Fraud Examination


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For this assignment, you will analyze a company’s internal control environment for fraudulent activity. You will select an organization from the list below and analyze the organization for fraud by researching the organization using credible sources from the university library.

Your analysis should identify any red flags and internal control deficiencies associated with each case of fraud. Contemplate how the fraud may have occurred. In addition, the analysis should include recommendations on how to correct the deficiencies to prevent the fraud from happening in the future.

NOTE: You may make assumptions. All assumptions should be disclosed in the notes to the presentation.

Prepare a presentation (audio and visual) of your findings to the company’s audit committee.

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The following are the organizations that you can choose from for this assignment:

  • McKesson & Robbins
  • The Great Salad Oil Swindle
  • Equity Funding
  • Cendant Corporation
  • ZZZZ Best
  • Sunbeam Corporation
  • Nortel
  • Qwest and Global Crossing

For the presentation, create a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover. The voiceover will be the narrative that you would present to the audit committee.

The PowerPoint presentation must include 12–15 slides. The first slide must be a title slide, and the final slide will be your references. A minimum of 3 credible sources should be used to support your research.

Please review the instructions


for details on creating a narrated PowerPoint.

Review the following videos on creating an effective presentation:

  • TEDx Talk on “Avoiding Death by PowerPoint” 
  • How to Create an Awesome Presentation 

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