
1) After John Cabot’s trip to North America in the early 1500s, it was nearly a full century before England began any real attempt at colonizing America. Conforming to the above guidelines, write a minimum 500-word essay in which you discuss the important changes that took place in England that opened the way for the development of their colonial activity.

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2) From the late 1760s to the mid 1770s, an ideology of revolution began to evolve in the colonies. Conforming to the above guidelines, write a minimum 500-word essay in which you explain the foundations and justifications formulating the colonial “philosophy of revolution.”

3) Between the years of the Revolutionary War and 1812, there were a series of events and attitudes that once again brought war between the United States and Great Britain. Conforming to the above guidelines, write a minimum 500-word essay in which you discuss the underlying causes of the War of 1812.

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