Global Encounters


1. Please write four short essays of up to 250 words each in response to questions 1 – 4. These questions will help us get to know you better. This is your chance to share your personality, strengths, achievements, ideas, and goals.

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1.Global Encounters brings together youth from all over the world who live in very different communities and have varied life experiences. Please share one life experience that has shaped who you are. *

2. Global Encounters engages youth who hope to make a difference in the world. People use different methods to affect change – from partnering with communities to tackle the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your family, school, or community. *

3. Leaders mobilize and support groups to work towards progress. Describe an instance where you demonstrated leadership in a group. How did you help the group move towards a common goal? *

4. It is often the obstacles we face in life or the experiences we have that shape our character and view of the world. Briefly share an experience when you were faced with a challenge. How did this challenge affect you and what did you learn? *

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