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Final Essay Questions

For your final essay, you are responsible for completing a 5-6 page essay based on ONE of the following questions. The best essays will be well-organized with a clear introduction and conclusion, well-written, and use specific references to the various readings, videos, and lectures we did this term.  Your paper is to be based on the reading, videos, and lectures we used in class.  Its goal is to demonstrate your familiarity with the work we have done over the term and your ability to synthesize ideas from the various modules.  

See the grading rubric for more specific details for the grading expectations.

  1. How did the role (or roles) of women change from the beginning of the colonial period through to 1800?
  2. How did geography create important differences in the way people lived in America from the colonial period to 1800?
  3. Characterize the relationship between Native Americans and European American from the arrival of Columbus in 1492 to 1800.
  4. How did the lives of African Americans change from seventeenth century to 1800?
  5. To what extent did freedom or restraint characterize American history in the colonial AND early republic periods?
  6. What were the four most important events or conditions from the colonial period that help to explain the character of American life at the time of the American Revolution and early Republic?


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  • “A” papers (18-20 points) will be well written with a clear argument.  The will use the various course materials (readings, case studies, lectures, and videos) effectively to support their argument and will have a clear organizational structure.
  • “B” papers (16-17 points) will meet most of the criteria above.  They will have an argument (perhaps not fully developed) and use course materials, but may have some writing problems and the sources may not clearly support the argument.
  • “C” Papers (14-16 points) will have problems in several areas (argument, writing and organization, use of course materials). 
  • “D” papers (12-13 points) have a weak argument, provide general description, not engage the course materials significantly, and have significant writing problems
  • “F” papers (less than 12 points) are highly general, lack an argument, do not use course materials, have writing and grammar problems throughout, and lack any clear organizational structure.

Points for the Comparative Essay will be assigned on a similar basis to the case study papers:

  • Clear argument and introduction (4 points)
  • Clear organizational structure including strong, well-organized paragraphs supporting the central argument (4 points)
  • Good use of the various course materials (readings, case studies, videos, lectures), appropriately quoted and cited, to support the argument (6 points)
  • Well written, including grammar, style, spelling, and punctuation (6 points)

Watch Lecturette – Creation of American Loyalists.html

Watch Lecturette – American Revolution Myths.html

Watch Lecturette “Eighteenth-Century America”.html

Watch Lecturette – Confederation Period.html

Watch Lecturette – Early Republic.html

Watch Lecturette – Origins the English Slave Trade.html

Watch Lecturette -.html

Watch Film – Digging For Slaves.html

Watch Film – A New System of Government.html

United States to 1800

The Video selection for this module “A New System of Government”, examines the various political changes that resulted from the American Revolution, culminating in the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and the conflicts that pervaded the early Republic. Print out the video guide before watching the video.

Print out the video guide before watching the video.

Video Guides/Video Guide–module 9

Video Guide

Biography of America

“A New System of Government”

1. What are some of the “transformations” that America experiences after the American

2. Characterize the work of the members of the Constitutional Convention. What problems were
they addressing and what were their solutions?

3. What were the politics of the Early Republic? What were the major issues?

Watch Film Growth and Empire.html

United States to 1800

The video, “Growth and Empire” is again part of the Biography of America series. The video provides specific examples of life in different regions of eighteenth-century America along with some of the important changes from the seventeenth century. Download the video guide attached here to take notes during the video..

Print out the video guide before watching the video.

Video Guides/Video Guide–Growth and Empire

Video Guide

Growth & Empire

1. How did Benjamin Franklin embody the changes in eighteenth-century America?

2. In your opinion, what were the most important changes the British colonies has experienced from
the seventeenth to the eighteenth century?

3. How did slavery differ in the various parts of the American colonies?

3. What was life like in 18th century cities?

Watch Film – Shaping America Search for Stability.html

Watch Film – Shaping America-“Winning Independence”.html

Watch Film – Comming of Independence.html

United States to 1800

The video, “Coming of Independence” [link will open in a new window] examines key events from the 1760s and 1770s to help you to understand how the American colonies moved toward Independence. There is a video guide to assist you with watching the video.

Print out the video guide before watching the video.

Video Guides/Video Guide-Coming of Independence

Video Guide

“Coming of Independence”

Biography of America

1. Why did American support for Britain decline so quickly after the defeat of France in the French
and Indian (Seven Years’ War)?

2. What were the key events that lead to independence? How did these events further the cause
for separation from Great Britain?

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