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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words each question, post must be substantive responses: 

Providers of vocational counseling and substance abuse treatment can vary greatly in their educational backgrounds and job titles/roles. What are some of the implications of people with different levels of training and education providing assessment related to vocational and substance abuse counseling?

Respond to classmates in a minimum of 175 words each person, post must be substantive responses: 


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I feel that the implications of both the vocational and a drug counselor is different in ways of you have to have the abilities of drug counselor to help motivate the client to want better as well as be aware of the background of how the drugs can interact with the brain. Vocational abilities is different due to the dynamics of the client, we are talking about the education of an individual and how to make sure they are getting the education that they need to succeed. Having to deal with both clients can be a challenge , being educated in both areas gives tremendous advantage as a therapist. This kind of profession is constant growth and reeducating yourself or learning more then is required can only benefit you in the end, you will eventually be able to provide many services to clients. This will make you versatile within the profession and able to do more for your community. I am hoping to eventually get a doctorate once I have been in the field for a while


When I worked as a caseworker at a behavioral facility where I am, I worked with clients who dealt with addictions and struggled with getting employment, etc. As part of my training, I was put through motivational interviewing skills, noting signs that a client was willing to change, etc. and recognizing change talk. Dealing with clients who have addictions can be challenging in that they can go up and down often, relapse, etc. and you would have to know how to handle that and work through it, setting goals, how to obtain those goals and what ways are achievable for the client and working with them to help them choose something obtainable at each stage. Each type of counselor has certain credentials and training, learns various methods for reaching goals with clients and have different processes for their specific field of work and study. According to Schwitzer, defining the problem, the goals for change, and an intervention to help and the measurement of outcomes is a main thing to look at when coming up with treatment plans for clients.

Schwitzer, Alan. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Skills. 2nd edition, 2015.






Version X


Vocational Ability and Substance-Related Disorders and Psychometrics

CCMH/547 Version 2


University of Phoenix Material

Vocational Ability and Substance-Related Disorders and Psychometrics

Complete the following table by choosing two disorders from the DSM-5’s substance-related disorders. Align your chosen disorders with the psychometric tests that may be used to assess them.

Psychological disorder

DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for the psychological disorder

Applicable psychometric test

Description of the psychometric test (25–50 words each)

Alcohol Use Disorder (Calvin)

Cannabis Use Disorder

According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), cannabis use disorder may be described as a pattern of cannabis use that may lead to significant distress. Two or more of the following items will need to have occurred within a period of 12-months:

· Cannabis is usually taken in large amounts over long periods of time.

· An individual has a consistent urge to stop, but is unsuccessful in controlling cannabis use.

· An individual spends a large amount of time engaging in activities intended to obtain, use or recover from cannabis.

· An individual has a strong craving to use cannabis.

· An individual may fail to achieve major roles at home, work or school.

· An individual will continue using cannabis regardless of consistent social or interpersonal problems.

· Cannabis use causes an individual to reduce or give up important social, occupational or recreational activities.

· An individual may continually use cannabis in situations that are physically dangerous or risky.

· An individual continues to use cannabis knowing that there is a consistent physical or psychological problem that may have been caused by cannabis use.

· Tolerance is defined by the American Psychiatric Association (2013) as an individual’s need for increased amounts of cannabis to become intoxicated, and/OR reduced effects with the use of the same amount.

· According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), withdrawal can be characterized by items from cannabis withdrawal syndrome, and/OR an individual using cannabis or other related substances to relieve feelings of withdrawal.

Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI)

The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) is an assessment that is used to examine and diagnose issues with substance abuse. This assessment has two versions, one for ages 12-18, and one for individuals age 18 and up. The SASSI assesses by inspecting patterns of certain indicators, such as defensiveness (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

Tobacco Use


Opioid Use Disorder

Respond to the following questions in 150–175 words each.

1. What are the most commonly used psychometric tests that evaluate vocational ability and interest? Describe each test, and explain how they differ.

2. Identify the main components of a treatment plan. Describe each component, and explain why it is necessary.

· Presenting Problem – This briefly highlights the main issue to be addressed to identify a direction for treatment.

· Goals of Therapy – This consists of short and long-term goals for treatment to measure progress for positive change.

· Methods – This is comprised of a list of techniques the patient will use to reach their goals.

· Time Estimate – Identifies the length of time that may be required to complete interventions to allot for ample time to complete tasks.

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