Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS)


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Introduction. (Avoid using an “Introduction” heading; the paper title at the top of the first page acts as a Level 1 heading.) Your introduction should identify your chosen HEDIS performance measure that you selected from within the six domains of care. Examples of HEDIS performance measures on  Fall Risk Management, etc. Provide a brief overview of the selected performance measure, including why you selected this particular measure. Include a purpose statement, which describes the purpose, scope, and direction of the paper. It tells the reader what to expect in the paper and what the focus will be. Your introduction should be no more than 2 paragraphs.

Patient Interventions (Level 1 Heading: Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading)

Intervention One (Level 2 Heading: Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading) (Title with Name of Intervention)

Discuss in detail your first patient intervention. Use a valid and relevant scholarly source to cite your evidenced-based intervention. Paraphrase the content you are using from your resource and cite correctly. Include how you will measure this intervention. 

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Intervention Two (Level 2 Heading)

Discuss in detail your second patient intervention. Use a valid and relevant scholarly source to cite your evidenced-based intervention. Paraphrase the content you are using from your resource and cite correctly. Include how you will measure this intervention. 

Intervention Three (Level 2 Heading)

Discuss in detail your third patient intervention. Use a valid and relevant scholarly source to cite your evidenced-based intervention. Paraphrase the content you are using from your resource and cite correctly. Include how you will measure this intervention. 

Improved Patient Outcomes (Level 1 Heading)

Discuss how your selected interventions presented above will result in improved patient outcomes. Use a valid and relevant scholarly source to cite your evidenced-based intervention. Paraphrase the content you are using from your resource and cite correctly. 

Cost Savings (Level 1 Heading)

Discuss how your selected interventions presented above will result in cost savings for the practice. Use a valid and relevant scholarly source to cite your evidenced-based intervention. Paraphrase the content you are using from your resource and cite correctly. 

Patient Ratings (Level 1 Heading)

Discuss how your selected interventions presented above will result in improved patient ratings. Describe how the selected interventions will increase patient satisfaction. Patient ratings include how satisfied the patients are and how they rate NP performance. Use a valid and relevant scholarly source to cite your evidenced-based intervention. Paraphrase the content you are using from your resource and cite correctly.


A conclusion paragraph is required to end an APA paper. This paragraph will summarize the paper for the reader. A good rule of thumb is to have a sentence for each main idea you discussed in the paper. 


Please make sure you to review the 7th edition APA book to cite your references here. Please note: you do not list a reference unless you cited the reference in your paper. 

 Paper requirements:Be sure to read (Buppert chapter 15).

The Quality Healthcare: Measuring NP Performance paper must have the following components:

Research the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) (

Health Care Accreditation, Health Plan Accreditation Organization – NCQA

) website and the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) that define 6 domains of care
Choose one performance measure from one domain of careList and discuss three (3) different patient interventions for that one performance measure and how you would specifically measure the outcomes.
How would these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and cost savings for the practice?
How can these interventions result in improved patient ratings?

Be sure you are carefully adhering to the APA 6th or 7th edition manual. Be sure you are using the strongest scholarly evidence to support your work. This is not an opinion paper, rather, a report of the evidence regarding your selected performance measure. At least 2500 words or more



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