History Assignment 4

You viewed a video that showed the Bureau of Indian Affairs apologizing to Native Americans on behalf of the entire country. This is often referred to as a “symbolic apology” because of harm done by one group toward another in the past when most, if not all, of the original victims are dead. Is the United States government’s official apology to the Native American people for centuries of mistreatment meaningful? Would such an apology make you feel better if you were Native American? Why or why not? How does this align with the SLU core values of respect and integrity? In essence, does a symbolic apology really mean anything? Note: This topic focuses on the United States of America, not British America.Recommendation: On YouTube, watch “Our Spirits Don’t Speak English”, the full movie or at least part of it which is a documentary about native children in mission or state schools for “Indians”. It’s powerfully emotional material. Surviving natives recall in this documentary the treatment they received in these schools. Many years later, some of these people still cry when they tell their story.

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