HA545 Unit 1 Discussion 2/3

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to  Sasha Bluitt and

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 Dianna Adair 

Allocative policies usually provide the net benefits to some given class or group at the expense of other people to ensure that the public objectives are met.

An example of an allocative policy is the funding of medical research coming from the government to work on improving health services.

Regulatory policies are designed to influence the behaviors, actions, and decisions of others. For example, the regulation of the health care professions by the states

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An example of regulatory policies is requiring medical professionals to be licensed in order to work.


Longest, Beaufort B. Health Policymaking in the United States. Health Administration Press, 2015.

 Dianna Adair 

The two categories of health policies are allocative and regulatory. Allocative policies exist to provide subsidy to guarantee access for more vulnerable populations (Longest, 2016). A great and current example of this type of policy is the patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the ACA or Obamacare. The ACA provides protections and subsidies for lower income individuals or those with pre-existing conditions. It also provides rules for insurance companies to cover preventative care to promote prevention of illness to save on healthcare costs overall (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2019).

Regulatory policies are fairly self-explanatory. They regulate actions, decisions, and behaviors. Examples of regulatory policies include the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Act, which were created to maintain favorable market conditions (Longest, 2016).

To see the impact legislation has on health issues, one does not have to look very far. The ACA, for example, sparked a huge increase in insured individuals that would have been prevented coverage due to pre-existing conditions or being too poor to afford insurance but not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. While the ACA is not perfect by any means, a lot of changes were wholly or semi-positive.


Longest, B. B. (2016). Health Policymaking in the United States (Vol. Sixth edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press.
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2019). About the Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from:



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