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The project that we have planned to work on is a ecommerce website. We have planned to create a simple website for a online shopping website. This website will have all the information’s about different products that can be sold in the website. The name of the website of our project will be market place.


All the members in the group will meet and discuss about their contribution in the project weekly. We want this website to be the simplest ecommerce website. To make sure the project is complete we will properly include all the necessary information about the products and services. For example, the picture of the products, what is the price of the product, upcoming products and their varieties depending on what users or customers search or look for. We want our customers to have a quick and easy access so that they can easily view photos, size and price of their desired products.

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That was all about our front page, we will also have a menu bar which will include sub pages for the website, the pages may include about us, contact info, delivering options, Terms and conditions, Products overview. We will also have a contact section where people can find all our social media details, couple of contact numbers, fax number and an instant toolbar for online chat if people will have any enquires. The project will be using HTML and CSS for designing and developing.



Most important of all is that we four members are contributing in making the simplest website possible so that interface of the website is very easy to use by most of the costumers. An ecommerce website is usually a bit confusing and difficult to use for that reason we will try and deliver the website with the view of making sure that the website is as simple as possible. This website will make us understand the basic implications of the interface of the system or any application or website. The main plan of our project is to make the website simple and make sure all the members are able to understand the basics of the interface of any system and also how every member contributes in the report and project.

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