
As you read through the required materials for this week, you should come to realize that forensic science has developed over time, and you should understand that development is critical to understanding current forensic science principles and processes as well as likely future developments. The information on the

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Forensic Science History (Links to an external site.)

web page will further your understanding of this progression.

Using the required readings for this week and two additional credible resources from the Ashford University Library or another credible resource, create a historical timeline describing the major events within the field of forensic science. Your timeline should bullet point the significant events in forensic science, giving the dates, a brief synopsis of the event, and if possible, the person(s) most responsible for the event.

After you complete your timeline, analyze the event you find to be the most significant, including why it is most significant and its overall effect on the development of forensic science.

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Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 250-300 words in length using APA 6th edition formatting. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

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