Geography research paper (5 pages long)

DUE DATE: Saturday April 15 @ 1:00PMFORMAT: The research paper should be 5 pages long, doublespaced with one inch margins. Please use standard 12 pt. font and stick with Times New Roman, or Calibri. Please do not use Verdana. Your own choice of citation style will be allowed. All papers must be in a word format, such as .doc or .rtf.TOPIC:Visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act site. (scroll down to “Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act” for easier reading) and the EPA’s Clean Water Act site. Select a problem area of your choice for example: The great garbage patches, acidification of ocean waters, “dead zones,” or the general pollution of the oceans. In your research paper you will discuss the health of our oceans describing the type, extent, and sources of pollutants involved. In addition, the paper must include what plans have been made and/or strategies have been implemented to reduce the causes of these pollutants. Include at least three sources.

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