History of California

Homework history of California multiple choice (14 questions).

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chapter 7 of The Elusive Eden: A New History of California,5th edition

1- After his capture in the Bear Flag Revolt, Colonel Vallejo was
A-set free on his word as a gentleman.
B-sent to José Castro with a message from the insurgents.
C-used as a Spanish interpreter.
D-sent to Sutter’s Fort as a prisoner.

2- By late May of 1846, Frémont had set up camp at
B-Peter Lassen’s ranch.
C-the Sutter Buttes.
D-Sutter’s Fort.

3- When John C. Frémont was near Monterey in early 1846, which of the following
people was MOST belligerent?
A-William P. Hartnell
B-Thomas O. Larkin
C-José Castro
D-John C. Frémont

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4- The leader of the Bear Flag Revolt was
A-Josiah Belden.
B-William B. Ide.
C-Zeke Merritt.
D-John Sutter.

5- In August of 1846, José Castro
A-disbanded his army and fled south to Sonora.
B-led the resistance that briefly recaptured Los Angeles.
C-strategically retreated to the San Joaquin Valley.
D-fought a pitched battle with Pío Pico.

6- What was John C. Frémont’s reward for his service as military governor of
A-He was promoted.
B-He was named U.S. ambassador to Mexico.
C-He was court-martialed.
D-He was appointed secretary of state.

7- William B. Ide went from the leader of the Bear Flag Revolt to being
A-a spy for the Californios.
B-expelled from the Bears by a vote in Sonoma.
C-held in jail at Sutter’s Fort.
D-a private in Frémont’s California Battalion.

8- Who was the American consul in California in 1846?
A-William B. Ide
B-John Sutter
C-Thomas O. Larkin
D-Stephen Kearny

9- In what year did American settlers first appear in California?

10- In July of 1846, why did José Castro retreat south from Santa Clara?
A-He felt his forces were too small to succeed against the Americans.
B-He received faulty intelligence about the size and movement of the Americans.
C-He was ordered to do so by Pío Pico.
D-He wanted to find a strategically located mountain to build a fort.

11- Who took command of the Bear Flag Revolt on July 5, 1846?
A-John B. Montgomery
B-John D. Sloat
C-William B. Ide
D-John C. Frémont

12- The initial action of the Bear Flag Revolt was the seizure of Colonel Vallejo’s
compound in
B-Yerba Buena.

13- In 1846 José Castro was concerned that what happened in ______ could
happen in California.
B-New Mexico

14- Who was the governor of California during the Bear Flag Revolt?
A-Mariano Vallejo
B-José Castro
C-Pío Pico
D-Juan Padilla

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