Healthcare Resources Allocation Part 2


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Assignment Details (3-4 pages, abstract, conclusion and references)

Quandaries in Health Care

Declining Trust in the Health Care System (The Trust Crisis)

Health reform is mired in the morass of multitier payment systems and multiple modes of access, limited by the ability to seek and to pay. Increasingly, patients are interacting with multiple entities within the system, causing more and more confusion on the part of the patient. According to recent research, patients’ trust in the system, providers, and insurers continues to decline. This may result in a decline in individual health and an increase in costs for health care.

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Investigate the declining trust in the health care system from an ethical and moral position. You may use the four principles plus attention to scope model of Beauchamp and Childress or any other ethical model that you choose to address this.

Complete the following:

  • State what model you will use to investigate this issue.
  • Identify 2 or more legal issues contributing to this problem.
  • Identify 2 or more economic and financial issues contributing to this problem.
  • Analyze the impact of various issues that are contributing to this problem, and rank them in order from greatest to least impact.
  • Propose at least 1 modification that would increase trust in the health care system with rationale.

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