HA525 Unit 3 Assignment


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In Unit 3, you are to submit a paper based on the this article:

Ruling may up risk for ‘apparent authority.’

 (2009). Healthcare Risk Management, 31(4), 43–44. 

The article is about the Doctrine of Apparent Authority (or Apparent Agency, DAA), which is also discussed in Chapter 6 of your textbook.

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After reading the article, compose a paper including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Discuss apparent authority, generally.
  • Include an understanding of risk management.
  • Discuss the relationship between physician and hospital (or other authority/agency).
  • What conclusions would you as a health administrator make about the relationship between physician and agency?
  • How can health administrators help the relationship be productive for both parties?


Your submission must be written in a scholarly, well-flowing piece that reflects Master’s level work.

Include a title page, a reference page, and 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

Your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages in length, not including the title page and references.

All formatting and references should follow APA format. You may include additional references beyond those provided within the Assignment.

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