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  • Exploring health resources: Behavior change & GOAL SETTING
  • (18 points)

    You are to set a goal from any of the dimensions of well-being. It can be related to
    you physically, socially, financially, environmentally, intellectually, emotionally, or
    spiritually. Make each goal as SMART as possible. For example: “I want to be
    financially independent” to “I want to accumulate net assets of one million dollars
    by age 50”. If you have a goal like “find a better job” make it more specific by
    asking clarifying questions such as: what kind of job? Making how much money? In
    what field? Requiring what skills? Working in what type of environment? By when?
    Try to specify as clearly as you can what it is that you want. Some goals are not
    easy to measure such as “being a good citizen” or “being happy” because they are
    too broad and hard to quantify. Try to break them down into more specific parts –
    what does being a good citizen mean to you? How will you know if you are? What
    does happiness mean to you? What would be happening in your life, what would it
    look like?

    1. Based on the 1-1-5 worksheet from class, write one long term goal and AT
    LEAST 5 short term goals for your long term goal.

    EX: Long term goal: Lose 15 pounds by Spring Break (March 16).

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    Short term goal 1: I will exercise 5x per week from September 8
    until March 13.
    Short term goal 2: I will eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
    each day for the next two weeks (starting August 31)

    2. Include strategies that remove barriers and provide a reward. Be creative!

    Strategies should remove barriers and provide rewards/motivation to help
    you stay on track

    EX: I will exercise 5x per week from September 8 until November 3.
    Achievement strategy #1: I will pack my workout bag the night before and
    put it in my car before I go to bed (so I don’t forget clothes/shoes for
    Achievement strategy #2: I will ask my best friend, Kelly, to go exercise with
    me on Tuesday nights to help me with accountability and social support.
    Achievement strategy #3 (reward): If I exercise 5x per week, at the end of
    each week I get to go to the movies with my friends.

    3. We have discussed transtheoretical model of behavior change in class, and
    now this is your chance to apply the behavior change theory to your goal.
    State your stage and provide examples that illustrate this stage.

    First Paragraph: Specifically state your short term and long term goals. What is
    your behavior stage level and why? The following paragraphs highlight the various
    strategies that will help you achieve these goals. Specify dates of each strategy
    and ultimate goals!

  • Paper Format:
  • Please follow these guidelines. Points will be deducted if the format requirements
    are not met.

    Grading Rubric: (18 points)

    • Minimum 2 and maximum 3 pages
    • Double-spaced
    • 11-12 point font
    • 1 inch margin on all sides
    • Check spelling and grammar before turning in your paper

    Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Accomplished Total

    Writing Quality 0-1 point 2 points 3 points


    Show a below
    writing style that
    lacks standard
    English, and/or is
    difficult for readers
    to follow. Contains
    frequent errors in
    usage, and

    Show an average
    and/or casual
    writing style using
    standard English
    that is generally
    clear but contains
    some errors in
    usage, and

    Show above
    average writing
    style that is clear
    using standard
    English with
    minor errors in
    usage, and/or

    Development of
    Long Term Goal

    Statements are
    unsupported by an

    Sparse details
    with minimum

    Develops goal
    and strategy with
    specific details
    using the SMART
    goal method.


    Development of
    Short Term

    Statements are
    unsupported by an

    Sparse details
    with minimum

    Develops each
    goal and strategy
    with specific
    details using the
    SMART goal


    Explanation of
    Stage Change

    Explanation of
    three or more the
    behavior stages
    are unclear and

    Explanation of
    four behavior
    stages is clear and

    Explanation of all
    six behavior
    stages are clear
    and correct.


    Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Accomplished Total

    Identifying Your
    behavior stage

    No explanation of
    what behavior
    stage you are
    currently in.

    Limited detail and
    explanation of
    what behavior
    stage you are in

    Clear explanation
    of what behavior
    stage you are in
    and why.


    Use of Language

    vocabulary: errors

    Some errors, but
    they did not

    No major
    grammatical or
    spelling errors. /3

    TOTAL /18

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      Paper Format:

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