Global Healthcare Leadership


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The purpose of this activity is to deepen learning through reflective inquiry. It will allow for expansion in self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals.

Course outcomes: This assessment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:       • Compare and contrast theories of organizational behavior and leadership. • Investigate the role of advanced nursing practice in innovation and transformation to propose solutions impacting healthcare systems. • Differentiate attributes of effective leaders and followers in influencing healthcare. • Assimilate attributes for intra-/inter-professional collaboration across healthcare settings • Formulate selected strategies for leadership and influence across healthcare systems. 

Preparing the assessment:

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Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. 

Write a brief 1-paragraph weekly reflection addressing each question posed in the Reflect section of the weekly module.

1. Include the following sections in your Reflection.

Week 1

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives by participating in the weekly readings, discussions, or activities (the weekly objectives are found in each week’s “Student Lesson Plan for Learning Success”).

· How does leadership formation influence the dynamics and culture of the organization in which the leader operates?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 2

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives by participating in the weekly readings, discussions, or activities (the weekly objectives are found in each week’s “Student Lesson Plan for Learning Success”).

· What coaching or leadership development do you believe would help you to reach a new level in your leadership formation?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 3

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives by participating in the weekly readings, discussions, or activities (the weekly objectives are found in each week’s “Student Lesson Plan for Learning Success”).

· As a leader, how might you use a professional practice model to influence the culture and sustainability of an organization dedicated to transformation?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 4

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives by participating in the weekly readings, discussions, or activities (the weekly objectives are found in each week’s “Student Lesson Plan for Learning Success”).

· How will you use your leadership tools and influence to build ethical, high-value healthcare organizations?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 5

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives by participating in the weekly readings, discussions, or activities (the weekly objectives are found in each week’s “Student Lesson Plan for Learning Success”).

· What are the leadership competencies that support the creation of an innovative, high-value healthcare culture?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 6

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives by participating in the weekly readings, discussions, or activities (the weekly objectives are found in each week’s “Student Lesson Plan for Learning Success”).

· Identify one theory or framework addressed this week. Identify what behaviors you will emphasize or de-emphasize based upon this theory or framework.

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 7

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives by participating in the weekly readings, discussions, or activities (the weekly objectives are found in each week’s “Student Lesson Plan for Learning Success”).

· As a DNP leader, how might you incorporate transformational leadership in strategic planning?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Reflective Inquiry

Requirements: 1. Addresses all aspects of the weekly reflection 2. Assesses own learning 3. Assesses value of the learning experience

PLEASE ANSWER EACH WEEK SEPARATED AND USE AT LEAST 5 SOURCES NO LATER THAN 5 YEARS. PLEASE NO PLAGIARISM. AND SEND ME THE PLAGIARISM REPORT. I attached every discussion board of each week and you can guide for each discussion board to do the paragraph. The question of each week is in black.

) (

Hello Dr Myers and Class

Scholarly practice entails having concrete evidence for what one recommends. It ensure recommended suggestions have high success levels. They are backed up with great length of expertise in leadership role(Jeroen, pg.23). The paper will discuss how change is received within an organization, how time consideration affect success of change implementation, insights to proper implementation of change and external factors that influence leader expectation of self.

1-Consider a time when you led change at the organizational or individual level. What were the results? Looking back, what could you have done differently to improve results?

Organization change entails shift of the way of carrying out operational activities within a company system. Change in most institutions around the globe has always been met with so much resistance and opposition if the transition is not carried out effectively. Human being are creatures of habit and always comfortable with routine. It is rather normal for people to be shaken to the core when the things considered normal are taken away. And in their place comes something new and unknown.

At our organization for instance, due to competitive pressure, I was tasked with altering the nature of operation of the routine the employees were used to having. It involved having people come much earlier to work so as to improve on productivity in the company. The hour of clocking in was raise by two hours from 9AM to 7AM. It became a total fail. Most colleagues arrived late with numerous cover up excuses .Others’ attention and concentration spun on tasks after a few hours after arriving at their workstation was so low.

The change would have been a success had employees’ needs and views been put into consideration. First, prior intensive research had not been conducted on the effects of such a major shift. Also employee involvement was neglected. As a result due to anxiety build up on undertaking such important changes without proper guidance the operation failed. They needed time and to be educated on the importance of the said change being implemented.

2-Consider a time when you knew you needed to make a change but chose not to due to time constraints. What was the result? How might you make time to work on necessary personal changes to support your leadership formation?

Decision making is vital in the work place scenario. Taking action and choosing not to take action regarding a matter or situation always has consequences. For proper adaptation and reception of any shift in way of handling things within a company, time is often required. In this case, the company productivity and profit margins dropped as there was no enough time to make the changes. This occurred because other competing organizations had shifted their operations to be technology based thus swift processing of all operations at all levels. Our company on the other hand delayed due to time constraint. There wasn’t enough time to train the staff technology wise and have them ready to swiftly compete without messing about and creating an even larger problem.

3-Consider a time when you led change effectively. List the key insights gained from this effort. How can you use these insights to lead future change efforts?

Change effects and results in an organization can at times take a while to be noticed. Regardless, for effective change, first the need for extensive research cannot be taken for granted. The main reason for to change be implemented within the system need to be looked into and properly evaluated. It is important to plan how the said change is to take place and anticipate whichever challenges that come about.

Good communication and information dissemination is key to change adaptation and acceptance. Choose a team to maintain constant communication with both key stakeholders and the rest of the team (Ladislava pg. 4). This way sufficient support is offered to ensure success of the impending shift. Also in effectively communicating the vision and goals anticipated and the urgent need for the said change to realize this, it ensures success. Members should be empowered and offered proper guidance in the way to act to realize set visions.

4- What important external expectations determine the expectations you have for yourself as a leader?

Organizational environment; Organizations have their own values. Past legacy and values are important to the company. As a leader your expectations will have to align with that and manage the business along those cultural expectations.

Resources; Leaders utilize organization assets and human resource to achieve set objectives. Leader expectations of self will fall on proper utilization and maximization of available resources for great profit margin.

Technology and innovation cause drastic changes in business environments. It is commendable to use a management style in line with the new technologies set within the system.


Jeroen. S. , Denise M. R., David.D., Successful Organization Change : Intergrating The Management Practice and Scholarly Literatures (2016) pg 20-30

Ladislava Kuchynkora Identification of Factors Associated with Leadership style efficiency of managers (2016) pg 4 &ved=2ahUKEwikjeb0lI_vAhUTh1wKHXwdBzcQFjAOegQIDBAC&usg=AOvVaw2KMGC9Do3OuEci0U9p7pLO

Samuel.R . , Nachiappan.s., Romina.p., Lin.w., Stakeholder engagement in a Sustainable Sales and Operations Planning Process.(2020) pg8

Running Head:








Dear Supervisor

To address the issue concerning the two members who could not follow our agreed care plan, I would like to explain how to lead towards effective management (Azhar, 2021). Leading in management, first of all, is how someone uses influence to motivate the employees or members of a group in achieving the goals that an organization has set. Therefore I will ensure that every member willingly participates in every activity that we have put in a plan to achieve our goals. By doing this, I have planned to engage the other team members, which is an effective way of ensuring that the members work together to achieve what we have planned (Seale, 2021). To effectively lead these members, I should be a good example which I plan to be the first person to consistently participate in the activities or even plans that we set.

Another way that I can lead towards effective management is through direct interaction with my employees, which is an easy way to motivate them. When they see me working hard, they would be encouraged even to work harder. To motivate these people, I will make sure that they have enough knowledge and skills to use in our activities or the plans that we set (Almost, 2018). Providing enough education to the employees and keeping them aware of what happens within the organization will make them feel involved. When they feel involved, they will work towards achieving the desired goals. It is essential for a leader in management to address issues that affect how the group functions. Therefore I will ensure that any issue that is interfering with the group’s functioning is addressed and every group member is comfortable.


Carlos Legra


Almost, J. M., VanDenKerkhof, E. G., Strahlendorf, P., Tett, L. C., Noonan, J., Hayes, T., … & e Silva, V. S. (2018). A study of leading indicators for occupational health and safety management systems in healthcare. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-7.

Azhar, A. (2021). Igniting Change in Business: Leading & Managing Transformational Change.

Seale, O. J. (2021). Leading and Managing the 21st Century University. In Deanship in the Global South (pp. 18-44). Brill Sense.



Leadership and conflicts

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Hello Dr. Myers and Class

1. Strategies to reduce conflicts

Emotional competence is defined as personal skills that help him, or her understand and act accordingly towards his/her own emotions and the emotions of people surrounding him/her. The leader can read his employer’s signals and controls his reactions (Lexa, 2017). The three strategies that can help reduce emotional conflicts and bring unity are described below.

i) Employ people who can work in a team

It essential to hire people, who mingle with other team members easily, a highly experienced or competent person with no ability to associate well with others may lead to conflict (Lexa, 2017). When hiring employees, public relation is an important aspect to look at before being accepted in the job. Employees who interact well with others create a cohesive environment.


Respect for every one

Respect for everyone in the team is paramount (Campbell, 2018). When the leader appreciates every worker’s contribution, the worker’s morale increases, thus high productivity and efficiency, it also promotes consultation within the team members, i.e., those with good technical skills work closely with experts in other areas, e.g., financial skills.


Quick resolving of issues

In normal working conditions, people may disagree on one thing or the other. A good leader is required to help the disagreeing employees resolve the issues immediately (Campbell, 2018). The leader should encourage the team members to solve the issue or involve a third party before the issue is taken to the manager.

2. Strategies outcome

Hiring team workers

A healthy interaction is not only with the team members but also with the organization leaders. Cohesion at work creates a good working environment and increases the employees’ willpower to work. This reduces labor turnover, thereby reducing the cost of hiring and loss of competent and experienced workers (Campbell, 2018). Workers with high public relations skills positively impact the client, their bosses, and their co-workers. It is therefore important to organize seminars for the workers, to be taught public relations skills and how to handle themselves in case of disagreements.

Respect for every one

When every one employee feels appreciated and his/ her work recognized, the employee owns the job and gives his/her very best in the job(Campbell, 2018). Increased motivation results in high productivity and more revenues for the company, and reduced time wastage. Employers need to create a good working relationship with their employees by recognizing them and awarding their efforts immovably.

Quick resolving of issues

Quick resolving conflicts ensure that ill-feeling about the employer or another employee is eliminated (Lexa, 2017). The chances of the indifferences escalating to unbearable actions are reduced by quickly resolving the matter; this also reduces the widening of the gap between the two conflicting parties. A mediator between the two parties is a very important person who will make sure that the two parties agree, thus reducing conflict at the workplace. Quick resolving of issues helps the employers make sound decisions free from biasness.

3a. How organizational cultures affect work relationship

Organizational culture refers to the beliefs supported by organizational structure and strategies to enhance good working relations (Campbell, 2018). A strong culture ensures that the employees know what is required of them by their employers and helps them believe that their decisions are appropriate at the time of decision making. Proper behaviors at the workplace are a culture that is expected from every stakeholder. When the leaders behave well towards their employees, the same will be reciprocated, thus reducing conflicts.

b) Knowledge, skill, and attitude to promote cohesion in the workplace.

A good leader should know how his employees behave when faced with a certain phenomenon; this will help him respond to the reaction positively (Campbell, 2018). A skilled leader should promote team building; this can be achieved by organizing events where all employees participate. The activities that promote cohesion between the members should be encouraged, e.g., finding solutions to existing general challenges in the company, ball games, etc. A friendly relationship between the employer and the employees promotes workers’ self-esteem, thus increasing productivity.

c) Leadership strength

A good leader should have strong communication skills (Campbell, 2018). This will ensure that he communicates well with his employees, making them understand fully the reasons for the decisions made. When the employees are approached respectfully, the chances of conflicts are reduced.


Algert, N. T. (2021). Conflict management and leadership development using mediation. IAP.

Campbell, A. (2018). Global leadership initiatives for conflict resolution and Peacebuilding. IGI Global.

Lexa, F. J. (2017). Leading in serious conflicts. Leadership Lessons for Health Care Providers, 160-165.




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Hello Dr. Myers and Class

Nurse Ratched in One’s Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a perfect representation of what nurses should not be. She is a symbol of the dehumanizing and oppressive nature of service providers. She is nicknamed “Big Nurse” to show her oppressive and authoritative features. She treats her patients with contempt and a lack of sympathy. When she enters the ward, she is described to enter “with a gust of cold (Darbyshire, 1995).” As a leader, she is motivated and well aware of her emotions. Her motivation is to dominate and oppress her patients. The name ‘Ratched’ is reminiscent of a mechanical tool. She has conditioned herself to operate in a certain mechanistic and oppressive manner. However, Nurse Ratched has complete control of her emotions. In the first few pages of the novel, the nurse is wretched to Bromden. Nonetheless, she is able to shift to her “doll-like composure” without being noticed by any patients. This nurse controls her evil nature by showing a docile side. Nonetheless, she lacks empathy, and self-regulation (Darbyshire, 1995). She mistreats her patients by shaming them to fully submit to her. She is self-aware of her power and authority but does not know how to regulate herself. Her actions make everybody around her weak and subsumed.

A nurse leader is critical in influencing better health outcomes. This applies to both the patient and health practitioner. In this case, a nurse leader would apply the change agent characteristics to influence Nurse Ratched. The nurse is portrayed as an intelligent individual who is oppressive and well aware of her emotions. She operates like a machine where she uses her power to dominate patients and reduce them to docile beings. She lacks good social skills since her interaction with other characters is oppressive and dehumanizing. However, she not entirely mechanical and heartless (Mahoney, 2011). Her physical appearance in the ward gives her a mother-like characteristic which prompts her to act as “an angel of mercy.” As a nurse leader, I would influence her to be accountable and honest to her patients. Honesty should be seen through empathy and a focus to inspire change. Ratched has a façade of compassion which can be converted to real empathy. I would often compliment her for showing empathy to a patient. Nurse Ratched yearns to dominate over patients and thus the best way to inspire her to change is to make her feel complete control through her actions.

Chaos theory is a complex hypothesis that suggests that some dynamic systems in the universe are not what they used to be understood to represent. Chaos theory suggests that complex systems can be what they seem to be today but their future is unpredictable. Therefore, the theory suggests that every system is subject to changes (Cathro & Blackmon, 2021). Given the suitable conditions, even the human brain can experience changes. In this case, chaos theory opposes the judging of Nurse Ratched based on past events. She has oppressed and subsumed every person around her. However, those are past events that cannot be used to predict her future. Given the optimum conditions, Nurse Ratched can reform and show empathy and compassion to her nurses. Chaos theory places a glimpse of hope amid difficult situations. Therefore, Nurse Ratched has the potential of gaining positive characteristics given that her brain is a complex and unpredictable system.

Cathro, H., & Blackmon, E. (2021). Nurse Leaders’ Experiences and Learnings Navigating Through the Chaos of a Pandemic. The Journal of Nursing, 63-66.
Darbyshire, P. (1995). Reclaiming ‘Big Nurse’: a feminist critique of Ken Kesey’s portrayal of Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Nursing Inquiry, 198-202.
Mahoney, J. (2011). Leadership skills for the 21st century. Journal of nursing management, 269-271.





Chief Nursing Officer

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Hello Dr. Myers and Class

Q (1)

As the Chief Nursing officer my disclose of incident to the media is appropriate because the new regulation in an hospital setup require a report to any serious adverse drug reaction and medical device incidents to health, this help other public health offering the medical services to be more careful when administering medication to patients. Through the media the chief nursing officer apologies to the family of the deceased hence preventing negative rumors in the public ,when an hospitals is open to the public it increase its service to avoid more future issues related to medication ,since every nurse will want to protect their reputation.

The media will help the public know that the nurse who are involved in errors are no longer working in the health service center hence fear to access the health facilities will be avoided. The risks that a Chief Nursing Officer may encounter is negative response from the rest of the workers as to why the Chief Nursing Officer had to report the scenario to the media since most people opts for inside job which is very dangerous to the health of patients. The impact of Chief Nursing Officer in addressing the media, it will add advantage to the Management department since it will avoid the hospitals being closed or operate under tight investigation. The benefit that be accorded to Chief Nursing Officer is that can call for a promotion and highly recommended for honesty and transparence. (Kadivar, 2017).

Q (2)

The Chief Nursing Office may refuses to disclose such scenario to the public because of the fear of the Health facilities having a negative reputation to the public since may people will at all cost avoid hospital that have cases of incompetence doctors and nurse who have even led to death of some patients who could survive, the Chief Nursing Officer may also have fear of the closure of the health facilities, since when such cases go vital by use of media, it puts the health facilities under tight investigations if it really have a well set up of equipment’s that are needed, investigate other nurses who are in the health facilities if they have qualification and requirement, media information about the health facilities may led decrease in profits of the health facilities. The influence of this decision on health based healthcare may led to worse medical negligence since they are not exposed or stopped from the employment, public will be unaware of the negative side of the health facilities hence continue seeking service that led to many loss of life and finally it does not encourage the management to be careful in future mistake that can bring down the health facilities. Openness to public should be a key to any Health facilities. (Ross, 2019).

Q (3)

If I was the patient’s family I could want the Chief Nursing Officer to hold the health facilitate responsiable for the issue of the death that occurred in their facilities, the hospital should give an apology to the family and explain what exactly happened to the victim ,cater for all the medical expenses the family had incurred , to fully facilitate the burial expenses and ensure the immediate family are taken to counselling session to enable them accept the loss of their child death as a result of a careless medicine procedures by the nurse. The Chief Nursing Officer should ensure that the victims involved should be given a warning letter about the past scenario and measures to be put in place if such scenario occurs again, they entire medical team should also be encourage to be careful when handling patients to avoid mistake that can course the life of many in the health facilitates, lastly I could like the Chief Nursing Officer to make sure the family of the deceased in compensated full on behalf of the loss of their child.


Kadivar, M., Manookian, A., Asghari, F., Niknafs, N., Okazi, A., & Zarvani, A. (2017). Ethical and legal aspects of patient’s safety: a clinical case report. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 10, 15.

Ross, S, (2019). 6 Medical Error Stories that made headlines



Future Developments That Affects Value-Based Healthcare






Future Developments That Affects Value-Based Healthcare

Hello Dr. Myers and Class

Since ancient medical practice, physicians have faced increased pressure to service more accurate and complete documentation while at the same time maintaining their focus on patient care. However, without complete documentation processes and the appropriate technology, doctors risk receiving inaccurate figures ad lower reimbursement rates. Till today, the use of data science to medical care has been under used compared to other disciplines. Moreover, the burgeoning interest in its use to medical practice may have herald a period which might be true in imaging (Andrew Lin, 2020).
What I would create and the problem it solves
Application of Artificial Intelligence in cardiovascular imaging- Artificial intelligence refers to the use of technological methods that imitate humanoid brain function. In health care, it includes bulky medical data quantity used to forecast a diagnosis, detect novel illness phenotypes, genotypes, and control treatment measures (Andrew Lin, 2020).
Cardiovascular treatment is prioritized for accessible Artificial intelligence applications that would infer large volumes of medical and imaging datasets in larger scales than before. Artificial intelligence -improved clinical systems have the possibility to provide reproducible and objective qualitative and quantitative outcomes that can enables medical decisions and enhance workflow. In the future, Artificial intelligence might be used in the cardiac image analytics software and periodic clinical summaries, enabling timely diagnosis and risk classification, and automatically collecting data (Andrew Lin, 2020).

The development of Artificial Intelligence has brought about chances in healthcare to achieve more complex details from imaging, and identify partners in existing data sources that are too sophisticated for the human brain. Today, it remains a question of when the Artificial Intelligence algorithms will prove fundamental for the cardiologist, and the imaging specialists.

How the innovation impact value-based-healthcare.
It improves workflow and efficiency as it analyzes data as well as aids doctors screen, access, and diagnoses patients. This ensures that the patients’ needs are valued and catered for during the check-ups and treatment. It also limits delays in detecting and addressing anomalous cardiovascular images as they read images in less time, thus showing both patients time value and those of their doctors. It increases levels of accuracy in identifying any cardio-related disorders as its algorithms evaluate comprehensively resulting in high precision. The innovation of Artificial Intelligence tools with vast imaging database will ensure accurate treatment administration and intensify the efficacy of imaging tests for the patients. (Andrew Lin, 2020).
How it will enhance my leadership capacity.
Artificial Intelligence analyzes medical images to access health and forecast any risk of disease thus the ability to apply risk prevention measures beforehand, it also manages huge workloads as it includes machine learning because they speed up scan time and make a more accurate diagnosis, enabling efficiency. Artificial Intelligence has the probability to afford a chance to expand, timely and quality of acquisitions, allow prompt diagnoses, reduce measurement time, that results in improved workflow and better patient care.
The barrier in the implementation of the innovation and how overcome it.

Artificial Intelligence has been widely spoke of in the recent past and yielded promising results. However, the use of the technology in the preset day cardiovascular treatment has been limited. Integrating Artificial Intelligence expertise within an organization can present some challenges. Bodies responsible for its regulation and approval have been reluctant with the software. Health systems cannot adequately fund data science resources, even with in-house data science talent, scaling that expertise to the broader analytics teams is difficult. Teaching data science concepts and skills to existing teams is slow, requires substantial cash outlays, and unsustainable process. (Topol, 2019).

Although Artificial Intelligence theoretically predicts outcomes, improved efficiency of managerial decisions seems undesirable compared to human neural network engagement with the clinical, individual, environmental, and social concepts of individual patients. Shortly, therefore, the Artificial Intelligence practical potential likely to be as an applicable medicinal tool for imaging by specialists and medical practitioners (Ziad Obermeyer, 2016).

How the five-stage innovation-decision process would overcome the barrier:

· Knowledge- getting medical teams in the participating organization to generate realistic ideas that could help fundraise and finance data science resources.

· Persuasion- educating the involved about Artificial Intelligence in cardiovascular imaging practice through an effective learning schedule promotes a fast inexpensive and sustainable process in the organization.

· Decision-approaching medically recognized experts before the implementation of Artificial Intelligence helps in successfully demonstrating the cardiovascular Imaging process which could also involve holding a referendum with the national medical body thus broadening the artificial intelligence performance and scalability.

· Implementation- introducing Artificial Intelligence in cardiovascular imaging in day-to-day medical practices would ensure the practitioners are diligent in demonstrating its benefits to their patients. Soon, as Machine Learning algorithms merged with medical routine for image capturing, analysis and forecast of patients results, customized medicines should help come up with correct and adequate for their patients whose “lives and medical background define the systems (Ziad Obermeyer, 2016).

· Confirmation promotion of artificial Intelligence in cardiovascular imaging through media nationally and internationally would confirm its practice and benefits to those that have experienced it physically and to the public.

Andrew Lin, M. K.-H. (16/6/2020). Artificial intelligence: improving the efficiency of cardiovascular imaging. Tylor and Francis Online: Expert Review of Medical Devices, 565-577.

Topol, E. J. (7/1/2019). High-performance medicine: the convergence of human and artificial intelligence. Nature Medicine, 44-56.
Ziad Obermeyer, M. a. (29/9/2016). Predicting the Future — Big Data, Machine Learning, and Clinical Medicine. The New England Journal of Medicine, 1216-1219.

Running Head: GLOBAL 1


Global Healthcare Leadership






Hello Dr. Myers and Class

The manner in which the social boundary affects my practice or the potential it has in affecting my practice including an example

The particular boundary that I have had a chance to identify that is having an effect on my practice under the social boundary is basically the barrier that is related to culture hence the cultural barrier. In most situations, this particular boundary tends to have an effect that is very great as well as has a great significance in my practice of nursing in relation to the difficulties experienced during the communications. It is quite obvious to have various patients who get to visit the health facilities in search of treatment, however, my working team has had to bring to me various complains as their leader to ensure there is an interpreter who is always available at the facility in order to enable the patients to be attended to. It is still a challenge due to the fact that various languages tend to be very difficult to get an interpreter more so with patients who have an Asian American origin. For example, some past few weeks ago, a certain Hmong happened to visit our healthcare facility with an aim of getting treated, however, she was not in a position to either understand nor speak English. Therefore, in order to ensure she got attended to, I had to get an interpreter to help the process (Florence, 2020).

Being a leader, in what way can you bring an impact on ensuring that there is overcoming the boundary. Examples

Competence that is cultural is considered to be of very great essence more so due to the fact that the nurses tend to have encounters with different patients who come from cultural backgrounds that are considered to be quite diverse. However, if there is an interpreter who is said to be of gets competence as well, then it becomes very benefiting in bringing efficiency especially in a situation whereby there is some language barriers been experienced. Language barriers are known for playing a very huge part in hindering the offering of medical care that is of the appropriate quality due to lack of understanding in between the patient and the care giver. Therefore, with all this knowledge at hand, this particular barrier is in a position to overcome in a manner that is appropriate through making sure that the members of the team are able to understand as well as speak most of the different languages that tend to be spoken by the patients who are Asian Americans. This will work towards making sure that all of the patients are attended to as per the standards of the healthcare without any possible hindrance (Gulati,, 2020).

What type of relationships that are inter-professional can be fostered that are capable of contributing in overcoming the social boundary. Specify as well as offer a rationale

Team work in addition to collaboration are both considered to be of very great essence when it is in relation to ensuring there is the adoption of relationships skills that are basically classified as inter-professional. In any given situation whereby a given team that is considered to be inter-professional ends up making a decision to embrace team work that is mainly collaborative, then the general challenges that are classified under the cultural barriers will automatically without failure get to be addressed. This will not only take place in between the members of the team alone, but in addition to when handling the patients that are been attended to. To a great extent, I will also make sure I get to implement a structure that will have to be adopted of working closely with different leaders of other teams in the seat h of trying to get appropriate interpreters on case out teams ends up encountering a challenge that is related to language barrier during their practice.

In what way will the resources be leveraged into overcoming the boundary that is selected.

With a particular objective of making sure that the resources are leveraged during the given process of overcoming all the barriers that are cultural related within the team that is mainly inter-professional, I will make sure that, every member of the team will be competent culturally. My entire team will get to be educated on all memos that are cultural as well as cultural reports with an aim of providing assistance to the general members in order to ensure they have advanced competency within the provision of healthcare. In addition, the given team will also work towards embracing the cultural humility. During this particular phase as well as period, the members of the team will end up being educated on the ways of being open and sincere to the identities of different people in addition to having an understanding that is basically better on the relationship that is in existence in between a patient and a care giver (Kalina, 2020)


Florence, B. (2020). Missed Opportunities: Lack of Advancement of African American Females into Senior Executive Healthcare Leadership (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California).

Gulati, K., Sarkar, C., Duits, A., & Busari, J. O. (2020). A two-dimensional perspective of healthcare leadership in non-Western contexts. BMJ Leader, leader-2020.

Kalina, P. (2020). Resilient and inclusive healthcare leadership: Black Swans, COVID‐19, and beyond. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management.

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