gender identiy m1a3 Catherine Owens

This assignment challenges you to examine theoretical perspectives about gender identity and compare them to your own gender identity development. You will use your personal experiences to answer questions about identity and explore any related conflicts or affirmations as to whether you agree or disagree with the accuracy of the theory you picked.Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research theories of gender development (such as Social Learning Theory, Cognitive Development Theory, Gender Schema Theory, Gilligan’s Gender Identity Theory, and Gender Transcendence) and current perspectives on the role of nature and nurture in gender identity development that might help explain your own gender identity development. Answer the following questions.Describe the gender theory that you picked.Analyze the accuracy of the interpretation of the theory and how it relates to you—do you fit the mold?Explain how gender identity may have changed in the past 2–3 generations (i.e., your parents and grandparents) with changing dynamics in family (divorce, single parents, women in the workforce, Title IX, etc.).Reflect on how your gender identity impacts the way you communicate with those of the same gender, different gender, etc.

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