Health and Life insurance multible choices questions

I need the right answers for these questions:Question 1 (2 points)Life insurance companies try to select and classify exposure units carefully for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:Question 1 options:SaveQuestion 2 (2 points)Which of the following statements concerning the treatment of life insurance applicants is (are) correct? I. Women are charged lower rates for life insurance but higher rates for annuities than men. II. The smaller the amount at risk, the more liberal can be the life insurance company’s underwriting standards. III. Since we all legally have unlimited insurable interest on our own lives, we all are eligible for $1 million policy with a life company of our choice if we can afford to pay the premium.Question 2 options:SaveQuestion 3 (2 points)If all persons who walked by a busy street corner in Los Angeles were to purchase a $10,000 ordinary life insurance policy, and each paid the premium established for his or her age group, the life insurance company would accept them all without evidence of insurability. Why would this be so? (It is assumed that the opportunity to purchase the $10,000 policy is not known by the general public.)Question 3 options:SaveQuestion 4 (2 points)

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