· Summarising key topics at appropriate points throughout the presentation

· Closing the presentation appropriately

Other evidence to support the Summative Assessments that was submitted by the candidate:

Feedback :

Result: Satisfactory Not satisfactory More work required
Assessor signature: Date:

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