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QUESTION 1 Z5 points Save Answer

Give a brief description of the structure of a typical healthcare facility governing board. \Mat role does the
governing board play in strategic planning? Explain the benefits strategic planning brings to a healthcare
facility. lAlhat could happen to a hospital or other medical facility in the absence of a strategic plan?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Ariat v 3(12pt) v

Path: p Words:0

QUESTION 2 25 points Save Answer

Describe the benefits and challenges of performing a comprehensive risk assessment for a healthcare facility”
iltirhat are some methoris you couiri use to overeome the chaiienges?

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Path:p Words:0

QUESTTON 3 25 poinb Save Answer

Discuss the key steps as$ociated with strategic plan implementation in a healthcare organization. l/Vhat are
some of the challenges to implementation that a governing board may encounter?

| ^ Yogr rqiponse muqt bp at least 200 words in length.I Question Completion Status;

Path: p Words:0

QUESTION 4 25 points Save Answer

Assume that you are the newly appointed risk manager for a medical facilig. \rllhat steps will you take to
per{orm a comprehensive risk assessment for your organization? Who will you need help from in performing
this assessment?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Arial \./ 3 (12pt) \,/

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