Goodwill case


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Their history their problem was that they were global law for millions of pages and paper millions of pages of paper in different computer systems in each office none of which were interrelated in fact seven different applications to manage over 2 terabytes of data for good food process more than 60,000 cases close to 12 million documents 10 million documents whose met lawyers couldn’t access files quickly and easily look forever to research cases and issues what their competitors could do in a couple of hours took them a couple of days this created an ethical problem because they charged by the hour and it was cheating the customer when they took so long but they needed

System that can be bought to organize data and solve this organization it allows everyone to communicate quickly and easily KMS systems need to have a clear knowledge management strategy they need to be able to ensure um so they need to be able to ensure that documents can that officers can talk to one another um and there needs to be a clear migration path

Alternative analysis

1.Google Drive – sub optimal

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the term sub optimal means it’ll work I mean Google Drive works but it’s not the best one that’s Google Drive is going to be sub optimal. We need to tell why it’s suboptimal it’s not that good let

the problem is that anyone can move files and folders around sometimes accidentally so when you have Google driving you are using Google drive one of the users maybe some guy in Paris Paris can be moving around the folders and then everything gets lost so it says he had the problem is that anyone can move the files and folders around sometimes accidentally users this makes it impossible to restrict access does everybody’s grab in everybody’s folder there’s no privacy with Google drives

With Google drive which is really hurts the clients who want their information to be you know secure right and

the reference for this reference ready citation Pay 2018

2. Confluence

Not that good and I gotta talk about why it’s not that good let me see if I can find something

For a large firm such as Goodwin proc the reference is Les 2019 Les it also says the biggest complaint about confluence is the software is not user friendly, I do use the software is hard to use and it sometimes cost a lot of money OK look up

Gibson 2019 tells you why confluence is no good

3. AbacusNext

The mobile application so if you want to use your telephone right and use the KMS mobile means telephone it’s not going to be good with your telephone the pricing is not good too expensive it’s very high price any reference for this is Abacus law practice management software review law practice management software review tells you why it’s bad

4. Workzone

does not have budgeting accounting or expense tracking which means you can’t do billing you can’t bill your customers using works on no accounting and you get that from an article by PARDOBUNTE 2020

One task simultaneously so if you get 6 lawyers and they’re all working together as a team the system won’t let him do it can you get that from ready you guys citation bisp Tri CEAN 2014 can

5. Huddle

The calendar doesn’t work right engina calendar doesn’t work right schedules don’t work only one person can work with it at a time there’s no chat features K in the reference here I got was com

6. Microsoft Sharepoint

Top ten benefit to shared point 2020

there’s an article called HubSpot Knowledge management systems the ultimate guide covers everything

last thing you do is you have your recommendation section, and you say this report recommends Microsoft SharePoint and you put a few bullet points and that’s now



Goodwin Procter Knowledge Management System

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Goodwin Procter knowledge management system

Background: Goodwin Procter LLP was founded in 1912 by Joseph Procter and Robert Goodwin, and it is one of the largest law firms in Beantown. It came into existence after R. Goodwin Eliot and J. Procter Osborne when they met one another on the street and they decided to incorporate the law firm. In Boston, at 84 State street is where the offices were opened on July 1, 1912. It has branched beyond its Boston roots and has established over fifteen offices in the UK, Germany, China, US A, and France. The firm has various lawyers of about 1,200 in areas of specialization that include real estate, environmental, litigation tax, estate planning, tax, and corporate (Abate and Breen, 2019). It has enabled in achieving growth from emerging multinational companies and offers advice on critical regulatory and compliance matters in dealing with transactions and critical litigation issues. Goodwin Procter has workplaces in Silicon Valley, New York, San Diego, Boston, London, Hong Kong, New York, Los Angeles, Washington, and San Francisco. (Cerchione et al., 2016)

Goodwin Procter had experienced hacking of information that affected multiple customers of the service transfer of the file and employees. There were also several incidences of cybersecurity raised that included the malware attack on Seyfarth Shaw and a ransomware attack on DLA Piper.

It is worth noting that the firm holds more than 60,000 cases that are close to 10 million documents and which initially wanted to be integrated to ease access of the business data and client information from their offices all over the world. With SharePoint implemented, the firm has been able to share work in progress and notes by using this platform and eased a particular case with related references.

Issue: The major question that Goodwin Procter had was, how will they pull information from different systems into a SharePoint?


The intranet that was serving the firm in a better way could run into limits. The system could not support the concept of Matter Pages. Through the use of the team of technicians did frustrate the collaborative model. The search engines were not powerful for the purpose. Having the Matters Pages was essential as it would have a complete perspective to the lawyers in terms of billing information, contacts, documents, notes, and relationships. This kind of experience increased productivity, efficiency, and time-saving that could be pass on to the client (Centobelli, Piera, Roberto, Cerchione, and Emilio Esposito, 2017). Additionally, the Matters Page did ease the robust search engine for finding precedential matters.

It would be critical for Matters Pages’ success if data integration would be into the SharePoint. It is essential since new matters and codes are brought onboard nightly. A full refresh is done weekly as billing is done monthly through consolidation by issue and employee and reported on the Matters Pages. image display lists of and links to matter documents in addition to InterAction data and CMS. the image provides a search application programming interface (API) to return to a Matter Page all documents profiled to a given client and matter number. (Ling, 2019, p. 176)

Analysis of Alternatives:


1. Google Drive – sub optimal

2. Confluence – sub optimal

3. AbacusNext – sub optimal

4. Workzone – sub optimal

5. Huddle- sub optimal

6. Microsoft SharePoint Thoroughly research Goodwin Procter “optimal.”

Before SharePoint implementation, efforts should be directed towards the firm’s operation, and IT functions in identifying the features of the firm, the internet should be used and examine articles, websites, and marketing materials. Any alternative could not succeed as the matter information was scattered on multiple systems throughout the firm and the environment needed a simple and friendly as well as efficient for lawyers and at the same time the intranet was limited that was serving the firm.

Alternative well-educated consumer optimal

It is essential to become an expert on Microsoft SharePoint. In other large firms and financial institutions, concentration is paramount on the successful utilization of the product. Looking for examples of efficiencies and cost savings that the product has brought on board.

Alternative Acquisition/Conversion Team optimal

Presentation of PowerPoint should be done to the top management to convert to a Microsoft SharePoint platform. Coaching is paramount throughout the process.

Recommendation: The backbone of a KMS initiative is its technological infrastructure or information technology. The knowledge management system is an IT system that safeguards and regains knowledge to progress sympathetic, teamwork and development alignment. KMS does exist within teams or organization, and can be used as the base knowledge for users or clients (Wang et al., 2018) The various knowledge processes need to be supported by suitable technology; such techniques include knowledge creation, calibration, modeling, integration, reuse, sharing, synthesis, discovery, and gathering. The key technologies that need to be adopted are documents management systems, information portals, information retrieval systems, workflow systems, help-desk technology, training systems, and knowledge mapping. In considering other forms of systems perspectives, apart from KM tools and technology different CFs such as KM organization, organization culture and process, top management commitment and support, and KM incentives and metrics need to be considered.


Abate, M. J., & Breen, J. P. (2019). The All-Substantial Rights Doctrine: A Second Look. Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. LJ, 30, 1185.

Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., & Esposito, E. (2017). Knowledge management in startups: Systematic literature review and future research agenda. Sustainability, 9(3), 361.

Ling, Y. (2019). The doctrine of democracy and human rights. Sun Yat-sen’s Doctrine in the Modern World, 175-200.

Cerchione, R., Centobelli, P., Esposito, E., & Raffa, M. (2016). What is engineering management? Exploring the emerging knowledge and skills for engineers. Advanced Science Letters, 22(5), 1535-1537.

Wang, Y., Blache, R., Zheng, P., & Xu, X. (2018). A knowledge management system to support design for additive manufacturing using Bayesian networks. Journal of Mechanical Design, 140(5).

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