
ENG essay

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Project 1

In a minimum 5-page essay
, you will use Gee’s idea of discourse communities to look at a career of interest to you. You will use Gee’s concept of discourse communities to:

· Explain the most important values, actions, language, and belief systems of your career

· You must also explain WHY these things are valued and how they align or conflict with your own values

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· Discuss other discourse communities that it is connected to and how it is connected

· For example, a police officer is connected to several different discourses—criminals, victims, emergency services (and many more)

· Explore a controversial issue in your career and how the controversy is connected to different (but related) discourses or sub discourses in the same field

· Explain which parts of the discourse you see as needing to be acquired and which parts you see as needing to be learned and why

· Finally, end by discussing your own membership in this discourse

· Where do you see yourself in terms of having a full “identity kit” in this discourse?

· You should consider and analyze
of the aspects of an identity kit

· What do you still need to learn and how do you plan to learn it?

· What do you still need to acquire and how do you plan to acquire it?

· What parts of the discourse conflicts with other discourses you belong to?

· What else has stood out to you in learning about this discourse?

Special notes:

INTRODUCTION: In addition to introducing the career, a successful paper will introduce Gee’s idea of discourse communities and connect it to the career in the first paragraph (or two) of your paper.

GEE AS A FRAMEWORK: Your paper should
use Gee’s ideas as a way to analyze your career as a discourse. You are expected to quote/paraphrase from Gee often.

RESEARCH: In order to do this project successfully, you will need to do research about your discourse community. You will need to use at least four outside sources, not including Gee.


· Four outside sources in addition to Gee

· Minimum 5 pages

· Either APA or MLA format and citation

· See syllabus for due dates

Sam Scholar

Professor Astiazaran

English 100

19 November 2019

Example Intro

Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write. Gee, a prominent linguist, currently finds there is more information necessary that should define practical literacy. He uses discourse as a way to rethink modern literacy, meaning the accepted set of language and values necessary to be eventually adopted into a comprehensive and functioning social network. With Gee’s concept in mind, I am working to be a literate historian. Currently as a history major at the University of Idaho, my discourse is a practicing historian. Someone who is acquiring the skills needed, writing papers in Chicago format, learning to use footnotes, working with historical sources, in order to become a functioning member of a historian discourse. Once I am fully into the historian discourse, I will spend my time gathering and reviewing information, artifacts and details about important things that happened in the past and analyze them (“What Does a Historian Do?”). I will also present the information I gather and conclusions I draw in way that is meant to “expand public knowledge of past cultures and events”(What does a Historian Do?”). At the same time, I am working to become a member of the educator’s discourse by studying various modalities for learning and student learning philosophies as well as seeking to understand the bureaucracy of public schools to become the most effective teacher I can be for my future students. With both these discourses in mind, it means that I now fit a specific discourse, the discourse of history teachers. In order to balance both discourses well I will need to appropriate the values of both discourses to find the happy medium that is necessary for both my students and other members of my discourse community.

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