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  • Explain the relationship between processes and information systems, including a flowchart and a discussion of security ethical concerns. (Week 1)
  • Describe the plan to select the appropriate hardware and software and the different approaches for managing data. (Week 2)
  • Explain the benefits of using transaction processing systems, customer relationship systems, and supply chain management. (Week 2)
  • Describe the potential benefits of using business intelligence. (Week 3)
  • Describe the information systems plan and potential methodologies. (Week 4)
  • Describe the used utility and cloud computing services and how these services might replace or augment the initial system design. (Week 6)
  • Describe a high-level, 3-year strategic plan for your information solution. (Week 6)

Information Systems

Anthony Wolf

CIS 568

October 12th, 2020

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Ezam Mohammed





Information Systems


The purpose of this paper is to propose a business system and website for Great Day Fitness tracking. This paper will discuss some of the top information systems that are used today and how they can help achieve the business’s needs. This paper will also discuss the relationship between business processes and information systems. A flow chart for online registration will be included to lay out how customers would sign up. The paper will also discuss security concerns with the new system and how to ethically handle customer customers information.

Information Systems and the relation to Great Day Fitness Tracking

Information systems can be defined are a combination of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that are used to collect, create and distribute data in an organizational setting. (Bourgeois, 2020).

There are many types of information systems. A transaction processing system helps a business keep track of its day to day operations like paychecks and purchase orders. Management information systems are used to keep track of performance data like sales and inventory levels. A decision support system can help a business with problem solving, usually by way of report, such a quarterly sales report. An executive support system allows business owners and management to identify long term trends to assist with strategic planning and non-routine decision making. This allows decision makers to watch market trends and buyer preferences. In the case of Great Day Fitness Tracking, these systems would allow the company to track the collected data for the required sales model and help keep track of inventory. (Nordmeyer, 2019)

Relationship between Business Processes and Information Systems

In todays fast paced world information is available wherever you are due to the emergence of mobile technology such as cell phones, laptops and tablets. Information systems take the data and transform the data into information that entire organization can use, on any device that is connected to the internet. Technology is no longer an investment that helps a company stand out but should be considered an asset to help reduce costs and help make informed decisions.

Online User Registration

This section will display a flowchart that will outline how users will register on the new website.

Securing Information Systems

One of the biggest challenges with technology is security. Some types of security concerns include identity theft, copyright infringement, hacking and computer viruses. These are just a few of the concerns with information systems. All of these concerns can addressed by implementing security measures such as anti-virus software, password complexity requirements and having security questions on logging in.

Ethical Handling of Customer information

The next challenge with handling customer data is to ensure that the company is handling the data in an ethical manner. Some of the questions a company should ask are below

1. Does the availability of information justify its use?

This means making sure the company is using the data for the purpose it was collected for, and making sure customers understand how the company intends to use their data.

2. How much money should be spent to ensure privacy?

When answering the question, the company should consider the legal ramifications as well as the company’s reputation, securing data should be top priority for any company.

These are just two examples that the company should consider when handling data. The company should have a security policy in place and ensure the follow all applicable regulations.


Launching the new website and implementing a new information system can be beneficial for the company, however there are security measures that must be considered and in place before the system goes live. The company must also insure it is handling the customers data in safe and ethical manner to avoid legal issues.

Bourgeois. (2020). Pressbooks. Retrieved from
Nordmeyer, B. (2019, March 05). Chron. Retrieved from 2019

Business Intelligence

Anthony Wolf

CIS 568

October 27th, 2020

Ezam Mohammed





Business Intelligence


The purpose of this paper is to show Great Day Fitness Tracking how business intelligence and big data can be beneficial to the company. The paper will discuss using information systems and applications that can aid Karen in decision making and marketing. By the end of this paper Karen will have a better understanding of how these systems can help her business be more competitive.

Business Intelligence Benefits

Business intelligence can be defined as a decision support system or DSS that combines data gathering, data storage and knowledge management to help a company with its decision-making process. (Negash & Gray, 2020). Business intelligece can offer a company fast and accurate reporting, better data quality, better business insights, the ablity to identify market trends and most of all increase revenue. This will allow Greater Day Fitness Tracking to be more competitive in their market. This is done using Big Data Analytics to use data to identify opportunities by reducing costs, faster decision making and helping with deciding on new products and services based on customer demand.

Tools used in Big Data

There are several types of technology the are used in Big Data. In this section some examples are provided. Machine learning involves artificial intellignence or AI that trains a machine on how to learn, allowing for faster more accurate results. Data mining helps a business analyze large amounts of data and discover patterns. Using data mining allows a company to quickly move through large amounts of data and use only relevant information. Predective analysis uses data, algorthims and machine learning techinques to identify future outcomes based on historical data. This allows a company to have more confidence that they are making the best possible decisions. Some of the applications include fraud detection, risk, operations and marketing. (SAS, 2020). There are many more but these are a few that are relevant to Greater Day Fitness Tracking.


This paper has given some insight into what business intelligence is and how it work as well as some tools used in both, but the question is still how can it help Greater Day Fitness Tracking? The answer is by utilzing these sytems it will allow the company to better track sales leads, provided better customer and continue to innovate new products based on customer demand. As the company begins to grow its customer base, this system will allow the company to keep track of customer data and use this data to ahead of the competion by using the reports gentreated to provide better customer service. Customer’s that know a company can not only sell them a product but has the ablity to stand behind that prodcut after the sale and address any issues that may come up will be more inclined to continue to use the compaines products. Once these customer trust the company, they are more likely to refer more customers allowing the company to continue to grow.


Negash, S., & Gray, P. (2020). Handbook on Decision Support Systems. Retrieved from

SAS. (2020, October 25th). Retrieved from,higher%20profits%20and%20happier%20customers.

Systems planning

Anthony J Wolf

CMGT 568

November 2nd, 2020

Ezam Mohammed


The purpose of this presentation is to present Greater Day Fitness Tracking with the knowledge needed to plan new systems. The presentation will discuss system planning concepts, development methods, clarification on methods, a recommendation for the method needed for this project along with the reasoning for this selection. Lastly, the presentation will discuss the building the software in house VS purchasing the software and the tools needed

Concept of systems planning

Development Methods

Clarification on Methods

Best method for this project

Reason for selected method

Acquiring software vs building in house

Tools used in the acquisition of the new software

Concept of systems planning
Determining and analyzing information requirements
Integrating requirements with company objectives
Allows a company to take advantage of advancing technology
Short- and long-term views taken into account

There are a lot of factors that go into system planning, and the points above touch on a few of these. The first thing that needs to be done is to determine and analyze the requirements needed for the new system. After determining the requirement, then the company must align these requirements with business objectives. This will allow the company to take advantage of new, emerging technologies and remain competitive in their market. The company should also take long and short-term views into account so resources can be allocated accordingly.  (Steffenson, 1991).


When developing new systems and software, the SDLC is the process that should be followed to ensure the software meets the companies needs and is fully functional. This is a seven-phase approach that begins with the initial plan and ends with operations and maintenance of the system. The next slide will talk discuss the method to implement the software, but this is process that the chosen method should follow.

Planning Phase

Requirements Analysis

Design stage

Development stage


Implementation and Integration

Operations and Maintenance

Planning methods

These are the three most popular methods to implement new systems. The Agile method is done in incremental stages to minimize risk. The Dev Ops method is a set of practices that support a company’s culture through collaboration. The Waterfall method is a more structured, ridged approach that is uses a proven method of development. Rapid application development produces high quality software at lower costs. (“Synopsys”, 2020).

Agile Method

Devops Deployment Method


Rapid application development



Released in Iterations

Allows development to find and fix defects

Allows users to realize software benefits


Improves time to market

Lower failure rates

Improved customer satisfaction, product quality and employee productivity


Easy to understand and manage

Clearly defined objectives

Can be beneficial to newer project managers or projects with high turnover


Effective for projects with well defined objectives

Useful for small to medium projects



Relies on communication

Labor intensive

Features must be completed within each iteration


Requires continuous updates to the system

May be required to have extensive testing before moving to the operations phase

Issues can go undetected




Tight and ridged

Rapid application development

Requires stable team and highly skilled developers

Requires approval after each construction phase

Which method is correct

Each of the software methods have their own strengths and weaknesses. These method are proven to work for different situations. Agile works because of its flexibility, hence the name. It allows the team to move back and forth between phases as needed. Devops allows for team collaboration, so if different teams are working different phases they can communicate effectively. Waterfall is used for existing systems and has a very ridged approach. The RAD approach uses a quick, effective approach and requires highly skilled developers.




Allows for team collaboration


Structured and proven

Rapid application development

High quality, low cost

Choosing a method
Hybrid approach

For greater day fitness tracking, I would recommend using a hybrid approach to developing the new system

Reasoning for chosen method

I recommended a hybrid approach because it will allow the new system to be developed utilizing the Agile method because Karen and Greater Day is coming up with new Ideas so the requirements will likely change during the process, the agile approach allows for these changed to be implemented, where the waterfall method would not allow for this. Using this, along with Devops will allow the team to build the software in iterations and communicate more effectively.

Best of all both worlds

First time building software

Allows for communication and testing

Building software in house

The next few slides will discuss the pros and cons of building new software in house VS acquiring software. Building in house allows more customization, greater control, a competitive edge and guaranteed integration with existing programs.
Building in house can be more costly and take longer to build



Greater control

Competitive edge

Guaranteed integration


Large upfront cost

Time to build

Acquiring software

Acquiring software can cost less upfront, be up and running quicker and vendors will try to stay competitive and offer new updates and features.
Acquiring software offers less customization and control because the vendor controls these, most of them will work with you but the decision is still the vendors. Vendors will also likely want the company to sign a contract and you will need to purchase more licenses as your company grows.  (Yurevich, 2020).


Lower upfront cost

Rapid deployment

Updates and new features


Less customization

Less control

Compatibility and connectivity issues

Long-term cost

Tools used to acquire system
Promena E sourcing
Ebuyer assist procurement

There are many tools available that a company can use to purchase software. All of the vendors above offer similar features such as vendor management, invoice processing and contract management. Ebuyer assist procurement is designed more for small businesses like Greater Day, offering a month to month contract.

System will be beneficial
Hybrid approach to development
In house VS acquiring
Finding the right tool

This presentation went over several things regarding building a new system for Greater Day fitness tracking. The new systems will be beneficial to the company by allowing them to use technology to stay competitive in their market. In developing the software, a hybrid approach is recommended to ensure the software meets the companies needs. It also recommended that the company acquire the software rather than build in house due the time and cost it would take to build in house.
The tools needed to acquire were also outlined in this presentation.

Steffenson, R. J. (1991).
Yurevich, D. (2020).  Syberry.


Transaction Processing Systems, Customer Relationship Management

and Supply Chain Management

Anthony J Wolf


Ezam Mohammed

May 3, 2020


This paper will discuss benefits of using a Transaction Processing System, a Customer Relationship Management System, Supply Chain Management, and areas where information systems can be beneficial for Great Day Fitness Tracking.

Table of Systems

The table below will discuss some of the features and benefits of the systems described above. These systems will benefit Greater Day Fitness Tracking by giving the company the ability to have sales data and customer history all in one place for the entire company. (Mehta, 2016)

Supply Chain Management Systems

Transaction Processing Systems

Customer Relationship Management Systems

Better collaboration by making it easier to share information.

Batch processing uses data collection and batch grouping. This was used when information technology was not available.

CRM systems help a business to understand their customers better by providing customer sales, complaint and contract history.

Improved quality control by providing on time delivery and time for complaint resolution

Real time processing uses instant data processing to provide swift transaction verification.

CRMs offer lead management, allowing a company to turn cold leads into customers.

Better efficiency rates by offering real time data.

Improves customer service and satisfaction

CRM systems allow a company to track customer issues, allowing the business to contact the customer and address their issue which can lead to improved customer retention.

Reduced overhead costs by keeping less low moving inventory and higher moving inventory.

Ability to used anywhere to provide and is designed to be user friendly.

CRM systems can provide and easier way for team members to collaborate and input customer data for future reference.

Improved risk mitigation by allowing a company to be proactive rather than reactive. (6 River Systems, 2020)

Versatility encourages the use of online payment system and allows customer to have confidence during transactions. (Tech Funnel, 2020)

CRM systems can provide sales data, allowing the business to track customer data and use this to boost sales. (Rowe, 2020)


There are many benefits to adding each of the systems above to business. The table above goes over a few of these. For Greater Day Fitness Tracking they could use the SCM system for keeping track of their inventory and have the ability track this inventory. The TPS system would be the most beneficial for this company because it will track the customer transactions and provide a way the company to take, process and secure online payments. The CRM system would allow the company to keep track of customer data and provide a ticketing system to address any customer issues. All of these systems together will allow the company to provide the customer with a great experience when doing business which will keep customer coming back and potentially attract new customers.

6 River Systems. (2020, October 18th). Retrieved from
Mehta, A. (2016, May 3rd). BI, SCM, CRM and ERP in a Nutshell and their Relationship. Retrieved from
Rowe, A. (2020, September 20th). Retrieved from
Tech Funnel. (2020, March 3rd). Retrieved from Tech 2020

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