General Psychology

In what ways do you feel the material presented in this course might assist you in your personal, professional, or academic life? Share a specific topic or assignment that was the most valuable to you.

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Optional: At what age do you think children and/or teenagers should be able to decide if they will take medications to treat abnormal psychological functioning or behavior?

The second half of your Discussion Board assignment will be your response to another PSY 1010 classmate in Unit VIII. Be sure to include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.
***Be sure to proof your responses before posting to eliminate misspellings and typos. Please also use punctuation and capitalize where necessary. Ex- “I” is always capitalized. Proofing your work will ensure that your message is clear and understood by your reader, a necessity in communication. Points will be deducted if these guidelines are not followed



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The entire course is helpful in being a little more abreast of psychological conditons and struggles that people around me may be working through. Especially in the military, where there are a ton of different stressors and a ton of different experiences that cause a collection of conditions. It is good to be able to better understand what I may be dealing with when working through someone’s issues with them.

I believe every teenager’s age of consent to this subject is different, because as we all know, everyone’s maturity at a given age differs greatly. As a general rule of thumb though, I think 17 years old would weed out a great deal of the teens that are too immature or uneducated to make decisions about their health.

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