
Assignment #2: For this assignment, please create two or three
different “scenes” for your own version of this narrative. I also expect that
you will try to make use of some of our lessons on “Literary Terms.” Please
write a total of at 600-900 words.

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The Whitehead family was a very wealthy family with various assets in the entire area. Their investments include houses and restaurants, which were very famous for serving tourists and rich people alike. They also owned small business enterprises such as bakeries and flowers. All these assets provided employment opportunities for the locals. On the particular day that a photographer took the photo, Mr. Whitehead passed his company roles and assets to his children as people were talking and enjoying after his speech. One of the board directors’ approaches Mr. Whitehead to sign the papers as evidence for handing out the said assets to his children. While faces are fixated on the form being passed to Mr. Whitehead, a paparazzi get a snapshot of what is going on. The shot gets Mr. Whitehead and those around him unaware, making him look at the camera person angrily. It may have been a business that was not supposed to be shared with all.
The year was 2000 in San Francisco, California, when the people magazine decided to hold a party to celebrate their achievements throughout the year. Community members were invited as a way of giving back to society. When a cameraman captured the picture, men were surrounding the CEO because they all had to report and congratulate him for a good production year. The company’s lawyer approaches the CEO, Mr. Clement, to talk about an issue that has arisen where the company has been sued for having harmful content on some sections. Everyone around him seems to be more interested in what the lawyer says that they do not focus on the person snapping photos around them. Mr. Clement sees the camera person and gets angry, especially when one journalist snoops, trying to get what is being said and get a picture.

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