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We all learn about medical information on the news and in media. At some point, we have all heard about health-related information in the media or looked up symptoms on the Internet; however, how do we know if our search is accurate? How do we know if what we hear is true?

Part One: Readings and Analysis

For this assignment, you will create a presentation in which you provide a critical analysis of a time in which you were influenced by inaccurate information, or you found accurate information through the media that helped you or someone you know. Your audience can be informal, such as a friend or family member, or formal, such as a coworker or conference presentation. Include the following:

  1. Identify a time when the media or the Internet influenced you either with accurate information or inaccurate information.
  2. Explain the selected topic.

    Where did you learn about this topic? For example, did you see this in a movie, book, or other media, or did you search for information yourself on the Internet?
    What specific symptoms or prevention methods did you identify?

  3. Explain how you determined if you found either inaccurate or accurate information about the topic.

Part Two: Presentation

Create a presentation in which you provide a critical analysis of your findings. You may choose the format of your presentation. Some suggestions are:

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  1. A 6–12 slide PowerPoint presentation (or another choice of presentation software) with audio. Refer to the PowerPoint section of the Tools and Resources for PowerPoint tutorials.
  2. A 6–12 slide presentation recorded using Kaltura, a program offered by Capella that records audio and video. Refer to Using Kaltura for more information.
  3. A short podcast that includes a written transcript.
Presentation Requirements

Your presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Length of recording: 5–8 minutes.
  • Length of slideshow (if using): 6–12 slides.
  • Format: The format you choose for your presentation must be one that your instructor can access for review and grading. Do not submit files from non-standard software programs. You can reference Capella’s Computer Requirements for more information about our standard software programs. Depending on the format you choose, upload or attach your presentation to the assignment area or provide a link in the submission box. Make sure to give your instructor access to the recording if necessary.

Refer to the assignment scoring guide before you submit your presentation to ensure you meet all expectations for this assignment.

Note: If you use assistive technology or any alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact


with any access-related questions or to request accommodations.




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