healthcare exchanged updated

OM008:Health Information Technology

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Short Answer Submission Form

Your Name: Karlene Harvey
Your E-mail address:
Date: January 27, 2021


Write your responses where it reads “

Enter your response here.

” Write as much, as needed, to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the

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that will be used to evaluate your responses.

1. Healthcare information exchanges (HIEs) are maturing and providing opportunities for healthcare providers and payers to collaborate on patient healthcare records and to streamline care. The proliferation and acceptance of healthcare information exchanges are slow, as they are not widely accepted. Describe the overall advantages of HIEs. Explain the root causes of the issues with these exchanges, and describe what strategies are underway to drive acceptance. (1–2 pages)

Your Response

Healthcare information exchanges are used to facilitate efficient access to patients’ medical information and share it securely. By storing large amounts of data, the HIEs improve the quality of services by eliminating medication errors, enhancing decision-making towards treatment, reducing time spent in the manual recording of patient’s information, and engaging the patients to improve their outcomes. The system also ensures the privacy and security of medical records through electronic exchange. Comment by VD: This is a very good start. Your response provided a clear description of at least two strategies to drive acceptance to HIEs. When implementing new initiatives or any process improvements, it is important to identify the root causes to identify the most appropriate solutions. This would also be applicable in health information technology initiatives. An improvement in this section is the inclusion of specific challenge in an authentic or real-life healthcare environment industry.

Despite the advantages of the HIES, there are still some challenges that face their implementation, such as the exchange of patient data within regional and community blocks. The lack of an organized infrastructure to enable electronic recording and transfer of public health information derails these systems’ use. The lack of well stipulated and accepted healthcare standards on the use of these information exchanges leaving vendors to decide on their measurements. This issue is motivated by the complexity of the technology market. Different standards of HIEs prevent effective integration of the systems preventing interoperability (Rudin et al., 2014). The HIEs are complex systems raising the costs for implementation, making them expensive for most healthcare centers. The competition within the providers of the systems has also impeded the development.

Several strategies to deal with the challenges of HIEs are underway to enhance the acceptance of the systems in healthcare centers. Among the solutions is making the patient’s data available to the providers to improve sharing, leading to interoperability. Another strategy is to bring together all medical field stakeholders to develop universal standards to deal with the differences among the providers. Encouraging the use of recent technology advancements in the development of healthcare information systems is key in reducing the systems’ complexity while enabling integration. To drive acceptance of the HIEs include, training and educating the health care providers on the use and significance of the HIEs, creating more awareness of the information systems, collecting customers’ needs and ensure effective workflow of users, ensuring ease access of data through the establishment of navigate tools. Centralizing information sharing is vital in reducing competition for sharing information (Rudin et al., 2014).

Enter your response here.


Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Define the central role of health information technology for healthcare providers, organizations, and patients.

Learning Objective 1.1:

Explain challenges related to acceptance of healthcare information exchanges.

Explanation of challenges related to acceptance of healthcare information exchange is missing.

Response vaguely explains challenges related to the acceptance of healthcare information exchanges.

Response vaguely explains strategies underway to drive acceptance of healthcare information exchanges.

Response clearly explains at least two challenges related to the acceptance of healthcare information exchanges.

Response clearly explains at least two strategies or policies that underway to drive acceptance of healthcare information exchanges.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response explains a specific challenge in an authentic or real-life healthcare environment industry or organization related to acceptance of healthcare information exchanges.

2. Surveys show that healthcare provider satisfaction is related to the technology available to them in providing patient care.

Identify the health information technology most used in patient care and the advances in technology used to enhance patient care.

(2–3 pages)

Your Response

Several technologies are used in healthcare information exchanges and are important in influencing healthcare providers’ satisfaction in their patient care. Electronic healthcare record (EHR) is among the technologies and is mostly used in many healthcare centers offering digital, patient-centered, and real-time records. The information is made available for authorized care providers providing them with the medical history, treatment plans, diagnosis, and medications the patient is taking. The system provides analytic tools that enable decision making from evidence. Comment by VD: Again, this is an excellent start. You identified an example of a commonly used health information technology and also identified advancements that can enhance patient care.

EHR technology is automated to provide a streamlined flow of patient information. It is managed by authorized individuals who ensure that information fed into the system is correct and is not altered. Data in the EHR can be shared with other entities within the organization or other centers such as education facilities, laboratories, and pharmacies, among others, upon the patient’s consent. The technology is widely accepted because it is cost-effective as it reduces the costs of the manual recording of data, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. Retrieval and update of information are made easier making it an efficient practice. Privacy and security concerns are also reduced (Hsiao et al., 2014).

EHR can be improved to enhance better patient care in many ways, such as advancing analytic aspects of the systems to provide more decision support promptly. Providing room for patient engagement is another advancement of the technology that can be achieved through virtual visits and telehealth applications. Integrating the systems to provide interoperability between small and larger companies is also vital. Moreover, making the technology user-friendly to make clinicians more interested in the systems. This is achieved by employing better designs and graphics that improve usability (Hsiao et al., 2014).



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Define the central role of health information technology for healthcare providers, organizations, and patients.

Learning Objective 1.2:

Identify the health information technology most used in patient care and the advances in technology used to enhance patient care.

Identification of the health information technology most used in patient care and the advances in technology used to enhance patient care is missing.

Response vaguely identifies the health information technology most used in patient care.

Response vaguely identifies one advancement that is needed to enhance patient care.

Response accurately identifies the health information technology most used in patient care.

Response identifies at least one advancement that is needed to enhance patient care.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response identifies one additional advancement that is needed to enhance patient care.

3. Healthcare providers are taking advantage of real-time tool location systems (RTLSs) to monitor both their organization’s hardware assets and patient progress. Examples of these systems are radio-frequency identification (RFID) tracking for patient flow, asset tracking for equipment location, and ultrasound tag tracking. Explain how hospitals can reduce costs and increase quality of care by using these tracking systems. (1–2 pages)

Your Response

Real-time tool location systems (RTLS) are used in hospitals and other healthcare institutions to locate persons (staff and patients) and equipment. They contain location sensors that provide wireless signals of the tagged individuals or tools for easy access. Some of these systems include ultra-sound tracking, Bluetooth, camera vision, radio-frequency identification, and asset tracking. However, these devices do not give complete navigation information such as direction or speed according to different standards as provided by the vendors (Boulos & Berry, 2012). Comment by VD: You provided a good example of a profession that utilizes real time tool location systems. This is a relatively new technology that is typically used for tracking the location of merchandise in an assembly line or a medical equipment in a healthcare organization. Another use of this in a healthcare facility is in contact tracing to identify which staff members have come in contact with an infected patient. This could be very useful especially with the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Persons and assets have unique tags for identity, and the RTLS has a location engine software connected to them and location sensors to give the real or near-real-time location. In some special cases, the tags contain panic buttons that send signals back to the location engine. LED lights, buzzers, and LCDs are fitted on the tags to communicate and alert the bearer.

In large hospitals, RTLS is used to locate doctors to attend to medical emergencies such as surgeries. Safety of patients with conditions such as dementia who require constant monitoring is enhanced through tracking their movement and location. For instance, when they move close to exit points, alerts are sent to location engines, which trigger the closure of doors or alarms (Boulos & Berry, 2012). Also, location can be designed by association hence determining the proximity of two people or assets. Therefore the time taken to attend to a patient can be determined, which can be used to make appropriate changes.

Tracking the time that a patient moves from one department to another is determined by assigning unique tags. This helps to make decisions on departments that need additional staff for the quick flow of activities in the hospital and improve patient care.

Increasing the quality of care of patients in hospitals requires advanced technology to be applied in RTLS, such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things, to provide a more straightforward system that shows navigation patterns. This will help locate assets and people faster to eliminate inconveniences (Boulos & Berry, 2012).



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 2: Describe the role of health information technology in the cost, quality, and access to healthcare and in the decision making of healthcare organizations.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response provides examples from actual health care organization or professionals that are taking advantage of real-time tool location systems (RTLSs).

Learning Objective 2.1:

Explain how hospitals can reduce costs by using tracking systems.

Explanation of how hospitals can reduce costs and increase quality of care by using tracking systems is missing.

Response vaguely explains how hospitals can reduce costs and increase quality of care by using tracking systems.

Response is not supported by relevant academic resources.

Response includes an explanation of at least two relevant ways that hospitals can reduce costs by using tracking systems.

Response is supported by relevant academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides examples from actual health care organization or professionals that are taking advantage of real-time tool location systems (RTLSs).

Learning Objective 2.2: Explain how hospitals can increase quality of care by using tracking systems.

Explanation of how hospitals can increase the quality of care by using tracking systems is missing.

Response vaguely explains how hospitals can increase the quality of care by using tracking systems.

Response includes an explanation of at least one relevant way that hospitals can increase the quality of care by using tracking systems.

4. A survey found that 70% of doctors use electronic health records in one form or another.

Explain how sharing electronic health records among doctors, patients, and payers can enhance the health of patients through effective clinical decision support.

(2–3 pages)

Your Response

Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) apply the accepted medical knowledge by healthcare providers to the patient information fed to it to provide efficient patient care. The CDSS ensures communication between the physicians, patients, and payers is achieved quickly and can be linked with other systems such as EHR. The sharing of electronic information improves patients’ health due to the benefits of these systems, as discussed below (Hsiao et al., 2014). Comment by VD: Good response here. Clinical Decision Support (CDS) systems are an advantageous addition to current and future health care systems, since they provide clinicians and providers with better outcomes by facilitating clinical decision-making to prevent errors, improve care, and expedite healthcare delivery. Simply put, they are used to monitor, provide alerts, information, and support when making clinical decisions, and they have the potential to streamline healthcare provider’s efficiency as well as improve patient safety.

Errors associated with wrong medications are reduced, which is a common risk factor in healthcare provision. Offering accurate dosses is difficult to implement in emergencies, and the CDSS can offer immense assistance through a quick calculation of complect formulas and administering correct dosages and quantities through artificial intelligence capabilities. Correct dosing for infants is also a challenge to healthcare providers, but by implementing the clinical workflow requirements, the system helps eliminate mistakes that might result in adverse implications.

Provision of relevant and consistent information about the patient is another importance of sharing electronic data. The CDSS provides a trusted source of information that can be used to make medication decisions. Cases of misdiagnoses are also among the common medical errors. When patient information is provided to the clinical decision support tool, the probability of accurate diagnosis was found to be above 96 percent in Isabel Hospital. Therefore, the system is an essential tool for diagnostic assistance. For efficient results, the decision support system should be integrated into the clinical workflow to avoid contradictions and customized to specific intervention areas. Involving the users in the design, development, and implementation is crucial in enhancing acceptance (Hsiao et al., 2014). Moreover, training and educating the support staff on its use and ensuring administrative assistance by experts to increase effectiveness



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 2: Describe the role of health information technology in the cost, quality, and access to healthcare and in the decision making of healthcare organizations.

Learning Objective 2.2:

Explain how sharing electronic health records among doctors, patients, and payers can enhance the health of patients through effective clinical decision support.

Explanation of how sharing electronic health records among doctors, patients, and payers can enhance the health of patients through effective clinical decision support is missing.

Response vaguely explains how sharing electronic health records can enhance the health of patients through effective clinical decision support, or explains fewer than two ways.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response explains at least two relevant ways that sharing electronic health records can enhance the health of patients through effective clinical decision support.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides examples from actual health care organization or professionals that are sharing electronic health records among doctors, patients, and payers.

5. Describe how healthcare provider organizations can leverage health information technology and improve the processes of care delivery to provide better patient quality of care. (2–3 pages)

Your Response

Healthcare provider organizations can use health information technology in many ways to ensure better quality in the care of patients. Technological advancements have affected all industries, and healthcare organizations have been forced to comply with the changes to evolve. Among the widely used technologies is the electronic health records shifting from the traditional ways of manual records. Hospitals had to employ extra staff to keep records on patient history and medications, which were time-consuming and required large spaces to keep the records. Some files were often misplaced or lost in the processes making it difficult to treat patients with the missing information. The presence of data storage software enables storage and retrieval of data in a secure way improving decision making and reducing errors and cost reduction (Rudin et al., 2014). Comment by VD: Your explanation of how sharing electronic health records can enhance the health of patients through effective clinical decision support is thorough. You also explained at least two relevant ways that sharing electronic health records can enhance the health of patients through effective clinical decision support. In addition to those, the cross-sharing of information among doctors, patients, and payers also improves efficiency and patient experience.

Technology can be used in establishing alerts and tracking systems that are important in monitoring development and determining emergencies, therefore responding to them promptly, avoiding deaths or worsening of illness. This application improves the safety of patients with conditions that require keen observation. Staff members’ activities can also be monitored to ensure they attend to patients and take quality time in their services. Reminders in adhering to evidence-based practices are vital in every process to prevent avoidable risks. The signing in time and exit time of employees can be regulated to discourage absconding of duties that may cause danger to patients requiring care. Management decisions are also simplified by evaluating time taken by patients to receive services (Rudin et al., 2014). Systems such as clinical decision support give patients access to their medication process, making them aware of their conditions, enhancing anticipation, and making decisions on their own.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 3: Explain the role of health information technology in the processes of care delivery and performance improvement.

Learning Objective 3.1:

Describe how healthcare provider organizations can leverage health information technology and improve processes to provide better patient quality of care.

Description of how healthcare provider organizations can leverage health information technology and improve processes to provide better patient quality of care is missing.

Response vaguely describes relevant examples of how healthcare provider organizations can leverage health information technology and how they can improve processes to provide better patient quality of care, or Response describes fewer than two ways.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response describes two relevant examples of how healthcare provider organizations can leverage health information technology and improve processes to provide better patient quality of care.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response describes at least two tangible benefits patients receive when healthcare provider organizations leverage health information technology and improve processes to provide patient quality of care.

6. Describe how healthcare payer organizations can use healthcare information exchanges (HIEs) to improve processes of care delivery that enhance the quality of service they provide patients. (1–2 pages)

Your Response

Healthcare payers have a significant role in ensuring the quality of patient care through improving healthcare information exchanges. This can be achieved in different ways, such as promoting self-service analytics by collect data from different sources and combining them. The payers can assemble information concerning public health and other aspects of the population that are based on evidence and incorporate them into the systems. They can also get information from interviews and allowing any professional with findings to provide additional findings Rudin et al., 2014). The data can be analyzed and evaluated to develop crucial insight into the subject matter and stored in the systems to be used by the healthcare providers. Comment by VD: This is an insightful response! In addition to what you have mentioned, improved patient experience is another benefit that can be realized from health information technology. With our current healthcare environment, health information technology such as telemedicine can be used to provide healthcare while maintaining social distancing to avoid transmission of the virus.

Real-time analytics and customer service facilities are important areas that payers can invest in to provide quality care. Organizations face difficulties in using the acquired systems, therefore requiring assistance, which can be enhanced by customer service portals and real-time calls. Thus, health care payers should establish a web and mobile services for the customers to understand the systems’ usability. Data blending is important in increasing the productivity of healthcare providers (Rudin et al., 2014). The payers must combine the data provided to them and aggregate it to use the information to make adequate changes.

The healthcare payers can coordinate with the providers to develop more efficient care models that are patient-centered. The collaborations can involve financial incentives and share of data, which offers alternative quality measures, improving patient care. Incentives can help organizations develop the recent technology, which offers a more efficient approach to patient management and integrating all the units in the institutions to communicate in real-time, leading to improved performance of the healthcare information exchanges (Rudin et al., 2014).



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 3: Explain the role of health information technology in the processes of care delivery and performance improvement.

Learning Objective 3.2:

Describe how healthcare payer organizations can use healthcare information exchanges to improve processes to enhance the quality of service they provide patients.

Description of how healthcare payer organizations can use healthcare information exchanges to improve processes to enhance the quality of service they provide patients is missing.

Response vaguely describes relevant examples of how healthcare payer organizations can use healthcare information exchanges to improve processes to enhance the quality of service they provide patients, or Response describes only one example.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response describes two relevant examples of how healthcare payer organizations can use healthcare information exchanges to improve processes to enhance the quality of service they provide patients.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response identifies at least two commercial healthcare information exchanges and describes how healthcare payer organizations employ them to improve their processes to enhance the quality of services they provide patients.


Explain how industry standards for interoperability of electronic healthcare records can enable secure and private access to patient data.

(2–3 paragraphs)

Your Response

Different systems can interact through exchanging information, sharing, collaborating, and integrating activities through interoperability. This ability of sharing can be within or across an organization or a regional environment. The sharing of data raises privacy and security issues whenever more than one party is involved. In terms of healthcare, several standards and interfaces are used to enable interoperability efficiently and securely. The health information exchange facilitates the electronic recording, sharing, and retrieval of patient’s data while maintaining its integrity (Iroju et al., 2013). Comment by VD: Although HIPAA is an important law that protects privacy of patient information, if is not an industry interoperability standard. Please revise your response by discussing at least two standards and explain how these standards support interoperability. Examples of these standards are HL7, LOINC, DiCOM, and SNOMED CT.

Interoperability standards offer a common language and basis for a seamless sharing of information among the healthcare providers, patients, and other relevant stakeholders. Communication can be done through code sets, terminologies, and forms structured to be understood by only the parties involved. Different standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation, provide protection and security guidance protocols that guard against unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration of shared data.

Another privacy standard is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which outlines the limits of shared information and conditions that require an exchange of individual data. The rule requires the consent of the patient before any information is transferred from the healthcare provider. Moreover, the standard comprises technical and non-technical measures that each organization has to comply with to ensure integrity, confidentiality, and availability of patients’ records (Iroju et al., 2013).



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 4: Explain the benefits of industry standard requirements for interoperability between facilities, care teams, and community networks.

Learning Objective 4.1:

Explain how industry standards for interoperability of electronic healthcare records can enable secure and private access to patient data.

Explanation of how industry standards for interoperability of electronic healthcare records can enable secure and private access to patient data is missing.

Response vaguely explains how medical information and applied healthcare interoperability standards can enable secure and private access to patient data.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response includes an explanation that thoroughly describes two medical information and applied healthcare interoperability standards that can enable secure and private access to patient data.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response describes at least three medical information and applied healthcare interoperability standards and how they can enable secure and private access to patient data.

8. Describe how medical information exchange and applied healthcare interoperability standards for healthcare record communications can increase efficiency of inter-departmental communications, between general practitioners and specialists, and between providers and regulatory agencies. (2–3 paragraphs)

Your Response

Healthcare information exchange applies healthcare interoperability to enhance efficiency in sharing information within the department, between specialists and practitioners, and between healthcare providers and regulators. During the exchange, communication is a crucial ingredient that is enhanced by interoperability. Efficiency is used through standards that require only authorized individuals to access the systems. According to the regulations, vendors must provide software that encrypts data in a form that third parties or perpetrators cannot decipher. The desired recipients can decode the information sent to them through secret keys or passwords that are private. Communication between specialists and general practitioners in hospitals is important in providing care to patients. Interoperability ensures that information sent between the two is confidential, has integrity, and is available at any required time to provide real-time responses to patient needs (Iroju et al., 2013). Different standards ensure that fragmentation of information is eliminated; therefore, improving the provision of services. Comment by VD: This prompt requires you to discuss at least two interoperability standards can increase efficiency of inter-departmental communications, between general practitioners and specialists, and between providers and regulatory agencies. – there are a couple of coding standards you could identify and include in your discussion (e.g. ICD 10/11 and/or CPT) and / or you could describe how interoperability standards such as HL7, or SNOMED CT can increase efficiency of communications.

Health care providers also communicate with regulatory agencies about healthcare policies that ensure evidence-based practices, among other regulations involved in inpatient care. For example, the general data protection regulation for Europe is an interoperability standard that offers communication sharing guidelines in the transfer and storage of data and must be followed by all healthcare organizations with information exchange systems. HIPAA security rule for the United States also stipulates measures that providers have to adhere to in electronic exchange, which is determined by the consent of the patient who has the power to own personal copies of medical records (Iroju et al., 2013).



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 4: Explain the benefits of industry standard requirements for interoperability between facilities, care teams, and community networks.

Learning Objective 4.2:

Describe how industry standards for healthcare record communications can increase efficiency of inter-department communications, between general practitioners and specialists, and between providers and regulatory agencies.

Description of how industry standards for healthcare record communications can increase efficiency of inter-department communications, between general practitioners and specialists, and between providers and regulatory agencies is missing.

Response vaguely describes how industry standards can increase efficiency of inter-departmental communications, between general practitioners and specialists, and between providers and regulatory agencies, or only one way is addressed.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response clearly describes at least two ways that industry standards can increase efficiency of inter-departmental communications, between general practitioners and specialists, and between providers and regulatory agencies.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response describes at least one additional way that industry standards can increase efficiency of inter-departmental communications, between general practitioners and specialists, and between providers and regulatory agencies.


Describe how healthcare organizations can adopt social media to enable patient access to the organizations and their staff and to address patient healthcare issues.

(1–2 pages)

Your Response Comment by VD: Good response here. Social media has created a global shift in the sharing of information worldwide, which is why it plays an important role in the marketing and communication strategies of healthcare organizations.

Social media platforms are among the areas that can be used to communicate with large populations simultaneously and relatively cheaper. Healthcare organizations can use Facebook and Twitter sites to interact with patients from wherever locations they are in. Organizations can employ social media ambassadors whose responsibility is to advertise the institution by giving real-time response and informing the patients on activities in the facilities. Mayo Clinic is among well-known hospitals that use online platforms to engage their patients through narrations that are uplifting. They also update articles on technological advances in the healthcare industry that give hope to people suffering from diseases that were thought to have no cure in the past. The site also provides information on public health practices and briefings of current events such as the coronavirus developments and prevention measures (Ventola, 2014).

By answering questions presented by patients on the social platforms, patient satisfaction is built, giving the patient confidence to visit the facilities and improve their involvement in their healthcare. Hospitals can post health tips on their Facebook or Twitter walls to empower the visitors on the need for better lifestyles that will improve their health. The organization can also increase the awareness of people on diseases that are not well-known but have devasting effects on the populations. This is effective due to many people on the sites who will access the information, which will help them improve their education on health matters. The hospitals can provide online bookings of clinical appointments to reduce large queues in hospitals (Ventola, 2014). This can be achieved by providing coupons to patients that show their schedules and ensuring they are honored.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 5: Identify how health information technology influences the patient experience.

Learning Objective 5.1:

Describe how healthcare organizations can adopt social media to enable patient access to the organizations and their staff and to address patient healthcare issues.

Description of how healthcare organizations can adopt social media to enable patient access to the organizations and their staff and to address patient healthcare issues is missing.

Response vaguely describes how healthcare organizations can adopt social media to enable patient access to the organizations and their staff and one way to address patient healthcare issues.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response thoroughly describes at least one way healthcare organizations can adopt social media to enable patient access to the organizations and their staff and one way to address patient healthcare issues.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response describes one real-life example from health care organization or professionals that have adopted social media to enable patient access to the organizations and their staff and to address patient healthcare issues.


Describe how physicians can use the Internet and social media to enhance their interactions with medical services that affect their patients.

(1–2 pages)

Your Response


Physicians use internet sites such as blogs, wikis, virtual reality, and various social media platforms to enhance their professional medical services experience. These tools can be leveraged to improve patient care through public health programs and education. Health care professionals use online platforms to get more information on their fields of expertise, conduct research, consult with colleagues, and make patient referrals. Virtual or augmented reality is another online platform that allows direct contact between experts and their patients. Blogs have been widely used by physicians to communicate with the public on specific health conditions or practices. Most of these platforms provide chances to ask clarifications questions with answers provided through text or audio. Blogs can also be used to communicate between the professionals providing guidelines, templates, and case studies on different health topics and with proven facts (Ventola, 2014). Comment by VD: Much of your response is about how providers use the Internet and social media to interact with patients – Your response needs to describe how providers can use the Internet and social media to provide services to patients – this is not asking about how providers interact with patients. I suggest you research Sermo and Doximity.

Another online platform featuring professionals is Twitter, where discussions on trending topics are conducted. Tweets are linked with other media types, such as videos that are hyperlinked with other sites. Here, real-time response is possible, and discussions are visible to the public. Physicians can acquire a massive number of followers who can be patients or other interested parties who read or ask questions on the expert’s matters. Through their accounts, medical specialists can reach patients and improve the provision of care. Wikipedia is another online forum that is used by the medical community despite having shallow content. YouTube is used for media sharing, where videos can be uploaded and viewed. The site provides an avenue for live streaming of events. The shared information on YouTube can be used to educate and brand. In general, physicians can use online forums to educate patients and educate them on the importance of behavioral change and best practices towards recovery (Ventola, 2014).



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 5: Identify how health information technology influences the patient experience.

Learning Objective 5.2:

Describe how physicians can use the Internet and social media to enhance their interactions with medical services that affect their patients.

Description of how physicians can use the Internet and social media to enhance their interactions with medical services that affect their patients is missing.

Response vaguely describes how physicians can use the Internet and social media to enhance their interactions with medical services that affect their patients.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response thoroughly describes at least one way physicians can use the Internet and social media to enhance their interactions with medical services that affect their patients.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response includes a detailed description of at least two Internet services that physicians can use to enhance their interactions with medical services that affect their patients.


Explain how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) promotes the adoption of technology to improve the quality of care.

(1–2 pages)

Your Response Comment by VD: Good job in this section!

The patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aims to provide more efficient and accessible healthcare services in a fair manner. This act that came into law by amendment of healthcare and education reconciliation act promotes the use of technology in improving the quality of services offered to patients. Electronic keeping of health records, among other information exchanges, is emphasized in the law. Health information technology (HIT) is used in several passages in the law with many references on EHRs.

The PPACA requires integrating physical quality reporting initiative (PQRI) and applying reporting mechanisms. The act needs the secretary to plan in advance on measures, analysis, and reporting of information in a manner that demonstrates PQRI. The act demands the utilization of HIPAA standards in the operation of the health information systems. This is aimed at preventing unauthorized access through the use of machine-readable smart cards for user verification. Standardized practices enable easy integration of different healthcare systems such as small organizations with larger ones (Zhang et al., 2013).

There is a provision for initiatives aimed at supporting HITs, such as clinical decision support systems that enhance data collection. Advantage bonuses can be directed to acquiring tools that enhance the establishment of technology systems that require modern systems that are costly for organizations. The tools can be used for recording, storage, and retrieving purposes. The information is useful in harnessing medical data that is a vital component in any information system.

The use of health homes is among the strategies PPACA allows towards improving care for chronic illnesses patients. The connection between healthcare providers and patients is facilitated by technology. The act demands the use of HIT services in the management of the systems in place. The technology also improves efficiency in reporting and measuring the quality of service provided to consumers (Zhang et al., 2013).



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 6: Explain healthcare regulations that influence the adoption and use of health information technology.

Learning Objective 6.1:

Explain how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) promotes the adoption of technology to improve the quality of care.

Explanation of how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) promotes the adoption of technology to improve the quality of care is missing.

Response vaguely explains how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) promotes the adoption of technology to improve the quality of care.

Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response includes an in-depth and comprehensive explanation of how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) promotes the adoption of technology to improve the quality of care, using specific examples.

Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:

Response provides at least one real-life example from health care organization or professionals that were influenced by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to invest in health IT to enhance the quality of care for patients.


Describe how the federal government has sought to influence the adoption and use of electronic health records in the past 10 years.

Discuss the effectiveness of these efforts. (2–3 pages)

Your Response

Through the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, the federal government has been involved in influencing the adoption of electronic health record systems. The government offers rewards to physicians and healthcare organizations that adopt the use of EHR. This is given through financial incentives, which are given in relation to the percentage of patients enrolled in the information systems. The authorities have to ascertain that the organizations and doctors integrate the electronic records in their healthcare provider before receiving incentives (Schilling, 2011). Comment by VD: good finish in the competency! Our healthcare environment is constantly changing and it is expected that healthcare information technology will continue to change on a consistent basis. Additionally, it is expected that government regulations will continue to influence the adoption of health information technology systems in the country.

The government has Established regional extension centers (REC) to help primary healthcare providers with expertise and resources regarding the use of EHRs. RECs are assigned physicians whom they guide to provide meaningful use of the electronic recording systems. Seminars and workshops are conducted in the regional blocks to educate providers with essential information on the HIT systems. Also, the importance of adopting EHR is discussed to those yet to implement the systems in their organizations (Schilling, 2011).

Electronic health record systems require skilled labor to manage and operate them to achieve efficiency. Therefore, the federal government established education programs to train students on the use of Health information systems. The students are given grants to enable them to complete their education and become qualified to help upgrade, implement, and maintain the EHRs.

These government initiatives have been effective in many ways, such as an increase in EHR adoption by physicians who are motivated by rewards. Regional extension centers have engaged physicians by guiding the use of EHR, which has resulted in more of them committing to the adoption of electronic health records (Schilling, 2011). HIT training programs have seen the graduation of many students with relevant skills in the management of health information systems. Skilled labor ensures the appropriate use of electronic recording systems, which results in quality care.



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Sub-Competency 6: Explain healthcare policies and regulations that influence the adoption and use of health information technology.

Learning Objective 6.2:

Describe how the federal government has sought to influence the adoption and use of electronic health records in the past 10 years.

Description of how the federal government has sought to influence the adoption and use of electronic health records in the past 10 years is missing.

Response vaguely describes government programs intended to influence the adoption and use of electronic health records. Discussion of effectiveness of these efforts is insufficient. Response is not supported by references to academic resources.

Response provides a thorough description of three aspects of government actions intended to influence the adoption of EHRs in the U.S. and their effectiveness in accomplishing this goal. Response is supported by references to academic resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response describes how government actions will continue to influence EHR adoption in the future.


Boulos, M. N. K., & Berry, G. (2012). Real-time locating systems (RTLS) in healthcare: a condensed primer. International journal of health geographics, 11(1), 1-8.

Hsiao, C. J., Hing, E., & Ashman, J. (2014). Trends in Electronic Health Record System Use Among Office-based Physicians, United States, 2007-2012 (No. 75). US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics.

Iroju, O., Soriyan, A., Gambo, I., & Olaleke, J. (2013). Interoperability in healthcare: benefits, challenges, and resolutions. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 3(1), 262-270.

Rudin, R. S., Motala, A., Goldzweig, C. L., & Shekelle, P. G. (2014). Usage and effect of health information exchange: a systematic review. Annals of internal medicine, 161(11), 803-811.

Schilling, B. (2011). The federal government has put billions into promoting electronic health record use: How is it going. Commonwealth Fund: Quality Matters, June/July.

Ventola, C. L. (2014). Social media and health care professionals: benefits, risks, and best practices. Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 39(7), 491.

Zhang, N. J., Seblega, B., Wan, T., Unruh, L., Agiro, A., & Miao, L. (2013). Health information technology adoption in US acute care hospitals. Journal of medical systems, 37(2), 9907.

©2015 Walden University 19

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