grammar and sentence structures

The factors in medicine during pre-industrial was basically home remedies. During this time there were no doctor that could perform a surgery or prescribed a prescription to the patient to cure a cold. Basically, anyone who can have little knowledge regarding those symptoms can call themselves doctors. At the time medicine prices were extremely expensive and only a percentage of a population can afford to see a doctor. The medical service includes the time physicians spend on the road to see a patient, the longer the distance the higher the fees. Most people at that time prefer to be cured by a member of the family or community by using natural herbs, because these remedies have passed from one generation to the next. These factors created a low demand for medical care at the time. However, thing changes once the scientific medicine and technology emerges. This advancement has shifted the demand for medical service. For example, the discovery of anesthesia and x-rays was a mile at the in the medical field. People begging to relied on medical professionals because they have the knowledge and judgment whether the patient need surgery or just have a fracture bone. Because, the images will allow the physician to make critical decision regarding this matter. These professional graduated from medical school and specialize in certain fields in the industry and laws has implemented that people must seek professional healthcare. As people no longer depend on home remedies the healthcare industry starts to expend across the nation and new market and research advancemnet begging to growth in a fast pace.

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