
There will be 2 parts to the final exam.

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1. Discuss the emergence of creeds and the Apostles’ Creed.

2. Discuss the Nicene Creed.

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3. Discuss aspects of faith and reason.

4. Discuss the doctrine of God.

5. Discuss the doctrine of Jesus.

6. Discuss the doctrine of salvation.

7. Discuss the doctrine of Holy Spirit.

8. Discuss the doctrine of the Trinity.

9. Discuss Christian belief. What are some major things that Christians believe?

10. Give a general overview of the history of Christianity.

11. Discuss major events in the history of Christianity.

12. Discuss major people in the history of Christianity.

13. Discuss the characteristics of Catholicism.

14. Discuss Protestant denominations and their characteristics.

15. Discuss aspects of Christian worship.

16. Discuss the rhythms and season of the Christian year.

17. Discuss Christianity and relationship with culture.

18. Discuss aspects of Christian symbols and art.

19. Discuss Christian Vocation and Work.

20. Discuss mission and evangelism in Christianity.

21. Discuss aspects and characteristics of Christian marriages.

22. Discuss aspects and characteristics of Christian funerals.

23. Discuss Church governance and authority.

24. Discuss Social Justice in Christianity.

25. Discuss Anointing of the Sick in Christianity.


Answer ALL QUESTIONS. Write clearly and concisely. Each answer is worth 10 marks.


What is Christian theology? Discuss aspects of Christian faith (e.g. God, Jesus, etc.).

2. Discuss the characteristics of Christian life and the meaning of its various practices.

3. Discuss aspects of Christianity and how it interacts with modern culture.

4. What did you learn from the Class Presentations? List 10 specific details.

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