History Test 8

What prominent fear about former slaves was even shared by European immigrants in the North?

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Culture change

Political influence

Job loss/cheap labor

Mixed neighborhoods

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The capitol of the Confederate States of America was located in which major city?

Birmingham, Alabama

New Orleans, Louisiana

Atlanta, Georgia

Richmond, Virginia

How many Southern electoral votes did Abraham Lincoln receive in the 186


Presidential Election?





The Confiscation Acts of 1861 and 1862 said all of the following EXCEPT:

any seized Confederate lands and property are officially the property of the Union Army.

the seizure of any slave associating with the Confederacy is legal.

extended freedom was granted to runaway slaves or slaves captured by the Union Army.

the institution of slavery as a whole was declared illegal across the United States.

The first and only president of the Confederate States of America was:

John C. Breckenridge.

Alexander Stephens.

Jefferson Davis.

J.P. Benjamin.

All of the following are outcomes related to the 1858 Illinois U.S. Senate vote EXCEPT:

Stephen Douglas retained his seat as the incumbent.

Abraham Lincoln became a national political figure.

the Republican Party took over a seat in the U.S. Senate.

abolition was the principle platform debate in a free state.

Support your opinion: could the Civil War have been avoided? After reading this unit’s materials, be sure to include the influence of at least one cultural, political, economic, or social movement on whether or not the Civil War was avoidable.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

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