
 Analyze your game…

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  • 5-7 paragraphs
  • Include game summary
  • Identify your games strengths (what worked)
  • Identify your games weaknesses (what didn’t work)
  • Explore changes you would make in the next iteration and why
  • Summarize what trade-offs, dilemmas, and risk vs reward situations are and how individuals individuals who play your game will find themselves facing them.


 1-2 page instruction guide for your original game 

write rule by myself:


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1. Every people can make a move for one step, can roll die. If die number is odd, you can not move. If you die number is even, you can move 2 step. 

2. Everyone just choose one line from the begin. If you want to change line, you need go to red circle pieces, or you need go to right top big 20 number.

 3. Every step have credit, when you go to one step, you can get this number credit. 

4. Who can get much credit, his/her will win in 8 mins. 

5. Pink circle you can get half credit and move 2 step, or you just get original credit.

 6. Blue circle you can stop 2 round, or you choose no credit and then move in the next round. 

7. Purple circle pieces you just stop one round. 

8. Orange, green, and yellow circle pieces you just have half credit.

Lastly, you need help me rewrite rule basic by my write. You need give me two documents. One is  Rules x , another one is Analysis x.

Photo is my design game.

no copy, no reference, use your words.  

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