The template provided for the Course Paper will assist you in ensuring that you are meeting APA paper guidelines. Your goal in this project is to synthesize all your resources learned and demonstrate your knowledge by addressing, discussing, comparing, contrasting, interpreting, and distinguishing a chosen aspect of knowledge management or organizational learning in your paper.Follow the APA format: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspxPaper is to be 4- 5 pages in length. This includes a cover page and a reference page.Visit an entrepreneur/small business:1.    How did the enterprise get started?2.    What is the enterprise’s competitive environment?3.    Conduct pro forma SWOT analysis of the enterprise.4.    Does the enterprise plan to grow in the next two years and by how much?5.    Want is the owner doing to promote growth?6.    After the interview and you have reviewed the data, what strategic suggestions would you might propose to the owner?(  I need power pont too on it. 4-5 pages)

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